Past two days of my life have been fairly meeedioocre, nothing exciting has happened i think. So... just in case someone out there is missing me, missing my writings i have this for you..
Aaaand to a mister Huntman... taking my sub title is against the law of Fuzz.. you'll be severely punished.. soon enough, once i buy a ticket to america
Song Of The Moment - Live Your Life - T.I Ft Rihanna, i was listening to this song on the train today. Complete utter silence the beat was rocking in my head. Then i heard this awesome quote which related to a conversation about materialism and stuff i had last night. But i thought, hey lets listen to the lyrics for once. And i was glad i dd, T.I pulls out a good line in there. Here it is:
"Stop lookin' at what you ain't got, Start bein thankful for what you do got"
Good old midnight typing, drowzy eyes, blurry vision, numb feet, scary shadows by the window and silence... Thats not right my music should be playing, why is it so silent all of a sudden.. There you go the volume was on mute.. ITS OK!! Yeeeaah well, today, or should i say yesterday its 12:40AM so technically its the next day? I call this time of night mornight. Well i just had my last day of uni for the week, 2 days of uni a week is fudgin awesome! 5 Day break, if only i could get a job then i'd be living the good life. As T-Pain and Kanye say. So what am i going to do the next 5 days.. i'm thinking of save money, Psht yeah right i couldn't save 5 cents if it was to save my life. I'd find one of those charity whirling bins where your coin goes around in circles and spend my last 5 cents on that. No but really i need to try and save, going overseas soon so i need cash to burn over there, P.S burn means to spend alot not to literally burn.. thats illegal in some states peepz, see you learn something new everyday. So in my attempt to save i will try and not go out during my 5 day break and be somewhat productive.. *Foresees future, i see i see.. a couch.. potato chips.. underwear with no pants... a playstation... a marshmellow fighting a carrot... junk food.. television.. computer.. a 3 legged cheese sheep.. Roger serenading a tomato..* ... okay no comment? In response to that wierd future.. i say Save money. It Will Happen! YES WE CAN!!
So yeah. Right my day. I was having an awesome sleep i mean the best, 10 out of 10! Then it got ruined by that damn alarm clock. So.. you know what that means right? Wake up? No dumbthumb! Snooze Button.. probably about 5 times. Those miniature sleeps inbetween the snooze button seem like the best sleeps ever, i don't know what it is about being woken up mid sleep. But when you go back to sleep after waking from mid sleep the sleep just feels so much better. I've said sleep so much times that it's lost meaning to me, i don't even think im spelling it right anymore. So the snooze button was abused for awhile then i finally jumped out and got ready for uni. Dressed, kissed the monkey, Patted the cookies, put on the undies and i walked out of the house. Ever walk to a bus stop and see the bus coming up the road? You kind of have one of those frozen moments where you think.. Oh no... i hope my fly isn't open (anyone who knows me, knows i have this problem ALOT). So the bus is coming and i'm thinking.. should i run for it? I opted for No.. i shouldnt run. Why did i opt for that? Because.. That all?.. Yup... No really because its morning i cant be bothered running aaaaaaand because remember that script writing thing i said i was working on. It was in one of my earlier blog posts. Well i developed a character, a Vain character who's created a whole list of rules and steps he and everyone else, he thinks, does and should abide by. And one of those rules i wrote for him is to never EVER run for the bus, your a loser because 83% of the time you miss it and look like a dweeb, and your not a dweeb your awesome So dont Ever Run for the bus. And i followed this Vain character's rule. I had to wait about 10 minutes later for another bus to come. I was freaking out because i could miss my train now, so i was unsettled on the bus.
Then the best thing happened, and because of it i put my right foot down and announced to the little man in my head, his name is Tito, "Today is Going to be a Good Day!". Why was i saying this to my head, and hopefully not out loud (i dont remember), because the bus i missed broke down and we overtook it. Then another spare bus came by and picked up the passengers ahead, God just picked it up and threw it on the road. So our bus was smooth sailing. I got off the bus and walked over to the train station. Whilst walking i was thinking about a conversation between me and zain where we insinuated the fact that we could possibly meet at the trainstation by accident. Like no way could we get there at the EXACT right time but what if.. right? That'd be just major awesome coincidence-ness (Awincidence), like the time when we were arguing at school and Henry said shut up to which we Both replied, simultaneously, "You Want Some!!".. High school good times.. But im getting off subject. So i thought what if hes there. As i walked down the stairs i tensed up and tried to look like a buff superman, I don't know why its only zain why do i need to look like a buff superman? But no.. he wasn't there, all that tensing for nothing, and i most likely looked like a jackass to random bypassers. So i went to by my ticket, head down and all. After i bought my ticket i turn around and go to the place where we insert our tickets, excuse the crappy explanation i don't know the name of it. When out of the red, screw the blue, i see this big familiar head. I almost walked into a hobo because the head captured my attention. Time stood still for a moment as my eyes and my 'darlings' eyes met. It was beautiful, Yeah im talking about another guy here.. Ever heard of Bromance?! So i walked over to put my ticket in and we walked past each other exchanging small talk, Me the idiot kept my earphones on and completely disregarded my own iPod etiquette! I said "Do i even know you?!", Cause thats what you say to strangers. And Zain said "bzxdanielhpuradcliffedfkje"... i couldn't hear my earphones were off.. DAMNIT ETIQUETTE RULE BROKEN!! But i must say that was a awesome little coinc.. no new word time.. Aweincidence, mixture of awesome and coincidence. And it further led me to believe that today was a good day. The train was on time and it was all smooth sailing. I got to uni half an hour late, just catching the last part of the lecture. I walked in as she said "Goodbye". I thought.. thats all? BEST. LECTURE. EVER! So i walked out and hung out with some friends. One of them the freaking awesome person she is bought me fortune cookies! I was after these things for so long and she actually bought them. My fortune cookie cravings were gone when i had one.. and they werent all they're cracked up to be. I don't know if it was the taste or the fact that my fortune was totally stupid and biased and pretentious and its a poo head! It said "Your secret admirer will soon reveal himself"... YES!! It said HIMSELF! Wasn't bad enough that the western sydney uni dudes call me a panzy, the fortune cookies had to turn on me too.. Bath turds! My relationship with fortune cookies is now OVER! The days we spent watching the sunset together are a blur now! Anywho after that i went to class, saw some batistas, made a fool of myself within the first 5 minutes, got some homework then left. I had to go buy books afterwards. So as i was walking towards the bookstore, the automatic doors opening i hear a siren. Then some guy appears out of nowhere and says sorry you can't enter. I guess me buying books and spending money were not meant to be.
