T'was a good day in July

Written by Fuzz on 7/30/2009 12:47:00 AM

Song Of The Moment - Live Your Life - T.I Ft Rihanna, i was listening to this song on the train today. Complete utter silence the beat was rocking in my head. Then i heard this awesome quote which related to a conversation about materialism and stuff i had last night. But i thought, hey lets listen to the lyrics for once. And i was glad i dd, T.I pulls out a good line in there. Here it is:

"Stop lookin' at what you ain't got, Start bein thankful for what you do got"

Good old midnight typing, drowzy eyes, blurry vision, numb feet, scary shadows by the window and silence... Thats not right my music should be playing, why is it so silent all of a sudden.. There you go the volume was on mute.. ITS OK!! Yeeeaah well, today, or should i say yesterday its 12:40AM so technically its the next day? I call this time of night mornight. Well i just had my last day of uni for the week, 2 days of uni a week is fudgin awesome! 5 Day break, if only i could get a job then i'd be living the good life. As T-Pain and Kanye say. So what am i going to do the next 5 days.. i'm thinking of save money, Psht yeah right i couldn't save 5 cents if it was to save my life. I'd find one of those charity whirling bins where your coin goes around in circles and spend my last 5 cents on that. No but really i need to try and save, going overseas soon so i need cash to burn over there, P.S burn means to spend alot not to literally burn.. thats illegal in some states peepz, see you learn something new everyday. So in my attempt to save i will try and not go out during my 5 day break and be somewhat productive.. *Foresees future, i see i see.. a couch.. potato chips.. underwear with no pants... a playstation... a marshmellow fighting a carrot... junk food.. television.. computer.. a 3 legged cheese sheep.. Roger serenading a tomato..* ... okay no comment? In response to that wierd future.. i say Save money. It Will Happen! YES WE CAN!!

So yeah. Right my day. I was having an awesome sleep i mean the best, 10 out of 10! Then it got ruined by that damn alarm clock. So.. you know what that means right? Wake up? No dumbthumb! Snooze Button.. probably about 5 times. Those miniature sleeps inbetween the snooze button seem like the best sleeps ever, i don't know what it is about being woken up mid sleep. But when you go back to sleep after waking from mid sleep the sleep just feels so much better. I've said sleep so much times that it's lost meaning to me, i don't even think im spelling it right anymore. So the snooze button was abused for awhile then i finally jumped out and got ready for uni. Dressed, kissed the monkey, Patted the cookies, put on the undies and i walked out of the house. Ever walk to a bus stop and see the bus coming up the road? You kind of have one of those frozen moments where you think.. Oh no... i hope my fly isn't open (anyone who knows me, knows i have this problem ALOT). So the bus is coming and i'm thinking.. should i run for it? I opted for No.. i shouldnt run. Why did i opt for that? Because.. That all?.. Yup... No really because its morning i cant be bothered running aaaaaaand because remember that script writing thing i said i was working on. It was in one of my earlier blog posts. Well i developed a character, a Vain character who's created a whole list of rules and steps he and everyone else, he thinks, does and should abide by. And one of those rules i wrote for him is to never EVER run for the bus, your a loser because 83% of the time you miss it and look like a dweeb, and your not a dweeb your awesome So dont Ever Run for the bus. And i followed this Vain character's rule. I had to wait about 10 minutes later for another bus to come. I was freaking out because i could miss my train now, so i was unsettled on the bus.

