The Essence Of Drama... Is Conflict

Written by Fuzz on 12/12/2009 03:54:00 PM comments (0)

FuZZ Is Listening To - Grizzly Bears - Two Weeks, I heard it on How i Met Your Mother and thought it was a nice happy song. The show is awesome and the music in it is EXCELLENT! They need a soundtrack or something, also this show makes me want to go to New York even more.

Philosophical right there, right? Meh, i stole it off a Simpsons episode, Whoever can saay which wins this.. 8 year old dictionary. Hey, one mans garbage could be another person's treasures. Sucker.

BUT ONTO WHAT I ORIGINALLY PLANNED TO SAY. I tend to drift. The essence of Drama is conflict, something that Mr Anjam and I realised when we went through our action film phase a few weeks back. While watching we noticed a recurring theme in the movies. See me i use big words now. OHH Every Action movie is Insane karate flips, A man screaming, a master who dies or is too old for this, breaking glass, explosions, A hero with a bad history and doesnt want to fight anymore but then has to come out of retirment to fight again (Then there will be three sequels) and a man getting kicked off some sort of platform. But what is the ONE main thing that movies like Terminator, The Kickboxer, Drunken Master, Toy Story and Transformers have in common.


Every action movie needs that conflict and that conflict is revenge. I mean who goes around beating up random henchmen without an agenda. The strongest agenda of them all is REVENGE! You blew up my house I MUST TAKE REVENGE! You hurt my feelings, I must take REVENGE. You kicked my dog, i must take REVENGE. You ordered a cheese steak sandwich but they give you a chicken pea sandwich, i must take REVENGE. You stole my ex girlfriend from 20 years ago, even though im married now with 2 happy kids, I must take REVENGE. You framed me I must take REVENGE. You looked at me wierd, I must hate you now and then take REVENGE once you stand up for yourself. *Goes on a spree kicking ass, breaking tables, and killing some poor henchmen, who's only listening to his boss's orders so he can get some money to feed his starving family, on the way*. Theres no emotion stronger right?

  • In Terminator the Robot was taking revenge because poor old Arny would never know what it is to be a real man, so he took it out on the humans who keep shooting at him.
  • The Kickboxer, Some thai fellow beats up Van Damnes brother til hes in a wheelchair. Thats enough for Van Damne to take up months of Training and take revenge and kick this thai guys ASS.
  • Drunken Master... There wasnt any Revenge in this.. until OH WAIT! Jackie Chan was humiliated in front of his peers. Time for REVENGE! Kicking ass and drinking booze while he was doing it.
  • Toy Story ... Buzz Lightyear stole Woody's Thunder.. so REVENGE!!!
  • Transformers it was called Revenge of the Fallen! ... That title's so beautiful *wipes away a tear*
Its the truth. Action movies are pure creative, unique movie Golden Masterpieces. This recipe is the OOMPH for Action movies. Add a guy with muscles, a pinch of stunt double who looks alike from the back, a bad guy with particular facial features, put in the REVENGE then WOW. Oscars here we COME!

I'm still trying to find my own OOMPH, so until i do.

Peace Out, One Love.

WIPEOUT can wipe ME out anyday.

Written by Peanut Butter on 12/06/2009 04:55:00 PM comments (0)

Zain Is Listening To Change Clothes by Jay-z

G'day y'all ! I have to say I've seen my fair share of game shows but nothing, NOTHING can compare to the sheer entertainment value of this show called WIPEOUT. Wipeout exudes a sense of unparalleled professionalism never-before-seen on national television. I've got u a lil bit curious now haven't i ? Well just to show a snippet of this pro conduct, we have a pretty co-host laughing AT a contestant whilst interviewing her. Classic professional tv right. But in this pretty co-hosts' defence, the interviewee was a complete banana !

Then again, I guess you'd have to be off-centre and slightly crazy which is exactly why i WOULD DIE TO PLAY THIS RIDICULOUS GAME IVE COME TO LOVE SO VERY MUCH !

Just looking at the obstacles these contestants have to survive, you can CLEARLY see they were made for failing but does that stop any of these players from somehow trying to overcome them flawlessly ? HELL NAWWWWW they attempt...they fail HILARIOUSLY, try again, fail again...there's something really invaluable about this repetition or maybe its the commentators. The commentators make all these sensationalised clown-like comments about each player...i actually think WIPEOUT has found the perfect balance necessary for any game show to be a success story in Zain's world...the only world that actually matters CLEARLY. Now the ingredients are as follows:
  • a ridonkulously aimless game show concept
  • contestants that are pretty clueless just quietly.
  • commentators providing sarcastic/quirky statements
  • a super babe co-host where interviewing skills are not part of the job description.

and that is why i have to come to admire this NONSENICAL game show (thought i'd follow on the theme from fuzzs previous post ) .

Now everybody check your local tv guides and stay tuned for the next episode of WIPEOUT !

Peace YO


Written by Fuzz on 11/29/2009 02:20:00 PM comments (0)

FuZZ Is Listening To -The Outfield - Your Love, GODAMN THIS SONG IS OLD S-COOL!! I LOVE IT!! Watch the Video, You ALL KNOW This SONG! Dont lie.. Or else you go to the lonely corner.. where you don't get any cupcakes! Just check out them mullets, and the 80's settings... we weren't born in this incredibly RAD, Shut up, era.
Remember listening to these songs on 106.5 going to school. Back when we didn't know 104.1 or 96.9 or 96.1 were the "Cool" radio stations. Buuttttt! 106.5 and 101.7 was where it was at BLASTING them 80's riffs and electronic keyboards.

ANYWHO, why is it called nonsensical? Cause i've just forgotten what i wanted to blog about. But i started so i have to keep going. The space leprechaun said i have to. So OK! Here i found something.. You guys know that i'm a Star Wars buff right? Yah im one of those nerds, pants high, thick glasses, buck teeth, can solve a math equation involving a coke can an orange and an elephant in two seconds, freckles, oversized ears and level 100 flame shield ultra fork flinger in war.. craft? But yeah i've loved Star Wars since i was a kid. AAND don't call me geeky because the How I Met Your Mother guys love Star wars Too! But anyways, how cool is this jacket! I'm convinced if i wear this jacket i'll look like that black guy. I want to buy it!

... Nice right? Anywho, i'm just now gonna post a bunch of online videos that you can watch to pass time with. I found them funny, and hope you do too. It's for fun =)


Van Damme KABLAM !