Anywhom, So today after university in Penrith, the outer rims of the land, i journeyed back to the land Of the Eastern Suburbs to the town known by the locals as "The City". I had waited at the stables for the carriage to arrive with my compadres. The carriage had finally come in sight after 15 minutes of wait and as it got closer i saw it said in big fleuro yellow letters "Bankstown", This was not my destination but i strode into strong and unworried hoping it was a typo of some sort. The travel was long a nigh but i was accompanied by townsfolk on the carriage known publicly as "Cityrail" but to others "Shittyrail", the name derived from their poor services (They don't give napkins when serving cheesecake.. hell they don't even serve cheesecake.. I KNOW!! Its preposterous that this so called public transport doesnt serve cheesecake!) The journey on the carriage was long and prosperous but i was in good company as we had cracked many jokes, made impersonations, poked fun at things and laughed so loud that the people in our carriage were beginning to get annoyed. We sacrificed their comfort for our entertainment, we are true humanitarians. But the fact that the train said Bankstown had me worried i could possibly end up on the backside of a cows frontside. And that is not a very comfortable place, i would know. The carriage had dropped off all my compadres at their stops. Thy being a city folk was riding Shittyrail the longest and had to wait til the end. Then it hit me, they call it ShittyRail because of its Terrible Services, and the Bankstown Typo was just another of their mistakes. I figured this out myself.. No the announcer lady, Beatrice, did not announce that the trains destination was Central thats poppycock. So i'd arrived safely at my destination where i was to meet Pinochio. The story shall unravel in present-day tongue so the youngens may understand. I called him and said "oh look MX" and in response i hear "Get two"... Cause thats how we speak in this day and age, theres no need for a hello who is this, just look at the name of whoever's calling. Yes Pinochio is Zain! We then met and fed on food. I was craving a whopper Zain was just hungry, As you do. Hungry Jacks Burgers Beats Maccas Burgers HANDS DOWN! Zoo Magazine can suck my chupa chup! They rated big macs better then whoppers. Some hobo guy was standing near us the whole time we were eating, freaky i swear i thought he was gonna snatch a chip and pretend it never happened. Zain thought he was attracted to us, No im not putting words in your mouth you know you said it. Then he disappeared... then reappeared with a soft serve cone. I think if your homeless and go hungry jacks you get free soft serves... SO, Bucket List Addition: Dress as hobo and get free ice cream. Afterwards we checked out Espionage a hip hop apparel shop where they sells some fly sneakers, smashing hats and some maaaaarvelous t-shirts. Had my eye on a pair, but i was being picky and thought the colour didn't have the piz'azzz that i needed it to have. Get my drift? After this we cruised around the city and entered Kinokuniya. Izzy?! where are you?! First and foremost we look at comedy section, theres a new book next to Furverts, its called the Penis Pokey. Not nearly as ambiguous as Furverts. This had a hole in it and we all knew what it was designed for, where as Furverts was hidden by fur. And just a heads up.. DONT GOOGLE THIS BOOK! We then continued on looking at comics and glancing over at the japanese magazine section. Hopefully looking for a black doo rag or a pair of eyes just watching us from somewhere. But sadly no.. no Izzy to be found. Heartbroken we waz we really wazz. Then we looked at stationary zain wants a noticeboard and i want a scrapbook to put in some... stuff. We didn't find it so we walked away. To JB Hi Fi, but they were boring too so we went EB... they were boring too then.. we ultimately went back to Kinokuniya. But not before chilling on some steps nearby watching ipod videos and just talking about stuff, we didn't dnm it was too public and im pretty sure the lade in a black trenchcoat was a spy. You may have foooled everyone else with the busking act but not me! What can i say it's fragrance is alluring. Like that? nice big words right. I bought my journal/scrapbook and zain didnt find his notice board. So we're going Ikea sometime soon. What he DID find was an erotic short story book.. Yes! he almost reached for it.. funny cause for some wierd reason a book called Gay Short Stories caught my eye. The fortune cookie got to me! We had some time to spare afterwards so we went Gloria Jeans and chilled. A Mochacinno for Zain and a Tim Tam iced chocolate for me. Wierd right, hot and cold drinks you wouldnt know if it was summer or winter.. oh well. We then chilled there i ripped open my scrapbook and we just talked about how things came to be. How we formed Team Jar2, how we all met, how high school was and maybe could have been.. just plain reminiscing about the past. It was nice. Good to catch up over some drinks in a relaxed environment, unlike hungry jacks where we had a homeless guy standing around us, no offence to you guys im not a hoboist but it was rude. ETIQUETTE!!! MAN!! But sadly the time was limited, we had to leave by 8. So we said our goodbyes and departed. The day was over.. and i was right It was a Good Day. =D
Anyhow Im Out! PEACE!!!

Song Of The Moment -She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5.. Ultimate Classic Can't Beat IT! Oh hey look another classic
So, im in bed.. its about 11:30.. the Bro Code is too far for me to reach so i wont list one.. and i have uni tomorow, should be awake in about 6 1/2 hours.. Lucky me. I would stand up to grab Bro Code, but its so nice and cosy in bed, Laptop, blanky, pillows and Mojo Jojo by my side, My stuffed monkey and P.I.C (Partner in Crime). Hey!! It's okay for us Alpha-Males to own stuffed animals and give them names. Im still a manly man who eats steaks, punches bulls with my bare fists and grows a moustache. So what am i doing this late at night and writing a blog entry? Well! I've recently started watching The O.C again and i dont care what anyone says this show was the SHIT! And i reckon its better then Gossip Girl at least the first season is, Yup Pigar i SAID IT. Then again we'll see how Gossip Girl gets in the upcoming eps and such. The nostalgia i get when watching O.C and hearing the opening credits, Seth's incredibly fast and confusing talking, Ryans wierd acting, Marissa being a bone but kinda hot, Summer.. that is all and Just the awesome rich, Sandy the coolest dad, summer-y feel you get when watching this show. This shows just too awesome and fun, This is probably the second time i've watched the whole series, currently halfway through season 1. OH and plus Seth hast he same grey robe as me. Gotta love the Grey Robes, or kimono's, they're Hugh Hefner styles.. all i need is a bubble blowing pipe then i'll be the Bomb Diggit! =D Gotta love TV, what would you do without it... Maybe be an active sporty and healthier child? .. Yeah but who wants that.. Says the guy going gym.. There i am having a conversation with myself, am i mental? Oh well
Ok Maaaybe i should sleep, but its like being back at high school. Hard to sleep on the first day, dont know why. For High school it was excitement but for uni its just.. gay having to wake up early and sleep early so it ruins my cycle. Yup i have a cycle, sleep at 3, wake at 1 and... yeah thats a cycle right? Now its sleep at 10, wake at 6.. THE HELL IS THAT
I gotta hunt down the timetable creator and make them change the lecture. I will threaten them with Wasabi! and Sake! That'll teach you to make me wake up early and sleep early.
Ok maybe i should sleep now..? Just one last thing to get off my chest. Potty Mouths. or more importatntly My Potty Mouth. No not the swearing, im sort of fixing that trying to become the inocent non swearing, bad, evil little kid i was almost a year ago. I must say i was a saint. But by Potty Mouth i mean... talking about my toilet activities out loud. Yuhuh I said it. People think its wierd.. pfft i think its just me being open about myself... Too wierd? Ok i'll stop, i just want to let you know that i tell my friends on msn howw my poo was. Im not gross... =P
Hah, theres me opening up to you guys.. Stop grinning, or smirking, or frowning or now laughing because i may have been right about one of them. It's just me being me okey. Ciao Peepz. I'm off to bed, 9 am lecture... Catch up on sleep.. Then another 11am lecture and classes til 4, gonna be fun eh. Go Uni... *raises invisible cup of water* Heres to the adventures i may have in the next few months, the new things ill learn and etcetera etcetera..Semester 2 of uni here i come, hope alot of e, only about 4 more til i finish university all up, doesn't sound like much eh? But i might do another course afterwards.. Well we'll see what happens. 2 Years time eh? For some reason it makes me think of my last 2 years and how i've changed since then... Off to Bed, i'll ponder that whilst i sleep and blog it sometime soon... Laters, PEACE!!