Then the best thing happened, and because of it i put my right foot down and announced to the little man in my head, his name is Tito, "Today is Going to be a Good Day!". Why was i saying this to my head, and hopefully not out loud (i dont remember), because the bus i missed broke down and we overtook it. Then another spare bus came by and picked up the passengers ahead, God just picked it up and threw it on the road. So our bus was smooth sailing. I got off the bus and walked over to the train station. Whilst walking i was thinking about a conversation between me and zain where we insinuated the fact that we could possibly meet at the trainstation by accident. Like no way could we get there at the EXACT right time but what if.. right? That'd be just major awesome coincidence-ness (Awincidence), like the time when we were arguing at school and Henry said shut up to which we Both replied, simultaneously, "You Want Some!!".. High school good times.. But im getting off subject. So i thought what if hes there. As i walked down the stairs i tensed up and tried to look like a buff superman, I don't know why its only zain why do i need to look like a buff superman? But no.. he wasn't there, all that tensing for nothing, and i most likely looked like a jackass to random bypassers. So i went to by my ticket, head down and all. After i bought my ticket i turn around and go to the place where we insert our tickets, excuse the crappy explanation i don't know the name of it. When out of the red, screw the blue, i see this big familiar head. I almost walked into a hobo because the head captured my attention. Time stood still for a moment as my eyes and my 'darlings' eyes met. It was beautiful, Yeah im talking about another guy here.. Ever heard of Bromance?! So i walked over to put my ticket in and we walked past each other exchanging small talk, Me the idiot kept my earphones on and completely disregarded my own iPod etiquette! I said "Do i even know you?!", Cause thats what you say to strangers. And Zain said "bzxdanielhpuradcliffedfkje"... i couldn't hear my earphones were off.. DAMNIT ETIQUETTE RULE BROKEN!! But i must say that was a awesome little coinc.. no new word time.. Aweincidence, mixture of awesome and coincidence. And it further led me to believe that today was a good day. The train was on time and it was all smooth sailing. I got to uni half an hour late, just catching the last part of the lecture. I walked in as she said "Goodbye". I thought.. thats all? BEST. LECTURE. EVER! So i walked out and hung out with some friends. One of them the freaking awesome person she is bought me fortune cookies! I was after these things for so long and she actually bought them. My fortune cookie cravings were gone when i had one.. and they werent all they're cracked up to be. I don't know if it was the taste or the fact that my fortune was totally stupid and biased and pretentious and its a poo head! It said "Your secret admirer will soon reveal himself"... YES!! It said HIMSELF! Wasn't bad enough that the western sydney uni dudes call me a panzy, the fortune cookies had to turn on me too.. Bath turds! My relationship with fortune cookies is now OVER! The days we spent watching the sunset together are a blur now! Anywho after that i went to class, saw some batistas, made a fool of myself within the first 5 minutes, got some homework then left. I had to go buy books afterwards. So as i was walking towards the bookstore, the automatic doors opening i hear a siren. Then some guy appears out of nowhere and says sorry you can't enter. I guess me buying books and spending money were not meant to be.