Written by Peanut Butter on 11/28/2009 04:28:00 PM comments (0)

Zain Is Listening To - Some Kind of Wonderful by Michael Buble (the man knows how to dress dude)

As fuzz said, the honeymoon season for this blog may be over but that doesn't excuse our asses for being lazy ! Anywho, all of those foxtel-ians out there would know that we have these new super duper FREE movie channels showing movies non-stop 24/7, maybe now i will finally catch up on all THOSE classics. One channel, SHOWACTION had a van damme MARATHON. i kno how awesome right i totally forgot about mr muscles from BRUSSELS ! So what does one do when he loses touch of a superstar action hero, he runs to the aid of wikipedia.

Full name: Jean-Claude Camille François Van Vaerenbergh
i repeat, Jean-Claude Camille François Van Vaerenbergh !?!?!

now say that 4 times super fast while playing extreme connect-4 :)

Does anyone remember this dudes flexibility ? RIDONKULOUS he doesnt have bones in his legs, and u may quote me on that ! He's got a pretty cool accent too, not as funny as arnies though BUT that my friends is another post for another day. I can't believe I've talked about him so long without sharing a picture. best picture ever !

Now my favourite van-damme training scene !

Yeeep, I taught him everything he knows CLEARLY.

Gotta love 80s and early 90s action films, tooooooo many classics.

Peace yo
ZaiN ;)

Where did 2009 go?

Written by Fuzz on 11/27/2009 08:38:00 PM comments (0)

FuZZ Is Listening To -LeAnn Rhimes - Can't Fight The Moonlight, Yeeeah... OOLDDD.. kinda fruity.. BUT, i BET one or some of you would sing along if you heard it. Don't lie now you fruit loop you. It's a good song, a classic and i watched Coyote Ugly the other day and thought i'd download it. So SHUT UP, i like my music and aren't ashamed.. so kiss my ass =P

Hiiiii, You know this is odd. I used to have like a blog post once a day, then it was a post once every few days, then it was once a week.. now its once a fortnight. Honeymoon season's over for sure.

Anywho, it's the 27th of November. The 1st of December is soon. That leaves us with a month left of 2009, and the first decade of the millenium. Yeah i know, i did the math, i'm so good at maths like 80 + 15 = 100, and 2 + 2 = 5. And shut up to those people who say 2010 is the end of the first decade, that's the next set of tens so yeah.. suck it.

Sorry i had to. 2009 is nearing its end, and what have you done this year? I've always wanted to have that one big achievement or memory from every year. The one that sticks, like the "Hey remember in 2005 you got your head stuck in a jungle gym"... Not that i did, pfft what re-tard gets his head stuck in a jungle gym. Or in 2008 i graduated from Randwick Boys, which was one of the best years of my life. Why? OHH I'll show you why.

These are pics i found in our Year 12 Yearbook. 80's style Athletics? Writing Homo on our tummies at the Swimming Carni? Check Brother D's face, Afro man bottom right. Gooooood times.

But yes 2009's almost ending, and i'm pretty proud with what's come of it. I started Uni, Finished my first year of Uni, met some new and awesome people, rekindled old friendships,
Anniyah was born I'd write her birth date... but i can't remember it.. Best uncle right here, went overseas to Bali (No not Indonesia, that's just a city in the country Bali numb nuts) with the WHOLE family, Ahh i remember its June 25th, My brother got Married, My other brother is about to move out, I got that job.. remember.. as an Extr... ahh hmm... i mean Background Artist and am about to start my career as the second man of the house. Tough Stuff right there. OH AND I got this new job. It's called a Sleeper, I start from 2AM and work til 11AM, no Pay and no breaks. Worst Job i tells ya, and those hours.. and its a 7 day job. F*ck my life. But i'm happy with how it turned out, i guess there were some ups and some downs.

But how can you look up, if you haven't first been down.
Not the most motivational, but it's got the message. Shut up, im trying to be inspirational like Col Sanders and the KFC guy.

OH! And i realised that to do list i have on the right over there.. Yep scroll down, see it? Thanks yuhuh. I wrote that about 4 months ago... and have not done a single one of them yet... It's bad yeah? SO! What i'mma do is change it to a "To Buy by 2009's end List" Nothing like a little pressure to get things going... That's what she said? EWWWWWWWW YOUR DIRTY!

Peace Out, One Love...
Happy Eidul Adha, 1430

Sexual Chocolate!

Written by Fuzz on 11/18/2009 06:02:00 PM comments (0)

FuZZ Is Listening To - TiK ToK - Ke$ha, Wierd. I only just heard this song yesterday at Julio's place, then all of a sudden its all over the radio and tv. And eveyones like WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN FUZZ?! AND IM LIKE I DONT KNOW WHERE I'VE BEEN MAN!

HAH! Remember this movie. One of the many funny scenes. The BEST Reverend. Great Band Name. Godly Jeri Curl. And AWESOME Exit. Zain say's he wishes he has this guy at his wedding.

"That Boy Good"

Just one of them classic films, that we had on video but never bothered to buy on dvd once we threw out all our VCR's.

Peace Out, One Love =D

Friday the 13th, fuzzain style.

Written by Peanut Butter on 11/14/2009 03:25:00 PM comments (0)

Zain Is Listening To - Wheels by the Foo FIGHTERS !

Good afternoon everyone ! Long time no see, i haven't posted in AGES ! why ? was i suffering from bloggers block ? no sorry nothin can block me (fuzz: wat bout that nose of urs ? ) except uni exams ! they were a real BEEHATCH but alas it is all over and so is my first yr of uni ?! time flew like no 2moro...that dude in the background pic on the left, yeh the one wit the cardigan...yes he is he is not gay... yes him he enter the holiday season this wk ! pretty exciting stuff .

Okay so yesterday kicked off my holidays and boy did it BANG. it started with me hijacking fuzz and takin him to george st giordano outlet under the presumption from a pretty young asian that they were lookin for casuals ! so we go and ask for "jimmy" aka manager and we see he's on the phone so we think ok lets not be rude, rather just wait till he's done. SO we wait...and wait...and wait just some more, CLEARLY he was on an important business call. FINALLY hes free only to find out hes already HIRED ! wat an assface.

