Hey, Thats Me!

Written by Fuzz on 7/18/2009 11:05:00 AM

Ever had someone else tell you who you are? No wait, ever had a Quiz tell you who you are? Cause they can talk now. Quiz's are fun, and their results are fun-knee. And as i said in a MSN conversation with Zain the other day "I'll feature it in my blog". I cleaned up the language cause that makes me sound more sophisticated. Anywho, a Personality test on this site http://kisa.ca/personality/. Zain gave me the link and it's supposed to be spot on My result is INFJ, wierd now but when you do the test you'll see. It's other title is "The Protector" sounds snazzy right? Cause thats how i roll. I actually don't want to copy and paste the whole description here, cause that'd take up a whole post and.. we don't want that do we? I do, cause it means more talking about how awesome i am, but for your safety and well-being (of being overloaded with awesomecoolradicalfantasticalness) i won't do it. Instead i'll write some of the characteristics and link you to the site to prove its true. Off course theres a site, i mean its about my personality so there has to be a site dedicated to it, Naturally. INFJ, Or the Protector personality is the Rarest personality type; estimated 2% of population. Value personal integrity and "being true to yourself" (Haha reminds me of a certain math teacher). Are on a lifelong search for a unique identity, abhor evil or injustice, especially that directed towards the innocent or helpless (Hell yeah), rarely get into conflict, but when it erupts, can be very bitter, aren't terribly career-minded, love personality tests and other self-improvement tools (This is one hell of an example), love quotations and are often "philosophers" , need to confide in others and express opinions and feelings about others, are artistic (and natural affinity for art), creative, and easily inspired and prefer one-on-one relationships to large groups. Holy googamoonga that was long. Heres the link for those results, http://www.infj.org/public/infjness.html. You don't have to, im just throwing it out there. I think it's sort of spot on, minus a few details but..yeah, wow. What do you think? Even though you the reader, if i know you personally or not, are seeing the online side of me here. And look it's taken up the whole post. Try it, see what you end up with. And we'll swap info and giggle behind closed curtains.

Anywho, i was playing Sims 3 again. God i'm addicted to that game all over again. Its just fun playing a game where all your doing is living.. I mean where do they come up with these ideas, make a game where all you do is live life. I swear they should turn that into a tv show or something... I hope the sarcastic, stupid joke i was trying to make got through, but the game actually is really fun you can customize the shit out of your characters and theres heaps of other stuff to do in it other then living. Anywho my game got cut short because it randomly shut down! How's that i play for an hour get married, make a baby, become a rock star, forget to save and it shuts off. And to think i bought a whole new computer JUST so i can play it. It runs heaps good, fast, smexy graphics and everything. This is the first time its happened, and i just updated the game. Evil EA games updating my sims and then making it crash! Last thing i remember was trolling forums on my sims computer.

SPEAKING of forums. I was on my favourite forum of all time Totalawesomezone (i even made the banner above look look look!), A little bit about this forum i joined it a few years back when i was REALLY into Smackdown vs Raw and always looking up created wrestlers on this Gamefaqs website. One day i got e-mailed by some mysterious person and it said "Click This Link". Me, being the naive, young kid in a red hoody, clicked it and was transported to a forum called TAZ, and surprisingly not a website that would sell me viagra and give me free viruses. With usernames such as Catbird, Oldwrestlingfan, Bodyguard and the guy who e-mailed me WWEManiac. Yes CLEARLY its a wrestling forum. I stayed cause it was a fun place to talk about wrestling, games, movies and what not. 2 Years later its the same place but with more people such as my friend Huntman or Hunter (his name is a mystery even to me), who also has a blog check it out here, he's the EgotisticalAwesomeGuy... WITH a beard. I'm more awesome though. So theres a history lesson on what i do on the internet (and it's not things that start with p). See we're getting to know me, and that's ALWAYS a good thing. Anywho the site had this video posted, best scene is the last part
I'll finish this post with this awesome video. This guy's the the look and sound, he's hella creative, an awesome impressionist and just all round clever with the lyrics.He goes by Alphacat on Youtube and has way more awesome videos just like this one. His songs aren't just clever they sound good too. Once again i found out about him from Zain. Jeez he's mentioned so much here you'd think there was something going on... Yes.. think. What? You didn't see that. ANYWAY, I reckon this version KILLS Jamie Foxx's version.
Thats two videos, and a post im pretty sure that was all about me, It's ok thank me later, you'll get more of me soon. Now im off to go see Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. Peace!!


Comment by Pigar on July 18, 2009 at 10:25 PM

I'm an ENFP. I'm an..Inspirer :D

Comment by Hunter on July 26, 2009 at 10:59 PM

You wished you were more awesomer then me! FOOL...tee hee


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