Song Of The Moment -Complicated - Black Eyed Peas, I'm honestly not the biggest BEP fan but this repetitive, electro song is bangin... or it helps when im at the gym and like doing like a hundred kilos.. cause thats what i do, these guns.. pythons.. machines .. don't come without big weights you know
Article 93 - Bro's Don't Speak French To One Another
Another random Bro Code.. How i came into the possession of the mighty Bro Code? Well Long Long story short, it was in my possession at first then someone told me to put it down so we could go and look at other stuff then we'd come back. We came back and it was gone, some bath turd walked away with the book that was rightfully mine, i was born to have it i mean the guy who wrote it wouldn't haev been born if it wasnt for me being born.. understand that? So i was heartbroken and then we all went to Max Brennars to eat. Izzy for the first time and since it was recently her birthday, we took her to come eat it.. and also beacause Pigar was leaving soon.. it was a big occassion oh and also beacuse i was in their presence so we always gotta celebrate that. So after eating, Out comes the Bro Code. And they said "you shoulda seen your face when you thought it was gone".. Yeah cause i bring mirrors with me everywhere, and im not sure if they really said that im improvising ok. So i looked liked the numbnut freaking out over something that wasn't really gone, and they were secretly giggling in their little corner about me. It still makes me grin when i think about it though, Ohh you jokers. Piggy bought izzy these awesome green and gold chopsticks, cause Aussie and Japanese fusion rules! (heh funny cause i went to a restaurant that serves that.. ill speak about it soon.) All in all it was an awesome day, we had fun had great food and just a good time. Heres some pics. =)... some really.. small pics, im capped so it woulda taken forever to upload. Stupid stupid interenet.
But enough of Memory Lane, im going to back out of there put it in Reverse.. yes im driving on my own in this hypothetical segment and yes im on L's what are you gonna do about it? Last night...Ok probably 2 nights ago now, stupid Mornight system.. i went to this restaurant called 'Kobe Jones' it was, as my brother described it, Japenese Fusion so... i still dont know what it means. To Celebrate my brothers birthday.. even though it was about a month ago, Better late then never right. So yeah this was a nice place, over by the harbour of Darling.. Heh see what i did thar.. And near this awesome looking building. It kind of looked like it was caged or something i dont know how to explain it, plus im pretty buggered, going out and having a few drinks takes its toll on me.. even after a whole day. So there we were dining at this place, the menu comes by its $95 a person with a weekend surcharge. It was a banquet so we all paid the same price. Damn this place was expensive, i couldve bought a new video game for that whole meal... Childish but still! So i got slapped with a metal glove over this price. But its all for celebration so.. bring on the food. P.S. it was all seafood, im not the biggest fan of seafood... i say not the biggest fan because im trying to not be a hater, im a lover not a fighter... even though i've never loved.. Oh god im such a poet right. The first piece of food came it was prawn and some veggies rolled up with some special .. they called it Kobe Sauce and i couldnt help but think.. Kobe Bryant? EWWWWW.. But it was pretty nice had some soy sauce on it and yahh nice nice nice. $100, dont think so at least not yet. Next was some sushi, i put some soy sauce in this little bowl they gave me. I saw everyone else adding this other stuff to their soy sauce, one was green the other was white. Izzy im sorry im not a Japanese pro i can't name it all, your probably naming it as i mention its color.. and thats the only way i can describe it. So i mixed it too, i thought it was Avocado and some kind of coconut.. OH MY GOD WAS I WRONG!! I mixed my sushi and the greenish, brownish soy sauce then shoved it into my mouth. And.. i swear to god, remember those cartoons where they TNT Chilli and then their faces go red, steam goes out of their nose and ears and its just an exaggeration.. Well.. Its Not! I was tapping my feet so hard, it felt like some type of smoke bomb went out in my mouth. An aura of herbal burning warmth just killed at my insides, as soon as it went into my mouth everything was heating up, but like fresh mint kind of heating up and it wasnt fun. I swallowed that as fast as i could. There was no Water either, thats so retarded! They should serve this stuff with a warning sign saying THIS IS NOT AVOCADO!! I swallowed it and it made my tummy so so warm. Never Again, and this was a small piece of it... No No No No NO! The rest of the food was similar just different types of sushi and different sauces, we didnt get our $100's worth til the Dessert. Chocolate sticks, cheese cakes, chocolate cakes, fairy floss and some other stuff it was the Bomb Dig it. But what was really cool was.. i tried Sake. I know i practically skipped the whole meal, But you know.. oh well. Sake was so wierd, i didn't know you sip it. I sculled it as if it was a shot, everyone was like What are you doing you sip it.. I was red faced, like when you look at a picture of A smurf and invert the colours. That was me. And the Sake didn't help it too burnt me. Whats with this food and burning people, i felt like i'd just rubbed Vicks all over my lungs. It's like those other spirits like Vodka but with its own different taste and.. ohh yeah its Warm. Funky stuff eh. Afterwards we wemt Cargobar, i met with Al and we just caught up over a few drinks. Him drinking a few texts, me sipping and staring at every hunny that walked on by. DAMN I NEED A WINGMAN! All in all it was a good night, Happy Birthday Kak Adi... even though its late. Sorry about this post, theres none of that oomph... i...and zain... thinks its cause im capped and i can't post stuff i seee on the interweb.. maybe hes right. Speak Soon, hopefully Uni.. Which starts in two days.. doesn't take up my time.. i might even blog while im there =P.. PEACE!
Song Of The Moment - So Far Away - Nine Days
I will first and foremost recite an article from the sacred 'Bro Code'... *Holy light shines upon thee*... thee means the book just so we're on the same level, stage, mindset??...
Article 41 - A Bro never cries, Exceptions: When watching Field of Dreams, E.T. or a sports legend retire (Applies only to the first time he retires).