The next part of our journey leads us to jumma (friday prayer). From jumma we head to angela's to get a haircut where we see julio who as usual requires some sort of situation to be DE-SUSSED ! from angela's we eat, from eating we end up at fuzzs house. i change into my bball gear, farewell fuzz to play some local ball only to reuinte with fuzz and hour and a half later, some say that is too much time apart. i agree wit some say. AND here is where our funky night begins :)

So we arrive, see familiar faces, catch up - ask what everyones doin wit themselves these days - find out ex-randwick boys peepz are in jail - surpising ? slightly. Anyways the last bbq i attended did not involve neither strobe lights nor TIKI torches (thanks fuzz) from the SURVIVOR SERIES. Clearly things have changed since i was a wee lil boy. Yes so we conversed, exchanged humble insults, flipped chicken wings and danced to the beat of friday night WSFM ;) that station is SO underrated ! Oh and the weather was simply devine, a cool summer breeze and just when we thought the night couldnt get any better, faisal whispers "i have explosive entertainment" - he didnt actually say that but for the purposes of saving myself and fariz from the online coppers HE DID :) i ask where did thy find such awesome explosiveness ? *faisal responds wit an access denied expression* i guess once a shifty curry always a shifty curry ?
and OFF we go, 8 strapping young lads cruising the streets of eastlakes (majority dressed in ward off suspicion ofcourse) with no hidden agenda's, clearly just enjoying the awesome weather and before we kno it we're in eastlakes park ?! The rest is a bit blurry but i can recall in order to view this 'explosive awesomeness' some suggested we needed to view it from under the pirate ship (8 dudes, one pirate ship...u do the math). SO as one dude goes to light the gunpowder, the rest of us run for cover because apparently it was going to be MASSIVE. big bluff by my man faisal but nonetheless we shouldve added trenches and worn army helmets for dramatic effect. I had no idea how loud fireworks are ?! as they go off, u notice the apartment building lights surrounding the park start turning its like a light show within a light show? tom stoppard whaaaaaat ! so we're like oh crap, in the craziness some of us ran, some of us chilled, some of us just looked straight up STONED !

i kid u not, 45 seconds later..a police van rocks up. wat are the chances ? *checks demographics* oh...actually the chances are higher than i thought..STILL wat the hell ?!
so two officers come out and ask us how we doin ? next thing u kno they're askin us to empty our pockets ? i was actually wearing bball shorts and they dont have pockets ?! then they touched me where the pockets would be...i told them i was pocket-less...but they wouldnt stop..THEY WOULDNT STOP MAN ?!

wat happened next ? they got their torches out...interpret THAT as u wish u sick bastards ! anywho after a quick search they told us to go home and home we went :)

just another day in the LIFE !

peace yo.

Photographic Nostalgia

Written by Fuzz on 11/11/2009 12:38:00 AM comments (0)

FuZZ Is Listening To -It's My Life/Confessions - Glee Cast, The Dudes. Glee, Is probably one of the best tv shows on tv (clearly) right now. I love it!! It's fun, kinda quirky, Mr Schuester would be one of the most awesome teacher ever, and the music is just tip tops!

Hello. It's me again. I'm foregoing completing my assessment to write a blog. My excuse is that today is my rest day. But i've yet to start and its due in, looks at time "oh crap its 12:48 AM", well i guess its due tomorow then. So here i am, bludging, not worrying, not stressing, and enjoying this spare time i have before i dig my head into the keyboard and search up facts which i would not normally look up if it wasn't for this assessment. Plus side, some of the facts are pretty useful, and i get to use them later on in life and seem like a pompous prick for acting like im smarter than everyone....Maybe thats not such a good idea.

Jeez.. i just rambled there. I swear i only planned to say Hello. Oh here i go again. Stop it! No. Smartass..

So have you ever had that moment where your walking aimlessly around the house, bored, nothing to do, you dont want to eat, watch tv, or sit on the computer. This is usually where a good hobby would kick in, but not even drawing was on my agenda. Then i looked at the corner of my dining room and saw OOLD photo albums. Like Ancient! Like Spanish Civil War Ancient. Like Zain with no facial hair ancient. Or Fuzz without awesomeness ancient... wait, no that never happened. SO I walked over and looked at some oldies. And Oh my GOD are they old. Sorry though i couldnt be bothered scanning them. Back when we were toddlers, pictures of me and my cousin pretending to be ninjas when we were 4, a very candid shot of me as a toddler at an artificial beach and wearing nothing but my birth day suit, me and my brothers looking after Emir, the youngest, who is now so big and old and facial haired... It takes you back to times when things were simple. And all of these photographs have such great stories behind them, and just the joy i see from seeing the happy faces. Theres so much more going on in the picture than what is there though. There was a picture of me feeding a kangaroo.... It looks innocent, yeah cool kangaroo. NO! EVIL KANGAROO! BEGINING OF MY FEAR OF KANGAROOS! Minutes after the photo was taken the Kangaroo punched the bag of peanuts out of my hands and almost came after me, Saved by a park ranger who threw something nearby to take evil kangaroos attention away. Speaking of fears, my fear of Clowns was videotaped.

OFF TOPIC MOMENT: Theres a video of my 4th birthday and my parents got me a clown to come by. The clown was "funny", doing the hokey pokey, and all "smiles". But clowns have evil deadly intentions behind those painted smiles. (See, Evil Clowns Page 43). So in this video the clown approaches junior FuZZ and what do i do? I run off crying, evil Clown aint putting no hurt on me baby! (Crying was a defence mechanism... yuhuh it sure is). Anywhom how that i think of this video... i think its gone. It's a shame, i was too young to realise the value in that video and i think im the one that threw it out. BACK ON TOPIC.

The photos were a nice trip back to memory lane. I saw my old Indonesian Dancing days, We performed on tv once so im a destined star (My part was a prince of some sorts and i had my princess beside me, i was also a player... naturally), this time we went to the snows and i fell over putting my feet in a snowboard (i just quit after that)... Ah really good times. I then started looking at past photos on my computer. And Jeeez we were gronks back in the high school days. Taking photos at the bus stop as the Infamous 359 Krew (We caught the 359 every afternoon, so named ourselves after this bus CAUSE WE'RE GANGSTA!!), Eating Pizza and slurpees during sport, Posing for no reason on top of pandas, Eating at oportos, Climbing boats on zain's road, Eating MASSIVE Hungry Jacks and McDonalds feeds (Like seriously there were 8+ burgers involved), Going Indonesia on my own with Alasdair, Studying for the HSC, Farewells for Randwick Boys... Just wayy too much. I wish i could post some of the photos up, but it would take up SO MUCH MORE space than i already have....

