BACK.... With a Vengeance........ No not really, but it sounds cool right?

Written by Fuzz on 10/28/2009 11:59:00 PM

FuZZ Is Listening To - Owl City - Fireflies... This dude is fudging Great! I Thank Pigar for recommending this band to us. Honestly when i listen to their songs i feel like im in a Dream world where its always blue skies and bubbles are floating on by, rainbows are shining and unicorns are playing hide and seek with leprechauns.. No im not high, but these songs are pure joy =D

Heeeyyyy Look At THAT!... It says Written by Fuzz.. WAIT.. Thats not right Fariz is away on holidays, hes not in Australia, hes on break... He's talking about himself in third person... no.No.NO.WRONG! I'm BACK Baby Doll!! Back from the Trip to Singapore, from groping a mermaids statues boobies.. Say wahhh?, Back from having chicken in my big breakfast at maccas, back from having a Cendol flavored Easy Way, Back from having a warm BATH at the hotel (Who has baths these days?) and Back from chewing gum at Singapore... ILLEGALLY. Then To Indonesia. Back From My Brother, Kak Ferri's, Wedding, back from Jakarta, from seeing Pigar for only a day (But oh what a gratifying day it was), Back from a hotel which was a cover for a Brothel, from the Gypsy/Mystic who helped us get our lost luggage bag back from the Airport in Jakarta, back from Bandung and the Indo Batista's, back from Bali and the fantastic Sunset, back from Jimbaran and the awesome destination (Dinner, Grilled Corn, Lobster by sunset), i have returned no longer a Lobster virgin, back from Scuba Diving, back from a boat breaking down and having to walk a bunch of metres in shallow coral infested water, Back from having a massage from a 20 year old woman who looked like she was 12 but DAMN did she have monstrous hands and by the end of the massage she was literally punching the soles of my feet, back from spending a bunch of cash on clothes and nice shoes (I got Brown High Top VANS!!), Back from a hangover in Bali, back from seeing some more batistas at bali, Back from seeing a Tante John (Mrs. John = Hermaphrodite a lady man lady) and see them have a conversation with my sister in laws brother, back from wearing a Chinamans hat at Bali, from Watching The Hangover 3 times on the plane and Back... BACK from my Holiday away from responsibility, my life down under, university and technology. I've said Back so many times its sorta lost its meaning. So Hello Everybody, how have you been? OH AND NEWS FLASH!! Typical Antics is gonna have a co-blogger. Zain's coming! Did you feel that? That tingle? That was Zain breathing through his nose... Chilling stuff.

So i won't tell you about my holiday yet, i'll leave that for some essay later on. We originally planned on not writing til our assignments were over. But i had to do something. I mean i JUST came back and no mention on the blog. I'm sorry for doing that to you peepz.... I love you.... Yuhuh im ready to say the L word. =)

Anywhom my original reason to write an entry. Apart from introducing the new background,
which i hope looks good, i wanted to talk about being a jolly little jelly bean. Why would i talk about being a jolly little jelly bean? WELL! This is why im talking about being a Jolly Little Jelly Bean. This afternoon i was walking home and everything just seemed to be in place. The Sun had set over the horizon, Golden rays of sunshine were glimmering through the trees and a cloudless clear blue sky. I was walking down Coward Street, with the usual Smile i have on my face, Which some would find odd, but whats so bad about being happy, smiling and walking down a road alone?, My latest iPod playlist, Named Happy Feet, chunking it out in my ears. Then a rush of memories came to my head. The Waterbomb fight day, The Roll film, Yelling Spider! then seeing one of our friends (a person who will not be named, i'll just say that they co-write on some blog called typical antics) cross the street just to avoid it, Chilling on Sutherland Street whilst doing the G-up thing and Having Pizza we walked down this road on all of these occasions. And whilst walking down this street today i couldn't help but smile and think of all the good times this one street had for me. Theres like a Bajillion streets in the world, just think about how many more streets would have the same effect.

So yes, Im currently high on life, I have great memories, great friends, a great family and nothing, NOTHING is worrying me. Not even the assignments and exams coming up. F Them i says =D. Enjoy Life, Don't Regret. Instead Reminisce and Then prepare for the next day. Open the Door with your arms wide open, Embrace the world, Welcome every and any opportunity that arises and take in the Beauty the world has to offer.

On that note check this out, My Photographic Attempts.

Life's great, Im high, Good Night. Peace Out, One Love!


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