So, We saw Harry Potter and the half blood prince today. Before i get all analytical about that movie i just have to say either that movie has a bunch of hilarious sexual connotations OR i'm just a dirty minded boy. Dumbledore - Harry take my hand... Lets all remember now, Dumbledore, J.K Rowlings said herself, is gay. Harry - Professor is this your hourglass? And thats when i said FIGURE! get it hourglass figure... After all as Pigar says, he wanted to "Collect" Harry so he holds private dinner's for special students. The finger licking guy was sitting on his right, CLEARLY, licking his fingers. But anyway's enough of that. Here's a cool pic of the Harry Potter cast, Emma Watson's so hot.... Get back to that later.The Half-Blood Prince, i just gotta say Wow! As a movie that was awesome as an adaptation it was missing some stuff, but who cares what we got was a really good Harry Potter movie, and maybe my favourite one to date. My theory is David Yates was making a Harry Potter movie, not adaptation. Hope that makes sense. But he was selective with what he wanted, added some touches as if it were any other movie. Doesn't matter if it wasn't in the book, it makes an impact in this version. But it was heaps good, loved how most of the story was back in Hogwarts, they were back in class, there was some Quiditch and it kind of mixed The relationships, with the oncoming battle and the sneaky sneaky. It was Clearly a bridging movie right, cause we know theres a seventh and that probably why the ending was how it is. *My thoughts on ending is in smallest writng at the bottom, i dont want to spoil it* But what made the movie REALLY interesting to me was the cinematography and the musical score. Or as what i learnt at uni Mise en Scene, Basically everything the camera captures. The settings, lighting, props the way it was caught i thought was .. Dare i say.. incredible. It was like they found a spot to take a really good photograph but instead filmed it. Like for example theres a scene where Snape talks to Draco in the hallway. It' not zoomed its from a distance, as if focusing mainly on the castle and i.. AH im just rambling here sorry. But i just thought the movie was visual jizzinmypants for me. Ohh YEAH best choice of words right.

This is just my Harry Potter review, i just got home my legs hurt its 3 in the morning so.. i'll write about my day tomorow. Night Peepz, Peace!
you came home at 3 in the morning, wow - you're starting to go home the same time I used to come home back in Aussie. What on earth were you doing!?
LOOK AT YOU ANALYSING THE FILM LIKE AN ENGLISH TEACHER!! Ahh, I loved it too - I LOVED EVERYTHING - argh, the part when Dumbledore and then - you just saw the camera focus Harry's hand like some uber-duper-super-COOL macro shot. *MASSIVE SIGH*
Haha. Take my hand. Let's not forget the time when ginny err - TIED his shoelace - right, that's why she went down him, shoelaces, right.
She's going to Brown, isn't that the same uni Serena wanted to go to? never mind, I've been commenting ur every post. CLEARLY i'm a fan. And why should I be right? coz you're AWESOME! :D
Oh man we're nasty! =P
English teacher.. no.. no.. NOOO!!
I just loved the movie, specially the scene where harry goes to comort hermione by the stairs that scene looked SO good! OH MY GOD IM GAY! =D
hermione can punch me any day ;)
bro, "mise en scene"? and u say ur out of miss watsons league? SHIT NIGGA!
but yes oh wow shes amazing :D
movie was tops. and hi pigar :D:D
p.s. i like rons look in the top pic
oh and dude im on the verge of getting a blog BUT i was thinking that more than less of our blogs will be on the same topic/POSTS!
zain, get your eyes OFF MY MAN!!!
rupert grint. he may be a gingernut (as rove called him) but he's a sexy gingernut!
i miss williams random dirty comments. crack up much?
I love emma watsons legs....
*wands out boys*
hehe and Ron says - Did you and ginny do it?
i thought by posting as ANONYMOUS my identity would be concealed!! thanks izzy :P
I believe the term is "super-mega-foxy-awesome-hot" =]
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