But wow..You realise how much has changed since then, but also what you've gone through to become who you are today. And it's great looking at this pictures every once in awhile, it's not living in the past it, reminding yourself of the past.
Lets all do it. So im glad i now have a diary that saves all my new photos now. I want to make a time capsule now... Hmm.

Whilst i ponder this i shall leave y'all. *looks at post, such a personal post in a way* But
hey you choose to read it so i should let you know more about me.

Peace Out!

Halloween, In Sydney?

Written by Fuzz on 11/01/2009 12:05:00 AM comments (0)

FuZZ Is Listening To -Arrested Development - Everyday People, Old S-Kool, If you hear this song your bound to recognise its laid back rythm. Chilled, relaxed and all around nice tune. Check it =)

Before I start, Peanut Butter Anjam's at The Nas Concert tonight, O.G'ing it UP! So i hope he and the Ali's are having an awesome time, this is Zain's second concert in two nights and second concert EVER!! Now lets have a round of applause for his achievement....

Ok.... Guess not.

ANYWHO! So this afternoon, on my way home from an Engagement i see a bunch of kids doing the "Trick Or Treat" thing. What is this phenomenon? I'm not all too familiar with it, I'm Australian it's got nothing to do with me. BUT! It's taken our nation by storm... Or whatever. I sound like an advertisement. But yeah i see all these kids doing the Halloween thing, something i always thought was purely an American thing. So i guess the thing's travelled over to Australia, and its not a bad thing, Free Candy.. Never a bad thing. And dressing up... Since when was that a bad thing? But heres the sticky gum.... It's only JUST, like instantly, become a thing to do. I mean two years ago.. We tried it. We knocked on doors, said "Trick Or Treat"... and were stood up! We stood there for two minutes while the guy went to open the door, then he opened the door... pretended he couldn't speak english... Went to tell his wife... She came back and just said no... and we walked away. 10 Precious minutes of my life, i will never get back. So this is what we did instead.

Scream mask man (in the yellow shirt) in a fight with a terrorist (the man with the gun) in the middle of the street.
This picture miraculously came into my possession through a mystical USB which was connected to Peanut Butter's computer, then i asked him for it, and he gave it to me... What a Miracle.

So in Two years its become a Hit and the homes have candy ready. It's not even our holiday =O, Our Foreign Correspondant Mr Chau, or Mr Funneldick, or Dickhead Robot, said that it's an actual Public holiday over in the states, and that they go to school in costumes... woah right. Again who DOESNT like to dress up! I wish i was going to a Costume party... stupid assignments, and lack of invites. Yuhuh, imma stay-at-home-on-saturday-loser. And the free candy! Damn i wish i was young enough to go to a strangers house and demand candy again. =(

AND Im sorry to any youngens who came by knocking on my door and getting nothing but Invisible-Untouchable-Unrecievable Candy , I wasn't home and didn't have any real candies.

Oh well...

BACK.... With a Vengeance........ No not really, but it sounds cool right?

Written by Fuzz on 10/28/2009 11:59:00 PM comments (0)

FuZZ Is Listening To - Owl City - Fireflies... This dude is fudging Great! I Thank Pigar for recommending this band to us. Honestly when i listen to their songs i feel like im in a Dream world where its always blue skies and bubbles are floating on by, rainbows are shining and unicorns are playing hide and seek with leprechauns.. No im not high, but these songs are pure joy =D

Heeeyyyy Look At THAT!... It says Written by Fuzz.. WAIT.. Thats not right Fariz is away on holidays, hes not in Australia, hes on break... He's talking about himself in third person... no.No.NO.WRONG! I'm BACK Baby Doll!! Back from the Trip to Singapore, from groping a mermaids statues boobies.. Say wahhh?, Back from having chicken in my big breakfast at maccas, back from having a Cendol flavored Easy Way, Back from having a warm BATH at the hotel (Who has baths these days?) and Back from chewing gum at Singapore... ILLEGALLY. Then To Indonesia. Back From My Brother, Kak Ferri's, Wedding, back from Jakarta, from seeing Pigar for only a day (But oh what a gratifying day it was), Back from a hotel which was a cover for a Brothel, from the Gypsy/Mystic who helped us get our lost luggage bag back from the Airport in Jakarta, back from Bandung and the Indo Batista's, back from Bali and the fantastic Sunset, back from Jimbaran and the awesome destination (Dinner, Grilled Corn, Lobster by sunset), i have returned no longer a Lobster virgin, back from Scuba Diving, back from a boat breaking down and having to walk a bunch of metres in shallow coral infested water, Back from having a massage from a 20 year old woman who looked like she was 12 but DAMN did she have monstrous hands and by the end of the massage she was literally punching the soles of my feet, back from spending a bunch of cash on clothes and nice shoes (I got Brown High Top VANS!!), Back from a hangover in Bali, back from seeing some more batistas at bali, Back from seeing a Tante John (Mrs. John = Hermaphrodite a lady man lady) and see them have a conversation with my sister in laws brother, back from wearing a Chinamans hat at Bali, from Watching The Hangover 3 times on the plane and Back... BACK from my Holiday away from responsibility, my life down under, university and technology. I've said Back so many times its sorta lost its meaning. So Hello Everybody, how have you been? OH AND NEWS FLASH!! Typical Antics is gonna have a co-blogger. Zain's coming! Did you feel that? That tingle? That was Zain breathing through his nose... Chilling stuff.