Anywhom, So today after university in Penrith, the outer rims of the land, i journeyed back to the land Of the Eastern Suburbs to the town known by the locals as "The City". I had waited at the stables for the carriage to arrive with my compadres. The carriage had finally come in sight after 15 minutes of wait and as it got closer i saw it said in big fleuro yellow letters "Bankstown", This was not my destination but i strode into strong and unworried hoping it was a typo of some sort. The travel was long a nigh but i was accompanied by townsfolk on the carriage known publicly as "Cityrail" but to others "Shittyrail", the name derived from their poor services (They don't give napkins when serving cheesecake.. hell they don't even serve cheesecake.. I KNOW!! Its preposterous that this so called public transport doesnt serve cheesecake!) The journey on the carriage was long and prosperous but i was in good company as we had cracked many jokes, made impersonations, poked fun at things and laughed so loud that the people in our carriage were beginning to get annoyed. We sacrificed their comfort for our entertainment, we are true humanitarians. But the fact that the train said Bankstown had me worried i could possibly end up on the backside of a cows frontside. And that is not a very comfortable place, i would know. The carriage had dropped off all my compadres at their stops. Thy being a city folk was riding Shittyrail the longest and had to wait til the end. Then it hit me, they call it ShittyRail because of its Terrible Services, and the Bankstown Typo was just another of their mistakes. I figured this out myself.. No the announcer lady, Beatrice, did not announce that the trains destination was Central thats poppycock. So i'd arrived safely at my destination where i was to meet Pinochio. The story shall unravel in present-day tongue so the youngens may understand. I called him and said "oh look MX" and in response i hear "Get two"... Cause thats how we speak in this day and age, theres no need for a hello who is this, just look at the name of whoever's calling. Yes Pinochio is Zain! We then met and fed on food. I was craving a whopper Zain was just hungry, As you do. Hungry Jacks Burgers Beats Maccas Burgers HANDS DOWN! Zoo Magazine can suck my chupa chup! They rated big macs better then whoppers. Some hobo guy was standing near us the whole time we were eating, freaky i swear i thought he was gonna snatch a chip and pretend it never happened. Zain thought he was attracted to us, No im not putting words in your mouth you know you said it. Then he disappeared... then reappeared with a soft serve cone. I think if your homeless and go hungry jacks you get free soft serves... SO, Bucket List Addition: Dress as hobo and get free ice cream. Afterwards we checked out Espionage a hip hop apparel shop where they sells some fly sneakers, smashing hats and some maaaaarvelous t-shirts. Had my eye on a pair, but i was being picky and thought the colour didn't have the piz'azzz that i needed it to have. Get my drift? After this we cruised around the city and entered Kinokuniya. Izzy?! where are you?! First and foremost we look at comedy section, theres a new book next to Furverts, its called the Penis Pokey. Not nearly as ambiguous as Furverts. This had a hole in it and we all knew what it was designed for, where as Furverts was hidden by fur. And just a heads up.. DONT GOOGLE THIS BOOK! We then continued on looking at comics and glancing over at the japanese magazine section. Hopefully looking for a black doo rag or a pair of eyes just watching us from somewhere. But sadly no.. no Izzy to be found. Heartbroken we waz we really wazz. Then we looked at stationary zain wants a noticeboard and i want a scrapbook to put in some... stuff. We didn't find it so we walked away. To JB Hi Fi, but they were boring too so we went EB... they were boring too then.. we ultimately went back to Kinokuniya. But not before chilling on some steps nearby watching ipod videos and just talking about stuff, we didn't dnm it was too public and im pretty sure the lade in a black trenchcoat was a spy. You may have foooled everyone else with the busking act but not me! What can i say it's fragrance is alluring. Like that? nice big words right. I bought my journal/scrapbook and zain didnt find his notice board. So we're going Ikea sometime soon. What he DID find was an erotic short story book.. Yes! he almost reached for it.. funny cause for some wierd reason a book called Gay Short Stories caught my eye. The fortune cookie got to me! We had some time to spare afterwards so we went Gloria Jeans and chilled. A Mochacinno for Zain and a Tim Tam iced chocolate for me. Wierd right, hot and cold drinks you wouldnt know if it was summer or winter.. oh well. We then chilled there i ripped open my scrapbook and we just talked about how things came to be. How we formed Team Jar2, how we all met, how high school was and maybe could have been.. just plain reminiscing about the past. It was nice. Good to catch up over some drinks in a relaxed environment, unlike hungry jacks where we had a homeless guy standing around us, no offence to you guys im not a hoboist but it was rude. ETIQUETTE!!! MAN!! But sadly the time was limited, we had to leave by 8. So we said our goodbyes and departed. The day was over.. and i was right It was a Good Day. =D

Anyhow Im Out! PEACE!!!


Comment by CINTAAMONYET on July 31, 2009 at 9:54 PM

i cannot BELIEVE you went to kinokuniya without me!

my heart is aching because of you guys!

oh well, i'm heading there tomorrow to get my brother's birthday present =P

you know...i think you and zain should get my next birthday present from kinokuniya...preferably some stationary...or maybe a japanese magazine...or anything japanese for that matter *hintnishikidoryohint*

Comment by Fuzz on July 31, 2009 at 10:07 PM

buddy, i already bought you a kinokuniya gift its getting old.. next year your mind will be BLOWN AWAY!! *plans to buy a blow dryer*

Comment by CINTAAMONYET on August 1, 2009 at 12:05 AM

ah yes you do so. forgive me fuzz-san.
well...you can buy me another thing from kinokuniya.

and no, i don't need a blow dryer thankyouverymuch!


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