Thank you Barnabus Stinson for showing us the way of the Bro. And thank you Izzy for buying it for my 18th birthday =D. Which is funny because one of he article says 'A Bro never divulges the existence of the Bro Code to a woman.' But we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
Oh My God Peepz, im so sore! Went Gym again today and i thought "Hey, i've been working myself wayyy too easy, i think its time to up the ante." So i stood up, trumpets blowing in the background, confetti falling from the skies, a spotlight shining behind me, and a cape. I flex my muscles and left my house to go gym. I put on double of what i usually do, about 40 kg's.. Even 40 kg's to some people isn't that much.. but i instantly felt the burn... Or maybe Bob and Roberto were playing with matches again, i wouldn't know. It was okay at the time, i stretched a little bit but i forego'd the warm ups. Note to self: do not EVER forego warm ups. So after about an hour and a half of working out i called it quits. I swear its not a gym, its a torture palace. The Cardio people are sweating themselves and running til they cant runs no more, the weight lifters are red in the face and i could tell by their expressions that they really really want to stop, Or really need to go potty, and the employees walk around with smiles on their faces watching us all suffer. The pains some people go through to look as good as me, Right? Gym for me is a hobby, the burn i feel reminds me im a human and not superior to everyone... Even though i am. BUT OH MY GOD its hurting so much right now, i can't move around properly and just opening the door is a painful hassle. So learn from me peeps, don't work yourself too hard, don't forego warm up and forget about everyone else at the gym, do as much weights as you feel your good for. Higher doesn't mean better, Not all of us are gym junkies who love the challenge and struggle in lifting weights. Gym's may be good for you in the long run, but they suck in the short. They're painful and torturing and you walk out feeling sore as a motherchucker. Will i continue Gym NO! Hey man what's your plan for monday? "im gonna go hit the gym"... Doh! But i guess they do release those endorphins that supposedly make you feel happy. I mean.. i was walking through my suburb singing to my ipod and just smiling. And i am aiming to get more healthier and such so its for the greater good. So i guess theres a good side, but a few hours later.. OH MY GOD It hurts to move.
Im just in a ranting mood because, I think, i got pranked last night and it sucks that its happening again. How can you be so bored that you would just pick up your phone, put it on private and call someone just to say "Fuck you"..? I don't get it, is it funny, does it make you feel better.. what?
Not the biggest and most enthusiastic post, just me going on about what the dealio with today was and what not. But tomorow, i've got my brothers birthday Dinner and then we're going to a Bar afterwards. It also marks my neice being one month old, should be fun. I'm hoping to shave or cut my hair tomorow, getting kinda monkey like over here. So heres to tomorow *raises cup of be... apple juice*. (Reminds me of graduation night, Zain and I raised our glasses not for our class.. but because it was Will Smiths Birthday. We love that man with a passion.) Peace out yo! =)
Song Of The Moment -Like A Boss - Lonely Island
The title says it all! Even if the procrastination means well, it can still be a bitch. I think this quote sums it up the best.... no maybe not, if girls read that they'd think i was very very bad. But for the men i will put it in a super secret hiding spot where no girls can read it. (Pssst guys over here, we all know girls have tiny brains compared to men. It's proven, Borat said so in his movie. So i put the quote at the bottom in super duper small writing ;-D... P.S. I'm not sexist this is all simply a joke, don't hate me.)... Ohh look a four eyed unicorn eating a leprechaun lets gaze at that and forget i ever said anything.. Anywhom, the reason i are disliking procrastination at this moment is because my sister-in-law made some awesome Spaghetti this morning. Hah i bet you didn't see that coming. Well yeah and it was awesome, delish, bon ape-tit it was the shit. And i had two small bowls, and by small bowls i mean they were like a cup. Yes a See You Pee, a CUP! Since im trying to be health conscious and all, Yup i'll have 10 abs, large biceps, chisseled chests, a back with muscles so big it looks like im stuffing a bakery back there and a super duper awesome strong muscular pinky. So because i had the small cups and trying to be healthy i thought, Hey i'll eat some later and not stuff my face in. Best. Decision. Ever....Or so i thought. To pass time quickly so i can have the super duper awesome spaghetti i thought i'd have a nap, I diiid only have about 5 hours sleep (i'll explain why later). My nap was pretty awesome, I hogged the couch in the living room to myself, legs spread wide, arms out like i was doing a sleeping jumping star, my pillows to my side and my mouth wide open.. cause thats how everyone sleeps. I slept for about 4 hours thinking it was enough, i woke up with a wierd pain at the top of my head. And the smell of bottled water was in the air... it could only mean one thing... Bob was here. But i didn't want to worry about that, because i knew.. OHH i KNEW.. it was time for spaghetti. My four hour wait was over, Felt like a few minutes.. i mean GOSH who knew a nap could feel so good, so i strutted over to the kitchen. I'm pretty sure a orchestra was there because i felt triumphant, like i'd just taken over Tasmania, i was a king and i was walking towards my prize. The walk from the living room is probably in reality only 2 metres, like 5 seconds, but this walk.. Oh this walk.. this Triumphant, proud, walk i was doing felt like forever. All these visions started playing in my head, The spaghetti and eye hand in hand swirling in a corn field, both riding unicorns by the shore in a secluded nude beach, riding a ferris wheel together even though im piss scared of heights, carving our names into a tree F + Meatballs 4 Ever and us watching our half spaghetti-half human children playing on the tree swing by the pond. It was beautiful to think about. So i lay my hand on the pantry door, took a deep breath and opened wide... And to my horror.. no my digust... no my opposite of jizz in my pants-ness I.. found.. NOTHING! I dreaded what was to come next as i turned around to see... I'm shaking as i write this, its unbearable ... wait a moment im going to break down in tears.. its just too heart breaking... give me a moment.. *gives moment for $9.95 at target, luckily on discount*.. *deep breath*... I saw two bowls.. one filled with the remnants of the spaghetti sauce and the other.. just a bowl.. It was over!! It was finished.. it was gone.. arrividerci.. bon voyage.. toodles.. see ya later mate.. the Spaghetti was gone! Finished.... The world was silent.. for a moment the Thumb Wars stopped because everyone felt the magnitude of the situation..... But there was hope. I turned to see my brother walking with a bowl, i walked over and coolly asked "What you got there big boy?" and to my dismay.. he turned around.. takes one last slurp and says.. "Spaghetti". My eyes switched between his ugly face and the beautiful plate. It was over. It was finished and i was never.. EVER gonna get my taste of awesome Spaghetti... And that is when i learnt my lesson. Procrastination.. is a beeeyotch. Never wait, when you have something thats important to you, special to you, dont let it go.. take it as soon as possible, grab it by the meatballs and Suck away... Farewell Spaghetti... *blows nose*
Quick change the subject.. change it.. change it.. change it *fans eyes* oh my god oh my god i neeed a tissue i cant do this again..
AHH, this morning! I myself went to the dentist to get a teeth checkup. And it just so turns out i have some pretty smexy teeth, The doctor himself said that his exact words were "Hey big handsome sexy guy, your teeth are smexy" True Story. Those dentist check ups are really funky. Im sitting in this chair, Which has an awesome recline function, a huge bright light in my face, a man in a mask talking to me and drill like tools. Open wide he says, its funny cause i thought my fly was undone, but he proceed to drill away at my teeth. I see all this debris flying around and though Dude thats my teeth your chipping away my teeth. It felt hella wierd but they say its for the greater good.. Greater good my ass. Felt so wierd, dentists hurt, my teeth still feel funny. But what creeped me the most was that in the next few years i may have to take out my wisdom teeth.. Ewww surgery and laughing gas and metal objects in my mouth. I mean really thats gonna suck. Oh well, sucks to be Future-Fuzz doesnt it. Oh and this dentist appointment was why i only had 5 hours sleep. Note to self, try get over the late night sleeping habit... Another Note to self.. its 1AM, this is not a good sign for someone who wants to get over a late night sleeping habit.