So i won't tell you about my holiday yet, i'll leave that for some essay later on. We originally planned on not writing til our assignments were over. But i had to do something. I mean i JUST came back and no mention on the blog. I'm sorry for doing that to you peepz.... I love you.... Yuhuh im ready to say the L word. =)

Anywhom my original reason to write an entry. Apart from introducing the new background,
which i hope looks good, i wanted to talk about being a jolly little jelly bean. Why would i talk about being a jolly little jelly bean? WELL! This is why im talking about being a Jolly Little Jelly Bean. This afternoon i was walking home and everything just seemed to be in place. The Sun had set over the horizon, Golden rays of sunshine were glimmering through the trees and a cloudless clear blue sky. I was walking down Coward Street, with the usual Smile i have on my face, Which some would find odd, but whats so bad about being happy, smiling and walking down a road alone?, My latest iPod playlist, Named Happy Feet, chunking it out in my ears. Then a rush of memories came to my head. The Waterbomb fight day, The Roll film, Yelling Spider! then seeing one of our friends (a person who will not be named, i'll just say that they co-write on some blog called typical antics) cross the street just to avoid it, Chilling on Sutherland Street whilst doing the G-up thing and Having Pizza we walked down this road on all of these occasions. And whilst walking down this street today i couldn't help but smile and think of all the good times this one street had for me. Theres like a Bajillion streets in the world, just think about how many more streets would have the same effect.

So yes, Im currently high on life, I have great memories, great friends, a great family and nothing, NOTHING is worrying me. Not even the assignments and exams coming up. F Them i says =D. Enjoy Life, Don't Regret. Instead Reminisce and Then prepare for the next day. Open the Door with your arms wide open, Embrace the world, Welcome every and any opportunity that arises and take in the Beauty the world has to offer.

On that note check this out, My Photographic Attempts.

Life's great, Im high, Good Night. Peace Out, One Love!

Consumption with a Conscience.

Written by Peanut Butter on 10/17/2009 03:01:00 PM comments (0)

Zain Is Listening To - Waiting on the world to change by John Mayer

Fair Trade..?
sounds like such a simple concept to understand yet it seems like it is just too difficult to employ in today's competitive world. However in recent years there has been a sharp boom in the ethical market industry (a good reflection on society might i say) and at the forefront of this trend stands a company called People Tree. Yep this is the random knowledge one aquires studying business at uni !
Basically this company works in line with the simple motif of shoots-and-roots i.e. the company shoots out the latest exclusive fashion trends whilst working closely with the roots - the so-called outsourced labour that feeds the globalised economy. The dilemma that rests with outsourcing labour is the shocking working conditions and less than a dollar wage income received. The question raised is that whether some sort of income be it less than a dollar is better than no income at all ? Food for thought homies.
I've actually seen these "sweatshops" first hand back in Pakistan...well atleast i think it was a sweatshop and dude it isnt exactly a pretty sight.
Anywho People Tree works to alleviate poverty in the world's most marginalised communities and i think it's a great initiative AND the clothes aren't half bad either !

Oh and ALSO it was a mere coinkidink BUT an awesome coinkidink NONETEHLLESS...guess who's collaborating with People Tree for the spring/summer collection 2010 ?
score. :D

check it !

peace YO !

O captain, My captain.

Written by Peanut Butter on 10/11/2009 09:52:00 PM comments (1)

Zain Is Listening To -Do You Remember by Jay Sean (hes totally taking over the US scene !)

THIS MOVIE...ive been wanting to watch the movie Dead Poets Society for like honestly AGES and this morning i finally did.
I am not even going to talk about it in case i create false expectations...just watch it
and tell me you didnt feel GOOSEBUMPS !

John Keating:
'No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world'

enjoy it people, i know i did.

ps. robbie williams plays the inspirational professor (if that isnt incentive enough, i dont know what is !)


We are the Titans, the mighty mighty titans

Written by Peanut Butter on 10/10/2009 11:58:00 AM comments (0)

Zain Is Listening To -This Flight Tonight by Joni Mitchell

Apart from the fact it tackles the contentious issues of racism and discrimination by using American football as a vehicle to drive these themes home to the audience, it is more than less a celebration of the human spirit and does exude a sense of unparalleled optimism by movies end. I raise this point because the other day, my older sister Aysha linked me with this youtube video which i guess u could call a modern adaptation of the titans pregame dance. I really dig both more so because its just young guys having FUN and like LIVING!
Here are both performances:

sorry i dont kno how to show youtube vids on the blog, im like backwards with technology whereas fuzz is like FAST FORWARD...he clearly COMPLETES me !

Peace Yo

There's something about EMMA.

Written by Peanut Butter on 10/09/2009 10:56:00 PM comments (0)

Zain Is Listening To - The Sweetest Thing by U2

EMMA. what a powerful name wouldn't u say? so very very powerful.
so like anyone who knows either me or fuzz would kno that we are oh so infatuated with a miss emma watson.
However thanks to my little sister iman, who rented the movie NANCY DREW i may just fall victim to another EMMA, a miss EMMA ROBERTS :)

Naturally the first thing me and fuzz do when we see a celebrity that we dig, we run to IMDB to run the obligatory background check
and guess what ?! she was born feb 1991 so there is like so much POTENTIAL !
oh and shes also julia roberts niece i think, gotta love the net right ?

i'm not sure if i digged her character nancy more or just emma herself but whatever it is i am GEED !

EMMA WATSON is still number one...and this is one of many reasons why:

"many of u have mentioned that u would like to send me something for christmas but if u would really like to do something in my name, and which would make me so happy, please consider donating to UNICEF"

what a champ

peace yo.


Written by Peanut Butter on 10/08/2009 08:46:00 PM comments (0)

Zain Is Listening To Africa by Toto !

Hello ello ello, yes its true..fuzz has left not only ME but also the blogging world for 3 weeks to celebrate the wedding of his older bro and to catch up with much missed familia. I've seen a photo of him with his grandmother and ZOMG she is a total cutie pie ! haha but yeah i guess im fillin in and boy dont i have big shoes to fill in (no fuzz im not having a go at ur size 13 feet). Alas i shall try my best.

Its only been like 2 days but the void fuzz has left is pretty big. Like today whilst reading mx, there was an ad which said come down to belmore park for FREE coffee on friday morning as we are trying to break the guiness book record for coffee's made in an hr. This is the kind of the thing i would run to tell fuzz about but ahh he's unreachable :(

random sidenote: chillin wit izzy at bronte was EPIC AWESOMNESS !

As for the last thursday post fuzz wants to complete, im'a keep it nice and concise because essay bloggin is the fuzz way of life.

So we went to celebrate our friend nora's bday at trademark and wow the joint is actually really nicely setup. We partied with the above average number of africana sailors, watched some krump battling, heard burchs MANDARIN story and ye it twas good fun. Me and fuzz loved the fact the dancefloor was surrounded by mirrors because we are so NOT vain right ;)

Oh and yes sorry fuzz for taking this long to finally post. Anyways this is more of an intro post for me, im actually flat out with uni work atm but nonetheless i'll update as frequently as i can SO until next time.



