Fashionably Late

Written by Fuzz on 7/28/2009 11:48:00 PM

Song Of The Moment -Wonderwall - Oasis... myess another classic in my eyes

Oh... This is nice. After a nice long, busy day. My Comfy Robe, Slipper and some tea. Yup, crumpets, pinky's up, biscuits and a little itty bitty moustache. Ohhh its so nice.. Jealous? Anywho, awhile back like waaay waayy back.. *count with fingers* about 20 minutes ago i had to go out back and check some clothes. As soon as i opened my back door a breeze of cold, fresh air slapped me in the face. But not a slap from a angry beaver.. no.. the good kind of slap, Like when.. wait a good kind of slap?! Since When?!!? Anywho i got a nice whiff of fresh air. So i looked up to see a bright bright crescent moon shining down and for the first time in awhile i saw the stars. Yup, im getting the chicks talking like this right?... i also dont need to talk like this to get chicks, i just appear. But it was nice to look up at a clear sparkling sky, bummer was the cold. It reminds me of Summertime, Yess once again. I miss summer, the warm nights and just sitting out there, looking up and pondering... It also makes me think about Star Wars and the awesome jedi battles going on in galaxy's far far away. And just the whole what is out there.. and why i enjoyed astronomy back in my younger days. Ahh just nice, quiet, peace.. specially after a long.. long.. day. Speaking of Star Wars, i'm on the lookout for some nice Star Wars Gear, Clothing (specially Marc Ecko they make some nice stuff, check this out). It'd look awesome, theres no way i'd ever find these in Australia but they'd be sooo cool to have!!!
Anywho about my day and why it was such a bummer and why its sooo nice to relax now. This morning i had to get up at about 6AM for university... Why 6AM? BECAAAUSE i go to university at a place that is 2 hours away. So! i got up, showered,i did a pooper, prayed, ate nutri grain, Protein makes us boys big and strong, got out of bed, put on my clothes and then left.. In that order. It looked like a good morning, im sure i was going to be on time. It was all going well, the bus came 10 minutes after id gotten to the stop, there was no traffic, a man with WAY too much cologne sat next to me, a hobo came on at redfern, and i was all smiles walking into Central train station. I swear if someone saw me they'd think i was on crack for smiling for no reason, in this world smiling for no reason is unacceptabe.. oddly enough. So i bought my ticket and it all seemed like smooth operatooorrr. The schedule said my train would be there within a minute, so i put in my ticket and ran up those steps. I was a champion, i ran! Therefore that makes me a champion. I got there and a train was there and it was for another stop, so i thought ok i'll wait. Next train came 2 minutes later, same train... Deja vu eh? The eh sounds exotic eh? So then i waited for my train which was supposed to be arriving in a minute... 20 minutes later.... "Due to a fatality on the north shore line the trains will be delayed"... Mother funking Bath Crunk! This is the second time the trains stuffed up at the start of my uni semester, last time it was a 3 hour delay at blacktown. This time time few minutes at Central. I found me a train that'd take me halfway. Sitting on that train i thought i am on my way the day is looking up watch out world my chest is up and im busting out like Kool-Aid Man! I'd arrived at this halfway train station, almost there.. 40 minutes to go for my lecture if it arrives soon... but one thing i learnt through my wisdom and past experience, I believe myself to be one of those old kung fu masters with long white beards and wise awesome words.. anywho one thing i learnt is nothing EVER goes as planned. BUT things that go as planned are never as fun. Read the Quote Lennon was right, Wing-age is the Bomb Diggit. But not in this case, i walked off my train to see that i wasnt the only one wanting to catch a train to Penrith, or on the particular train line. Lets just say this, it was a mosh pit at a train stop. There was ass grabbing, elbow touching, bag swiping, face tickling and... man am i lucky i didn't get caught. So here we were me and a 100 others waiting on the train at platform 4. I was looking across at the 3 other platforms and wondering.. "maybe the trains are there". And good ole Roger, Bob's good twin brother, had answered my question. Because the loudspeaker said out loud "If you are on the way to Parramatta, Blacktown or Penrith please move to Platform 2". Oh man its funny as soon as he said 2, it was like a synchronised dance everyone rotated and moved towards the stairs and towards platform 2. I wondered to myself.. Man i wish i was on platform 2 and watching the suckers on platform 4 get surprised looks on their faces and running towards the platform that i'm already standing on... suckers, did i already say that? Ohh sometimes being the audience is fun.... if only i was one of them.. i was the sucker moving from 4 to 2. Rushing past, shoulderbarging the old man with a cane, throwing marbles on the floor to slow down the foot race, beating a rat with a cane, it was all out war i think.. Way it really went was just civilised people walking towards the platform. So once i got to platform 2 as i was walking down the stairs, Feeling taller then everyone because i could see the tops of their heads, I saw two familiar faces. Saxman and Mister Haleeeem. Got a little chit chat going on with the two and we waited for the train. It was packed, and the platform was packed. So getting INTO the train was a whole nother war. The doors opened, i stared down the moustached 14 year old bot to my left and the hobo in a suit to my right. It was war for whoever got into the train first.. but little did either of us know that the freaky bastard high school students got in before us and it got way too full. Saxman, Haleem and i couldn't leave no man behind.. NO i did not say "Screw you guys if i get on alone".. thats preposterous.. So i stood back, Pulled or pushed back actually, as the train got full. We walked across the platform to see if there was anymore space, the platform was getting empty. We were practically the last 3 to not get on. And the selfish train pee bodies didn't move further into the carriage to create more space. Instead they said "Bad luck boys, and smiled at us" So i waved at the old mojofudger and said goodbye as the train sailed on by. But minutes later Roger came through again and the loud speaker said "Another train is going to Penrith on platform 4". I thought, this is some cruel trick to make me exercise. There are alot of stairs involved in switching platforms, i think Roger isnt as good as he thinks he is. So we got there and waited and oh my god it was a train in shining armor. It was the new new new trains that have cool comfy bouncy seats. Consolation prize for making us wait... but it was too late. By the time we got on it was time for my lecture.. So i missed my first lecture of the semester... damn Shittyrail! I'd speak about the rest of my day but that was pretty long, so fare thee well peepz. Peace!


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