Then i guess thats my cue. But before i leave i just want to say, Wow i went a day without a blogpost.. this doesn't count i'm a few minutes after 12 midnight... damn that Cinderella story BTW good movie, hilary duff was hot aaaand yeah. But what i really wanted to say is theres a hilarious new show on Thursdays at 9:30 Channel 7 called "True Beauty", it's hosted by the SEXY Vanessa Minnillo and it tests the personalities of these people, they're like airheads and just straight up asses. BUT DUDE! I can not believe the level of Vain-Ness these people are at. I mean they kick my vanity's ass, spit on it, shove it down a drain, use it as a pinata, shave its head, wait til it grows, then shave it again, nipple cripple and then say "your mother". Their Vanity is THAT Bad Ass! Here are a few quotes "I know im Beautiful, Im scientifically Beautiful", A guy said that. "God.. just look at me, im beautiful"
Vanessa Minnilo - "Do you think your America's most beautiful person?"
Girl who'd just been kicked out - "Yes"
Theres so much more but i can't think of it. But the level of there Egos, JEEEZ watch it its hilarious what they put them through and just the unflinching compliments they give themselves. I don't even think it counts as a compliment. AHH. Youtube it or something. Anyways, i'm out PEACE!!
*Procrastination is like Masterbating, it feels good at first but sooner or later you realize your just fucking yourself... Excuse the language.
Song Of The Moment - I like what you say - Nada Surf
This weather, it was so nice, warm and cosy. Reminds me of summer. Oh i miss Summer. Jumping out of bed, not scared that im gonna freeze to death, Not having to use blankets all the time, Having ice cream, feeling comfortable all the time and bright days where being outdoors is a muss. I'm getting all nostalgic, reminds me of this years summer the times we went beach, hung out at coogee, even at bondi the first time i'd actualyy been to bondi beach with pig, lloyd, matt etc. Some reason summer days make music sound so much better. I miss the Summer days. Good times.
Anywho this will be a quick post, i was reading FHM in my fluffy robe and slippers. Hugh Hefner style... ok i lied i was in the crapper and i was reading it. I just thought a robe and slipper sounded more appealing. And i stumbled across iPod Etiquette. Etiquette is a hot topic for me, im trying to adjust my sense of common courtesy. I'm pretty sure its for men but it should account for everyone. The Do's and Don't of the iPod. (In my own words)
- DO invest in different headphones to the white pair that comes with the iPod. Preferably in-ear one so nobody else is subjected to your Mediocre taste in music indie or R'n'B. Ok im pretty sure FHM is bagging my taste in music there. Asses.
- DONT subject your tunes on anybody, anywhere. By buying those plug-in speakers and blasting it to the world. So in other words don't play your music out loud in the public, not unless your busking or if its for entertainment. Not everyone has the same taste in music as you. Other words your musics shit, keep it to yourself.
- DO have something that is generally aceptable to listen to on your ipod. Just incase your being glared at by the old lady with the children sitting beside you. Cause we always choose to sit next to the old lady.
- DO remove your headphones during on the street socialising, upon arriving at work, whilst out with others or at any place that's social. It's rude. But you can keep them while playing nothing so you can eavesdrop. =D
- DON'T or maybe NEVER EVER Let chicks see you srcolling through your own playlist. Us guys have some fruity music on our iPods, but the world doesnt have to know... I know it unfair, i can't listen or show off my love for Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus because some would think was wierd.
- DO Tap your feet, play air guitar, pretend to drum, start a conga line. Strangrs will take your cue, Which will lure the hot chicks to you and possibly lead to world peace.
Thank You FHM, your a book thats only full of ass and titties. Your full of ass and titties and cool stuff, Ass and tities. =P
Best thing to happe to me today, Just before i leave i want to show you all why im so awesome, I usually dread looking at my credit. It scares me when the lady doesnt start with One Hundred and something something. I swear i've texted Pigar overseas, texted everyone for the movies last week, had long phone talks with special someones, pranked random Canadian phone numbers and called a companionship hotline (Dating service). But i somehow still managed to have $150 credit and it runs out in two weeks. How awesome am i, even the phone stations love me. Anyways dont hate my luck, love it. Peace!!!
Song Of The Moment - Supanove by Mr Hudson Ft Kanye West
Anyone who knows me, knows im not the biggest fan of Skinny Jeans.. and YES a news report was on before saying that they are not good for you. man AND woman! For dudes its squishes your junk so your trunk gets damaged in the long run. And for the ladies it squeezes your hips so it can affect your baby making-ness. Yes, i clearly didn't watch the report i just caught the gist of it. Trends are bad for you, the news said it so it is so.
Well, yesterday during another one of our wacky MSN conversations me and Zain were plotting ways of getting my Blaq tie off of our long lost friend Ameerah. She borrowed it a few months back and i need it for some formal occasions that are coming my way. So here's a list of what we may or may not do, some i thought on the spot just now and others we kind of just touched on yesterday.
- We "Jump" her at work.
- Stomp on her grass till she comes out. I just like stomping, maybe practice some krumping while im at it.
- Go on Hunger Strike until she comes out. We suffer so she gives us our demands
- Steal her toothbrush and hold it for ransom. Everyone knows that you can't survive without a toothbrus.
- Protest for Black Ties everywhere to be returned, Black is Back
- Join a charity that helps our cause, Black Tie United anyone?
- Do an american-indian Tie Dance, Learn it from our indian friend Thanura
- Add the deed to our Bucket List, A list of things we plan to do before we die, but mots likely will never ever do it. So i will put dying on that list =D
- Bribe her with monopoly money on, or maybe tie it to the string and lure her to us.
- Meet with Kevin Rudd and ask him to call her out, As you do.
- Tattoo my body with the blue prints of her home and then move into the house next door with a plan of retrieving the tie. I should make that a tv show call it.. "House Break"
- Prank call her and say:
Us - "Excuse me im looking for a blaq"
Tie-Holder - "Who?"
Us - "Ohh hes black, skinny and his name is Tai, he's also from Tie-land"
Tie-Holder -"Sorry?"
Us - "We believe hi lst known whereabouts are your vicinity ma'am, we have a picture of him here we'll just fax it over"
Tie-Holder - "But this is my mobile phone"
Us - "Asterisk makes fax noises asterisk.."
Tie-Holder - *Hangs Up*
Although, i'm pretty sure we'd bust out laughing at about.... "i'm looking for blaq". Some actors we are.
Oh yes and i would also like to intrduce the Disney Crew Sub Crew which was initiated last night. Consisting of the Impressive People, Zain, Isrien and I, Team Jar2. We formed it for our mutual love for Star Wars, and the line "Anakin.. Your Breaking My Heart!" The most tragic scene ever, and the one quote me and Zain use to test a girl's awesomeness. If she get's it She's "In". And to be "In" is a great privilege cause i like you and if i like you Barrack Obama likes you. We'll be best friends forever!!!
Well it's another beautiful day outside so im going to enjoy it again in my backyard, Im just going to stand out there and bop, Peace!!
Before i start i just want to point out this hilarious video Henry aka ICE showed me, this kids hilarious.