Written by Fuzz on 10/05/2009 10:39:00 PM comments (0)

FuZZ Is Listening To -Cascada - Evacuate The Dancefloor

So... I'm going overseas tomorow... Yup... *whistles*....

Peace Out, One Love

Better Late Then Never

Written by Fuzz on 10/04/2009 11:28:00 AM comments (1)

FuZZ Is Listening To -Ooh Wee - Mark Ronson, Ghostface & Nate Dogg, It's from Hitch.. and we alll know what a Will Smith fan i am =P

Yeeeah, how long's it been since i last posted an entry? Sorry Bout that. Hello, how have you been? =P I'm leaving to go Indonesia and Singapore soon, so that'll be another two weeks without me.. but don't worry something grand will most likely happen whilst im gone. And it'll find its way on Typical Antics. Just wait and see.

Since my last post.. what have i done? I'm not too sure, i've been pretty busy lately but not with exciting things. Just responsibilities.
BECAUSE I'm leaving late i have to finish assignments early... To rise you must first fall, or something like that WHAT I MEAN IS before you can have fun you gotta be serious, nothing worthwile is easy. So i anti-procrastinated and finished a few assignments 3 weeks early. Yeah Take That 17 Year Old FuZZ. Early homework feels so much better, not as pressured and you can take as much muffin breaks as you want. It's the life i tells ya.

But what did i really want to post.. Myess. Last Thursday was the long await Team Jar2 Reunion. We hadn't seen each other since god knows when (
Ok i scrolled down my blog, the last time the three of us were together was Emma Watson Day July 18th.. I think). And we were very egg-cited indeed. Me and Zain were so excited we went to Eastgardens at 3! We sms'd izzy and asked her when she'd finished, to which she replied "I have no change of clothes!"... SomeONE wasnt prepared. But Zain and I had things to do beforehand anyways. We had to get photo's printed, find a basketball, buy Dan Brown's book, pick up the photos, fend off the ladies and venture into Africa. It's a hard life i says. ALSO we tried the new chicken shop that replaced the classic Zisti's at Eastgardens. And i must say... this place was DISGUSTING! I felt all greasy inside, i thought if i looked at my tummy i'd be able to see through cause of all the grease. Then we felt sick afterwards, it was all batter no chicken and just eugh. So i URGE you true believers, do NOT go there, HEED MY WARNING!! The shop will make you sick!

Anywhom, whilst we continued to wait for Izzy we sat infront of KFC loitering. Just chilling there, like losers, with no food 2 dudes sitting together at a food court. We went back and forth into the food court like 5 times because Izzy apparently finished at 4...
It was 4:30.. When we had enough we had ENOUGH! Then went to Franklins cause we were suddenly craving Milk! Cause that's what we do. And when we got to Franklins Zain gotta call from Izzy and she was finished. Why does the world work like that.... or was Izzy secretly waiting for us to leave so then she'd POUNCE? These are the questions which we will never find the answers to... So we got our milk, i got Double Chocolate and Zain got Strawberry Milk..Strawberry milk i must say kicks chocolate milks ass, then we met Izzy and were on our way.... where? I have no idea... and neither did they.

We ended up going Izzy's first because lets face it... Hanging out with someone in their KFC uniform is totally uncool on the social cool-ness list.. and Zain and I hold a prominent status in this heirarchy, We are the Masters Of Epic-Awesomeness...
We were born with this title. True Story. So Izzy went home to change which was suppoesd to take 5-10 minutes... So me and Zain tuned into 106.5, classic music, and chilled for what turned out to be 11 MINUTES!! Jeez people don't keep their promises these days do they.

We ended up going Randwick to have some Iskender,
Izzy has no idea what it is and we were craving it. So we go there and on the way to the Kebab shop when we see *gulp*... an Emma Watson Magazine cover! "She was wearing that in MX and ZOMG" Zain said something along those lines. So we went inside to check this Magazine out. We searched far and wide along the 2 metre magazine rack. But this magazine was not to be found.. But instead we DID find some other modelling magazine with her on the cover. Zain snatched it and slowly went through the pages to find Emma Watson, I thought he was going incredibly slow. "What if i miss her page!?"... So i grabbed a magazine, quickly sifted through it and found it in a second. WHO's THE MAN!?!? YESSIR IM THE MAN! Ohhh We looove Miss Watson...

Anywhom! We dragged ourselves away from the magazines and made our way to the Kebab shop... when we realized Izzy needed cash. We were at the front of the store and this happened. We put the poor employees hopes up only to have them fall like a sumo skydiving. So we walk away and make our way to an ATM. See some old Randwick Boys dressed in disgusting looking formal wear. They were going to a social.
The hell is a social? And why do they have a joint one with the Girls school? We never had anything to do with our "sister" school. Anywhom we got the cash and went back to the Kebab shop. Then we realized... The chicken from earlier on. Is STILL lingering in our tummies. We'd lost our appetite and thought... we'll eat later... So once again.. the poor kebab employees dreams were shattered. Instead we went to the park in between Randwick Junction and The Spot. We chilled by the memorial statue for i dont know... an hour or 2? Reminisced, talked about Eid, about how we met and everything. It was nice and relaxing. We had no worries in the world. Zain was on uni break, I was about to go holiday and finished everything and Izzy was finished work... until the next morning. =P The night was falling and we thought it was time we left Randwick and make our way home.

We got in the car, pumped the 106.5 and made our way out of Randwick. We winged it and for some divine reason,
which i played no part in, drove towards Bondi. We were planning to go past coogee. Then we got to Mcpherson street and saw a sign to Bronte. And Zain said "I've never been to Bronte".... SO IT WAS ON! We made a sharp turn right, we drifted left and right and we went passed all these nice coastal houses with boats and then we went to Bronte. I thought we were just passing by, until Zain found parking and was walking away. Then it hit me! I think Zain wants to go to the actual beach. So the three of us went down and sat by the beach, the Moonlight was shining down reflecting the ocean and we stared out at the dark horizons.

"Beyond that line.. Is more water"
"Then eventually you'll hit an island?"
"...More Water"

It was nice, peaceful, nothing but the sky, the moon and the earth. It was beautiful and it was nature, no technology at all. The sound of the waves every so often the dog behind us chasing a tennis ball like mad and these two fellows infront of us. We thought "Hey let's caption what they do"... These dudes started chasing each other, taking photos together, then tackling each other to the ground, start doing air kicks, had a mexican stand off, threw sand at each other, another mexican stand off then tackled each other to the ground. It was hard to keep up. Then we thought... hey let's sing some CLASSIC 106.5 melodies. We went from Eternal flame, to that song Heath Ledger sings in 10 things i hate about you. It was nice, good times and all without technology.
I'm going through a phase where i think Technology isn't connecting us, it's blocking us from real connections to each other and the world. You don't need technology in every part of your life.

Our time at Bronte beach came to an end when we realized time just flew by. But the ocean blew salt into our faces and we kinda realized we were hungry... So... MACCAS RUN!! Then we went home. But the night wasn't over for Zain and I... was it Zain?

To Be Continued... (Maybe... if i have time)


Happy Birthday Emir.... Two Days Late

Written by Fuzz on 9/25/2009 03:08:00 PM comments (0)

FuZZ Is Listening To -Georgie Fair - Picture Frames, Sydney based band, Zain found off a Moove ad (Which i have yet to see but is supposed to be awesome).. and Yeah its a really good song =) Very nice to listen to, road trip-y

So Wednesday was Emir's Birthday, the 23rd Of September. And it was also the day that many people thought was the end of the world or an Alien Invasion! Why? This is why.

Massive Dust Storm from Central/South Australia reached The East Coast and blanketted our usually blue skies with a red tint. It woulda been hella fun to wake up early and see it, and take some photos. What WASNT fun was that i had to wash the car(s) again. The Gods are smiting us for tormenting Rangas OR the somewhere under ground it was Oompa Loompa day. Take your pick.

Anywhom, Yes Wednesday night after all the dust shoved away to Brisbane we were left with a nice clear.. but windy sky. And the Famz decided we'd throw Emir a little surprise party. Sweet 16 Better watch out we rocked that thing like.... A boat? But it was fun getting it prepared. Emir had to be taken out of the house so we shoved him outside to go with my brother, Kak Adi, to pick up my mum. Then my other brother, Kak Ferri, and cousin, Iqbal, went to pick up Crust Pizza.... Mmmmm Peri Peri Sauce.Also earlier that day we went to get some awesome Ice cream cake, the shop moved and gave us a little scare but using my Sherlocke Holmes skills i found their phone number through the window and found out they moved next door. I'm a born detective. So i set up streamers, Balloons and got bubbles ready, got out the cake, cleaned the house, my dad sat there watching tv while i did all this, i prepared the doves and prepped the room. This is how it went. Thought they aren't the best photos.

Its wierd.. whenever i upload my own pics it looks watered down.. stupid blogging. Oh well, it was fun to surprise Emir, Happy Birthday Little Bro, and we filled up enough food that night to pay back for what we missed out during Fasting season. =)

Peace Out Y'all One Love!

Fact, Fiction, Fun?

Written by Fuzz on 9/22/2009 11:45:00 PM comments (3)

FuZZ Is Listening To -Birthday Girl - The Roots Ft Patrick Stump, I'm a huge fan of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon and even more so because he has The Roots as his house band. Like SERIOUSLY THE ROOTS!! THEYRE LEGENDARY AND PLAIN CLASSIC!

Yo Yo, In a nutshell today was pretty Fantastical. Point form, play by play on what was the haps.

  • Woken up Early to my cousin with a sore throat saying to my mum ".... something.. something... sickness" My mum responds by saying, Oh no! i'll go make you tea, go have a shower and get some panadol in you then rest up more. Then i went back to sleep. 10 Minutes later, I think i dont really tell time whilst asleep, My mum walks in with tea and hands it over to which my cousin responds "Oh.. No no it wasnt me that's sick its Bude thats sick, i have to go home later." I'm there in bed, pretending to be asleep and facepalming for my mom. Then i hear "Fariz stop smiling while your asleep" DOH!
  • Woke up 2 hours later, Showered, got told that i gotsta go Lakemba with my momma, Called up the Agency (OMG I HAVE TO TELL YOU GUYS ABOUT THIS SOON-ISH), then left with momma to Lakemba.
  • Scratched my nose
  • Arrived at family friends place, conversed abit, played some zombie killing games, drank some fruity drink tasted like ribena but it was brown, Realised said family friends knows some of my uni friends, then left their place slapped on the L plates and made my way home.
  • Then realized that i wasn't going home, i was going Maroubra to deliver some food AND i was getting paid for it. =O
  • I got paid $50, Jee wizz i wish this was a real job.
  • Went home, but first got some grub with momma, we ate at Ole.
  • Drove home, updated my facebook status, chilled for abit then packed my bag to go study at the library. Yuhuh i aint no Gee up I Came and I studied, sorta.
  • Dressed in Summer Clothes-ish, By that i mean i wore thongs.
  • Went to the city, sat next to some smelly people and faked a smile to pretend that all was okay... even though it wasnt the man smelt like foot.
  • Farted in retaliation
  • Arrived at Martin Place, saw myself in a reflection and said "Damn Yous A Sexy Bitch", Walked into State Library all confident, Aviators, Cap, Music blaring, Thongs clapping etc.
  • Got my stuff, and went downstairs to study with Zain and Julio.
  • Caught up before i really started studying.
  • 20 minutes later wrote some words down.
  • Read Poetry from the Sanchez Files.
  • Realized Zain was also wearing Thongs.
  • Julio wore Sneakers.. Tsk tsk
  • He said it was gonna thunder storm and rain later on
  • We Scoffed it Off.
  • Laughed at things that were happening around us.
  • Listened to Zain's iPod, while he listened to mine.
  • Rated the Fly Honeys at the library.
  • Continued Rating...
  • Julio made an interesting observation, wrote it down on paper, "The Kid there looks like a Tomato"
  • We all look, Discreetly. I used my iPods reflection, Zain smelt his physical appearance.
  • Pointed out that the Best Honey in there was also wearing Thongs
  • Studied for a while.
  • A while means 5 minutes.
  • Saw that the Best Honey fell asleep.
  • I started drawing a picture.
  • We saw pictures of the son of Communications Uncle and he looked Cuban.
  • Realized the Best Honey was only reading.
  • Had to leave, Lindt closes at 7.
  • I had no idea what they meant, but then we made our way out.
  • Used the locker system at State Library, i cut in line.
  • Realized it was Rain and Thunderstorm, So our Previous Scoffing blew up in our faces.
  • Charged out of the Library and onto Martin Pl while playing the "P" Game, say a funny word and the next person has to say it louder.
  • Walked passed the Channel 7 Studios, tried to catch a glimpse of that smoking hot babe that tells the news.
  • Were disappointed to see some "Douche", as Julio says, Rehearsing.
  • Zain and I were screaming at the fact that our thongs were a bad idea and we were getting water on our feet.
  • We continued our charge through the city to Darling Harbour.
  • It got wet and stinky.
  • I fell behind, the Thongs began to hurt, Zain was also beginning to feel the pain.
  • Julio had shoes so he was ahead and just acing through.
  • Got to a crossroads, which would ultimately lead to our doom.
  • Julio said lets go Right, Zain retaliated and said lets go Left! I stood there, then went BACK! Onto the stairs to rest. As i got to the stairs they'd decided. Never have i been so upset to leave a set of stairs
  • Walked past the place of our Formal.
  • Found some stairs that went down, spirall-ish. And also saw an alternate path, but were blocked by some cars and a highway sort of. If we actually looked around there was a perfectly safe and better bridge that could have taken us straight to Lindt Cafe. But we live on the edge, so we took the scary spirall-ish stairs, also because we thought it was the better option..... And this... Is where the story get's interesting....
The Following Events May or May Not have happened. The character's portrayed are not fictional nor are they completely fact, you may choose what you want to believe. But whatever you do, be entertained and know.. DO KNOW, That i'm pretty sure the events that transpired this evening were the inspiration for many MANY films you have seen, will see, or ARE seeing.