Dude i'm so envious of Henry, he's over there in the states experiencing a whole new world, new landscapes, people and just seeing places we'd only see on tv. Must be having the time of your life and i'm happy for you man. It's so awesome, please continue having a mad time.
Anyhow, last night i got capped, so those two videos i just posted took me an hour to load. Yep, thats life in the Lakes of the East.
Aaand now we start, today i had to get up early to accompany thy mother to the Dentist. Yeah seem's boring yada yada, talking bout his day again, Yeah well Shut up!... i didn't mean that please don't press back, no don't press x no NO! stop. Hold it, continue reading and i'll reward you with a ingredient-less fortune cookie. So my mum goes into the Dentist, she was packing it i mean who wouldn't be scared of having some guy with sharp tools looking at the most vulnerable spot in a humans body, their mouth!!! So i was sitting there in the doctors waiting room place. A boring plain room, chairs, table with magazines and a big poster of a smile. Yes... a big poster of a smile. I chose a seat with a magazine there, it was Cleo magazine. Demographics = Women which therefore equals not me. I sat there for what felt like an hour, my clock says it was a minute but it was lying. I tell time, not a clock. I couldn't take it, the magazine was calling out to me, "CLEO" in big blue letters, Blake Lively with her ohh so heavenly smile, the headline "How to pick up men at bars".. I mean.. "What women really think about men". It was tempting i had to read it! It's a doctors office, i was waiting with a coughing old man, a mother with her baby, an old man reading a book about watches and another lady who was asleep (Waiting in a chair for 10 minutes really takes it's toll on you). I used the book to protect me from the germs coming from the ladies cough, I didn't have a swine flu mask like the receptionist. So there i was reading a Cleo magazine held up high infront of my face. Did not look wierd AT all, not like sir cough a lot was gonna judge me, plus its a doctors office. And i must say the magazine was .. Dare i say.. interesting. It gave me tips on what Diet Pills work, Cause y'know, How a girls friends take break ups, Yup not the person who broke up her friends, how girl's initiate talks instead of guys at clubs, "I nudged him with my elbow and he apologized for bumping into me", and the latest fashion for chicks. All are Clearly topic's i read in the hope that one day i'll need them. When my mum said "Lets Go", i was kind of sad i had to depart from the magazine. And i realized i can read whatever magazine i want, who cares if its aimed at chicks i read it How do you like me now!! Oh well, afterwards i went Gym and pumped the guns. Tiring, but a good playlist helps time fly. Also seeing friends like Evan, Andrew, Martin and Stefan make working out a breeze.. Even though it shouldn't be, im now almost pretty sure i didn't work out at all. What did i do there? i don't remember... Then AFTER that i had to go to the bus stop, no one was waiting so i'm pretty sure the bus just came. 20 minutes to wait and it let me just ponder things. Such as my possible script (the one i talk about like 4 posts earlier) , i created some dialogue about a vain character in my head whilst waiting. It's such a nice day too, love this 20 Degree weather, clear skies and just a nice spot of sunshine. What am i doing indoors?
So while i enjoy my backyard and the sun I'll leave you with the soothing sounds of 90's boy band music. Be transported back to where these guys were not shunned and looked down upon. They were looked up to, admired and all in all.. cheezy. Speak again soon, Peace!!
Song Of The Moment - Why by Poet In Process
They're foreign but sing in english. Their songs sound pretty good. Like funky-ish then rock-ish.. i can't explain music so well,it's not my strong point. But i like it so, thats a winner right there, right?
The family was in the mood for some pizza, so i was given the prestige job of calling them up. We wanted 5 chicken pizzas with bbq sauce garlic bread and a drink. So here is my Conversation with the pizza lady:
*Fuzz dials pizza number, i will not advertise them here*
*lady who i think speaks english as a second language picks up, Lets call her Barbara*
Barbara: Hello...
Fuzz: Hey i got a voucher here for $6.95 pizzas
Barbara:.... so that was pickup or delivery
Fuzz: Sorry, Pickup please
Barbara: pick up?
Fuzz: yup
Barbara: what is your phone number
Fuzz: *she's cracking onto me* my phone number is 12345678
Barbara: So this is Rony?
Fuzz: Oh My God how'd you know!... no not really but i was amazed.. I really just said "yup"
Barbara: What pizza's would you like?
Fuzz: i would like 5 Chicken pizza's please, 3 on puff pastry and 2 on deep pan thanks
Barbara: So that was a chicken pizza?
Fuzz: yes 5 please
Barbara: .... *silence*
Fuzz: 5
Barbara: ....
Fuzz: *deep breath* .... 5 Chicken pizzas please
Barbara: ok 5 chicken pizzas
Fuzz: Yes, 2 pan and 3 puff pastry
Barbara: 5 Chicken pizzas and 2 of what was that?
Fuzz: 2 on pan and 3 puff pastry
Barbara: 2 of your five on pan?
Fuzz: *hehe sounded like she said pam* yes deep pan
Barbara: 2 on deep pan
Fuzz: *sigh* yes...2 deep pan, 3 puff
Barbara: 3 puff chicken pizzas
Fuzz: yes, and 2 deep pans
Barbar: 2 deep pans
Fuzz: yup
Barbara: and 3 puffs
Fuzz: ... *exhale* yes
Barbara: 2 deep pan and 3 puffections, on 5 chicken pizzas
Fuzz: *kindy maths all over* Yes please
Barbara: that would be $50
Fuzz: *isn't she supposed to ask for sides? oh and i forgot to mention* Could i get Barbecue sauce on them all please?
Barbara: Barbecue sauce on all 5?
Fuzz: Yes
Barbara: And the puffection?
Fuzz: *didn't you just?* Yes please
Barbara: 5 chicken pizzas with bbq sauce 3 puff and 2 deep pan.
Fuzz: *teleprompter?* yuhuh and can i get garlic bread please
Barbara: what sides did you want?
Fuzz: *am i getting punkd?* a garlic bread and a drink please
Barbara: what drink?
Fuzz: Coke please
Barbara: Coca cola?
Fuzz: *no no brand coke darling*
Barbara: so 5 bbq pizzas 2 deep pan and puffection a garlic bread and a coke?
Fuzz: yes dear.
Barbara: that will be $60 and be ready in 15 minutes
*hangs up*
Fuzz: bitch.... No not really but y'know
Thank you unnamed pizza place, but i'll show you a distorted pic of their logo.. i changed it so much that not even the smartest man alive, Kevin Rudd, could figure it out.
I was probably a picky customer or whatever but i can't believe it was that hard, surprisingly i think it went longer too. Next time im ordering online.And now the pizza is here so, im going to enjoy that shit, then watch Supernatural, Pizza feed For The WIN! Peace! Leave you with two picture's from my favourite book.

Song Of The Moment - Shontell - Stuck With Each Other
Say what?
Figured out the template thing, so i got the song of the moment, just songs im really into at this moment or listening to now or whatever. Catch my drift?
As promised. Yesterday i went to the Aroma Festival. At The Rocks. Not much to say really, tried some food, took pictures and just had a family day with baby Anniyah. She was asleep the whole time, so i don't know if she really enjoyed the coffee. Had Chocolate Shots (they lied, it wasn't shot ittook me like 100 sips to finish) , these Dutch Pancakes (on the rocks), Gozleme (Say that out loud, it sounds so cool),A Pavlova (they look better then they taste, sadly no pics) and Camel Poop. Gotta love the once in awhile family outings, see a different side to everyone. We're all out to have a fun good time, smiles and sunshine without the hassles of cleanin up my room, or bills or being notified of the bad news on tv. It's good to get out and forget things for awhile. It was Awesome, heres some pics. Pinky's Up!
Wow i've blogged alot, sorry, just in a hypo blogging mood, The coffee must still be in my system, Despite the fact i had none. Probably hate me right now. Why can't i write essays like that...?
Oh and to my #1 fan, Pigar, I hope you know CPR, cos you take my breath away!
SCORE!! For the title, and this is gonna be one.. LONG.. post. So you don't have to read it, i'm just wrambling, writing + rambling, about my weekend. I'd like to tell it all, read if you want. I madeit small font so it seem smaller. It's for my own and a select few's pleasure.
So last night i got home at 2AM, slept at 3 after a BIG day! A big day to me is going out for a long period of time, not i went to South America and killed an evil Drug trafficker (i think that's how its spelt) As awesome a that would be. But no, i didnt. First before going out and meeting everyone for the movie i went with my mum to the Dentist. It's one of those ones Dentist's where you don't make appointments, so basically you rock up, Or we don't make appointments cause they know its me and y'know. We got there and the dentist is doing his thing, the door wide open for everyone to see and a massive line. Two minutes in we're like Screw this guys, I'm going home, but i went movies and got my bad mama jama to drop me off, Like the cool kids. I intended to be the first one there, For once, but nooooo Izzy had to beat me to it again and surprisingly Zain too. On the way though i saw a Scientology protest peepz in Guy Fawkes masks saying "Scientology ruins families". I thought, yeah well that and they ruined WILL SMITH and TOM CRUISE or me!! DAMN SCIENTOLOGY! And that funky mumbo jumbo they speak of in their interviews. I'm not racist... Anywho, i got there and we chilled and caught up for awhile. It was the first time we'd seen each other in so long! Izzy after like 4 months and zain after like 24 hours! ITS TOO LONG I TELLS YA! Then we waited for William, Stefan (can finally spell it right) and Richard. Will and Richard rocked up first. Richard sportinga blue t-shirt, trackpants, running shoes and a backpack (for water?). The international panel of judges gave it a 5/10 although comfortable it did stand out as the least dressed out of us all. (Come on, i'm always dressed to impress and so are Zain and Izzy. We're just impressive people) Then by Richards side was William who was Suited up, in a non suited way, He had a sexy beanie on with his helicopter chops out on the side (gotta love em), A blue button checkered shirt with a dark grey cardian on top, and he *PULLED it off. Some nice jeans and nice shoes. Thepael of judges gave it a 10/10, totally unbiased. So we went to get our ticks, Stefan would be late cause he has to come from Outer Sydney. Outsiders... Thenn we promised Richard a game of Guitar hero after eating, KFC, discounted by Izzy for Richard hehe. We got to JB and the boy was very disppointed, it was like someone just told him Darth Vader was Luke Skywalkers Dad (Yeah, like that'd ever happen). Bummer though, i'd totally kick his guitar ass Then we went and saw the Maaarvelous movie which i previously reviewed. THEN chilled at Kinokuniya, reading books such as Physics books for Stefan n Rich, Japanese for Izzy (she bought some too, Naturally), non-action books for Zain an Furvert, A book with a big fluffly hole cut out at front and pictures of people in animal suits doing sexual positions and NO I DID NOT PUT MY FACE ANYWHERENEAR THE FLUFFY HOLE CUT OUT AND WILLIAM WAS MOST CERTAINLY NOT ARROUSED IN ANY WAY! (we didn't know the name of the book at first) Heres a pic of the sex act and another of the fluffy hole to put something of yours into for "fun".
The night pretty much ended for us all after William, the life of the party, Left. We parted ways and ended our fun little reunion and joy-a-thon. But it wasn't the end of the night for two of the outgoers.... To Be Continued...
Continued, I got home and said "Mum i'm home, but im going out again". I was instantly me with "No!". But i gave mommah "The Look" and all was well. I waited for Zain to come by and pick me up. It was almost 9 when Mum asked "When are you leaving, cause i want you home early" i said as soon as *Ding Dong*.... It felt like a sitcom scene or Someone was watching over me, Superman? Bob? Bob's brother Roberto? Will Smith? Man with camera in my house with chair that says Director. Zain came, with his noticeable croaky voice and we were OFF!
Wasn't a long drive to Oxford Street, what was long was the search for parking. It took us around Oxford, to Kings Cross, past some extremley fly hunnies and we also almost crashed into some loser, saw a road which was blocked by some thugs on bicycles and into a parking space that was in a dark, dark, dark, dark, alley. Remember that book? But the most exciting part of looking for a parking spot was what was happening inside the car. Besides classic hits of 106.5 playing we, me and Zain, had THE biggest, DnM EVAR!!! cause it's what guys do. And it was initiated by this "I haven't stopped thinking about Emma Watson". Yup, you've heard it if you ever want a Deep And Meaningful, grab a car, go city,look for parking and bring up Emma Watson. We talked about who we are, what we want, the kind of woman we're looking for, our current mindsets, the perfect woman (E.W), where we were, will be and are.. Dude! it was like a therapy session. Felt like an hour, but in that hour Zain like... got to know my soul.. and i got to know his. =P...*cough* what? im a man i love beer, boobs and babes. Muscles and constrction work is what i do in my sparetime. What? i didn't say love.
Anyways, once out of the car we started seeinga bunch of other free parking spaces. I think, them evil parked cars were full of hidden people. People who waited an hour for us to find a far away hidden spot. And then move, to rub it in our faces that we could've parked closer. The world works in mysterious evil ways. I'll get you for that bob, Oh YES i will. But yes, we had no idea where we were going from there, all we know is it's called Middle Bar at Oxford street. The event was called Spanish Harlem, and you guessed it it was Canadian themed.... No Spanish, it was a joke dont bash me. We got up the road and were wondering where on Oxford Street this place is. Zain looking left and right, people ducking to dodge his weapon of mass destruction, hint at what his weapon is - we breath through it, and cars driving on by. I for some DIVINE reason happened to look up, maybe to see stars (thats funny but i'll get to it later). But because i did i saw Julio and it turned out we were right infront of our destination. Funny how the world works in mysteriously AWESOME ways. Get it? cause before it was evil ways. ANYWHO we were informed we were "On The List" so we walked into what we thought was the entrance. There was a bar, old people, stools, some pokie machines and a toilet. "Some Bar or Club this is, i thought to myself. We asked the friendly cleaner lady where middle bar is. Turns out we walked into Middle Bars next door, under, neighbour "Something Lounge". (Interesting Trivia, turns out my sister in law once worked there, funny how the world works in coincidental ways). So we got in line, Drunk people left, Right and centre. "I already don't feel right" Zain says to me, You read my mind, now get out of it, you were already in my soul... is what i thought inside my head and not alloud. We finally got in, they checked my I.D twice, i guess i still look young... or cause my I.D is broken and could look fake to some. But we got stamped *looks at hand, its gone!*and we walked inside, hunnies, lights, booze and spanish music it was bumpin.