So our three heroes ventured down the spiralling staircase. Little did they know that it would behold the adventure of a lifetime. The walls of the stairs were filled with some type of art, some may call it vandalism, some may call it graffiti, the cool people would probably call it talentless tags. That was unecessary but had to be written. They got to the bottom of the stairwell and entered a lot, with flashing lights whizzing past every so often. They looked up to see that they were under a bridge. Droplets of rain fell ever so lightly, through the trees and the small openings of the bridge, onto our heroes. It was a dark place, the only source of real lights was from a dim orange glow coming from the stairwell. The Heroes had feared for the worst, they thought they'd hit a dead end. Dead end's are no good because they require us to walk back UP the stairs and use our feet muscles. The area was dark, isolated and silent. But the Heroes did not fear, they are after all Heroes. "Relations were once in action over by that gate over there" Said one of the Heroes. It turns out one of the three had been here before. The other two noticed an opening by a wall, Most likely made by the Trolls that were roaming under the bridge that inhabit this area. The heroes noticed some man eating Easter Bunnies were prowling behind them. There wasnt much time. The mission of the Heroes was to get to the other side of this area to the Harbour of Darlings where they would join their comrades in the Lindt Inn. The Opening was big enough to fit the two thinner Heroes, the third hero was unsure if he was able to get through. But the hole wasn't the only concern of the Heroes. On the other side of the hole was a river full of Flaming Fireball Lights whizzing past. If they were to cross the hole they'd have to be careful not to get hit by the FLAMING FIREBALL LIGHTS! Time was running out, The Easter Bunnies were closing in. The Smaller Hero immediately slid through and ran his way across the FLAMING FIREBALL LIGHTS river. He charged through and successfully made it across... Alone. Whilst the other two pondered what to do. The taller of the remaining heroes jumped over the opening and to get extra air used his incredibly nose breathing power and blew out to give him more air time. He made it across and almost overshot his landing. Luckily no one was hurt during the filming of this stunt. The third hero and the fairly larger of the two attempted to squeeze through the hole. He was able to get his head and arms in but was stuck because of his very large... shoe. Yes his shoe stopped him. But he pushed on, and made it through sacrificing his shoe in the process. The FLAMING FIREBALL LIGHTS stopped for a moment and allowed our hero to get onto the Safe Island. They're only halfway, their journey continued. They crossed ravenous terrain, the killer weather was against them as it sprayed strong acid rain at their armor, blew them away with its strong winds and tormented them by singing the latest Classic Opera songs. They'd reached a point where they couldn't continue any further, which is where the Genie of Foogle land appeared. He gave our heroes some words of wisdom, which to this day no one knows what, and it was enough to send our Heroes through the lands. They'd reached a point where they could see their destination. They were weary, in need of a backrub, maybe deep tissue with some nice relaxing green tea and a nice bed, but they wouldnt get that instead they had these stupid thongs and were completely isolated from the world. They saw a familiar face and waved wildly, there was response but for some reason they walked away from it. It's as if they didn't need to be saved... wierdos. Then they got to another river with FLAMING FIREBALL LIGHTS!! And a giant Ape which was throwing barrels at them from above. "Screw it" Said one of the Heroes as he ran for his life and arrived at the High Octane Mermaid Energized Biking Apple Roll or H.O.M.E.B.A.R. He was closely followed by his two compadres. They were near, there was only a straight strip towards the Lindt Inn. They had to cross the damp lands, faking limps, looking tired and drenched in cloud's piss. But they'd arrived at their destinations and were greeted with Iced Chocolates, The champion's Drink. But one of the heroes were clever and wanted to be different so he got a Hot Chocolate. Nobody knows what happened to the heroes after that. Some say they went on to become Goat herders, others say they now work for Darth Vader, there was also a rumor that they are finding Waldo, theres also the one where they've turned into dinosaurs with laserbeam eyes... But no one knows for truth what happened to them. But i do know that one of them got angry at their sisters, so angry that he had a Cue'd lightning storm that bounced on the Centrepoint tower.. which was By the Way Totally Awesome =D.. The End.

That was hard to write..
i mean read then re - write.
ANYHOW! I'm officially an Extra, im part of Blackbox Media Agency or whatever they're called and i paid cash to make me a profile and i will soon be called to do Extra's work on TV or Film. Isnt that awesome!?!? =D One step closer to that Acting Dream i always wished for. See I am SO not a Gee Up. And if i do become a world famous actor,
And like honestly look at me its inevitable, This is the day i'll remember, the blog i remember and the followers i'll remember.

P.S. Tomorow for an assessment, im not going on a computer for a whole day.

Farewell Y'all, Peace Out, One Love!