I must say though i was intimidated because i was new to this crowd. Shook hands with the peepz, Julio, James and new person i met that they call Asia, i think. I'm pretty sure they were already tipsy even though they said "we've only been here for like forty minutes". So we chilled on the balcony for awhile, Julio went to dance Zain, James, Asia and i got to talking. I got to know them, pretty awesome dudes by the end of the night. James is a crack up, thank you alcohol. But what really broke the ice for all of us was, you guessed it, Emma Watson. I swear July 18th should forever be known as Emma Watson day for me. I'll forget in a month or two but i must try not to. We talked and talked about her all night. Some of the funniest things i can recall. Us making an awesome hand sign signalling Emma Watson, a E then W. Then there was this, *Zain looks at lonely shiny star above, and then we all follow* Someone says i wonder if she's looking at the same star right now. Then Someone else said, we're like connected.... sorry i'm just wiping a tear, that was beautiful. After that we debated wether or not it was wrong that we think Hermione was hot in the 2nd movie. We're 18 and are saying a 13 year older was hot. But then again we thought she was hot when we were 13 too so WE WIN! THEN we started devising plans, because it turns out Emma Watson has a boyfriend, I KNOW!!! HEARTBROKEN RIGHT!! But yes we started devising our plan to take him out and win her over. Burning his house was out of the question, she'd comfort and love him more. Maybe Sniping him, headshot then comforting her while she grieves would be good. But no we thought what if she "won't love anyone else and stays loyal to him forever" so that was a no. SO! our plan, send over a sexy person and take pictures of them "snogging" and show her. The sexy person Zain chose was none other than Fuzz. Yup, it woulda definately worked, jealousy wins. We had to change the subject it hurt too much so up came Vanessa hudgens and some other smexy women. We also saw a friend of James and Asia's who was smashed, like he was lying on the floor drunk. Some lady rocked up next to me and says "Is he passed out?" Yup, i says. "He drank too much, stupid", Yup, i says. Im pretty sure she was coming onto me. James went downstairs, i thought he wanted to help out. But no.. minutes later he was posing next to the passed out fellow and taking pictures, As you do. Whilst on the balcony we watched over Oxford street, guys in skinny jeans and thongs in 10 Degree weather, dudes cruising with all their mates.. On their L's (Learners, in Australia we gotta drive with a fully licensed driver before we can go out on our own) and a guy walking his dog on the SMALLEST patch of grass ever.Sad, but funny at the time.
Our balcony time was pretty awesome. But we had to eventually go dancing right? its a bar and music is going, you don't just listen to it. So in we went, and what a time to enter the dance floor. There was Stripper action going on. Hot? No.. not really because it was MALE STRIPPER ACTION, so the ladies loved it. so maybe it could be hot if she was hot... but no. It was Male Stripper Action.. on another MALE!!!! Evil bob you've done it again, managed to trick us into the dance floor at this particular time. I was glad i was the shortest out of the crew, the large crowds of high heeled and big people in front of me obstructed my view. Sweeeeeet. Afterwards just looking around the tiny tiny dancefloor i saw Nora and Burcin. It was nice to see some familiar faces and since it was loud we greeted with the universally known "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII". As you do. Afterwards we got back to the dancing. And as every sober person does, i stood there moving side to side at first. But as the night aged and the whole crew started getting into it i just had to join. We were attempting Salsa, i was moving my ass and trying to keep my zipper from unzipping, damn my love handles, we watched Zain's russian dance and jumped and up and down. We danced til our calves were tensed and aching, til our voices slept, til our ear drums didn't drum.. it went off and it was fun. Dancing the night away. We Screamed, We Danced and We Sung things. Mraz much? Good stuff, but the parents started calling and it was time for us to go. It was 2AM and our parents seemed pissed. But first we needed some water.. Dancing takes its toll, ask my shirt it was drenched. Kinda scared, but the rebellious inside of us came out. Why can't our parents trust us, i mean we're 18 now we're adults and we don't do bad things, we're not even out til 4 in the morning like those other people. Plus for me and Zain this is the first time we've done it in months. Like as he says Once in a blue moon. It's a touchy subject. I guess its the fun we were having and just having to deal with leaving. We kinda wanted to leave anyways, why are we complaining? My excuse for laetness would be "we were eating". But surprisingly alls i got was, lock the door and it was all good. Zain also got off easy, just his parents stayed up til he got home. That doesn't mean we're doing it again for a long time, but we are greatful. So as soon as i got home i showered the sweat off and jumped into bed. Took me awhile cause my legs were ACHING, felt like someone was continuously kicking them. That wasn't a metaphor it was real, stupid brothers... I wish i could post pics of the night, but we didn't have cameras ourselves and i can't find any at the moment... maybe next time =)
*How i met your mother, Ted with red boots reference
Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Hermione, Hermione, EMMA WATSON!!!
So, We saw Harry Potter and the half blood prince today. Before i get all analytical about that movie i just have to say either that movie has a bunch of hilarious sexual connotations OR i'm just a dirty minded boy. Dumbledore - Harry take my hand... Lets all remember now, Dumbledore, J.K Rowlings said herself, is gay. Harry - Professor is this your hourglass? And thats when i said FIGURE! get it hourglass figure... After all as Pigar says, he wanted to "Collect" Harry so he holds private dinner's for special students. The finger licking guy was sitting on his right, CLEARLY, licking his fingers. But anyway's enough of that. Here's a cool pic of the Harry Potter cast, Emma Watson's so hot.... Get back to that later.The Half-Blood Prince, i just gotta say Wow! As a movie that was awesome as an adaptation it was missing some stuff, but who cares what we got was a really good Harry Potter movie, and maybe my favourite one to date. My theory is David Yates was making a Harry Potter movie, not adaptation. Hope that makes sense. But he was selective with what he wanted, added some touches as if it were any other movie. Doesn't matter if it wasn't in the book, it makes an impact in this version. But it was heaps good, loved how most of the story was back in Hogwarts, they were back in class, there was some Quiditch and it kind of mixed The relationships, with the oncoming battle and the sneaky sneaky. It was Clearly a bridging movie right, cause we know theres a seventh and that probably why the ending was how it is. *My thoughts on ending is in smallest writng at the bottom, i dont want to spoil it* But what made the movie REALLY interesting to me was the cinematography and the musical score. Or as what i learnt at uni Mise en Scene, Basically everything the camera captures. The settings, lighting, props the way it was caught i thought was .. Dare i say.. incredible. It was like they found a spot to take a really good photograph but instead filmed it. Like for example theres a scene where Snape talks to Draco in the hallway. It' not zoomed its from a distance, as if focusing mainly on the castle and i.. AH im just rambling here sorry. But i just thought the movie was visual jizzinmypants for me. Ohh YEAH best choice of words right.

This is just my Harry Potter review, i just got home my legs hurt its 3 in the morning so.. i'll write about my day tomorow. Night Peepz, Peace!