Better Late Then Never

Written by Fuzz on 10/04/2009 11:28:00 AM

FuZZ Is Listening To -Ooh Wee - Mark Ronson, Ghostface & Nate Dogg, It's from Hitch.. and we alll know what a Will Smith fan i am =P

Yeeeah, how long's it been since i last posted an entry? Sorry Bout that. Hello, how have you been? =P I'm leaving to go Indonesia and Singapore soon, so that'll be another two weeks without me.. but don't worry something grand will most likely happen whilst im gone. And it'll find its way on Typical Antics. Just wait and see.

Since my last post.. what have i done? I'm not too sure, i've been pretty busy lately but not with exciting things. Just responsibilities.
BECAUSE I'm leaving late i have to finish assignments early... To rise you must first fall, or something like that WHAT I MEAN IS before you can have fun you gotta be serious, nothing worthwile is easy. So i anti-procrastinated and finished a few assignments 3 weeks early. Yeah Take That 17 Year Old FuZZ. Early homework feels so much better, not as pressured and you can take as much muffin breaks as you want. It's the life i tells ya.

But what did i really want to post.. Myess. Last Thursday was the long await Team Jar2 Reunion. We hadn't seen each other since god knows when (
Ok i scrolled down my blog, the last time the three of us were together was Emma Watson Day July 18th.. I think). And we were very egg-cited indeed. Me and Zain were so excited we went to Eastgardens at 3! We sms'd izzy and asked her when she'd finished, to which she replied "I have no change of clothes!"... SomeONE wasnt prepared. But Zain and I had things to do beforehand anyways. We had to get photo's printed, find a basketball, buy Dan Brown's book, pick up the photos, fend off the ladies and venture into Africa. It's a hard life i says. ALSO we tried the new chicken shop that replaced the classic Zisti's at Eastgardens. And i must say... this place was DISGUSTING! I felt all greasy inside, i thought if i looked at my tummy i'd be able to see through cause of all the grease. Then we felt sick afterwards, it was all batter no chicken and just eugh. So i URGE you true believers, do NOT go there, HEED MY WARNING!! The shop will make you sick!

Anywhom, whilst we continued to wait for Izzy we sat infront of KFC loitering. Just chilling there, like losers, with no food 2 dudes sitting together at a food court. We went back and forth into the food court like 5 times because Izzy apparently finished at 4...
It was 4:30.. When we had enough we had ENOUGH! Then went to Franklins cause we were suddenly craving Milk! Cause that's what we do. And when we got to Franklins Zain gotta call from Izzy and she was finished. Why does the world work like that.... or was Izzy secretly waiting for us to leave so then she'd POUNCE? These are the questions which we will never find the answers to... So we got our milk, i got Double Chocolate and Zain got Strawberry Milk..Strawberry milk i must say kicks chocolate milks ass, then we met Izzy and were on our way.... where? I have no idea... and neither did they.

We ended up going Izzy's first because lets face it... Hanging out with someone in their KFC uniform is totally uncool on the social cool-ness list.. and Zain and I hold a prominent status in this heirarchy, We are the Masters Of Epic-Awesomeness...
We were born with this title. True Story. So Izzy went home to change which was suppoesd to take 5-10 minutes... So me and Zain tuned into 106.5, classic music, and chilled for what turned out to be 11 MINUTES!! Jeez people don't keep their promises these days do they.

We ended up going Randwick to have some Iskender,
Izzy has no idea what it is and we were craving it. So we go there and on the way to the Kebab shop when we see *gulp*... an Emma Watson Magazine cover! "She was wearing that in MX and ZOMG" Zain said something along those lines. So we went inside to check this Magazine out. We searched far and wide along the 2 metre magazine rack. But this magazine was not to be found.. But instead we DID find some other modelling magazine with her on the cover. Zain snatched it and slowly went through the pages to find Emma Watson, I thought he was going incredibly slow. "What if i miss her page!?"... So i grabbed a magazine, quickly sifted through it and found it in a second. WHO's THE MAN!?!? YESSIR IM THE MAN! Ohhh We looove Miss Watson...

Anywhom! We dragged ourselves away from the magazines and made our way to the Kebab shop... when we realized Izzy needed cash. We were at the front of the store and this happened. We put the poor employees hopes up only to have them fall like a sumo skydiving. So we walk away and make our way to an ATM. See some old Randwick Boys dressed in disgusting looking formal wear. They were going to a social.
The hell is a social? And why do they have a joint one with the Girls school? We never had anything to do with our "sister" school. Anywhom we got the cash and went back to the Kebab shop. Then we realized... The chicken from earlier on. Is STILL lingering in our tummies. We'd lost our appetite and thought... we'll eat later... So once again.. the poor kebab employees dreams were shattered. Instead we went to the park in between Randwick Junction and The Spot. We chilled by the memorial statue for i dont know... an hour or 2? Reminisced, talked about Eid, about how we met and everything. It was nice and relaxing. We had no worries in the world. Zain was on uni break, I was about to go holiday and finished everything and Izzy was finished work... until the next morning. =P The night was falling and we thought it was time we left Randwick and make our way home.

We got in the car, pumped the 106.5 and made our way out of Randwick. We winged it and for some divine reason,
which i played no part in, drove towards Bondi. We were planning to go past coogee. Then we got to Mcpherson street and saw a sign to Bronte. And Zain said "I've never been to Bronte".... SO IT WAS ON! We made a sharp turn right, we drifted left and right and we went passed all these nice coastal houses with boats and then we went to Bronte. I thought we were just passing by, until Zain found parking and was walking away. Then it hit me! I think Zain wants to go to the actual beach. So the three of us went down and sat by the beach, the Moonlight was shining down reflecting the ocean and we stared out at the dark horizons.

"Beyond that line.. Is more water"
"Then eventually you'll hit an island?"
"...More Water"

It was nice, peaceful, nothing but the sky, the moon and the earth. It was beautiful and it was nature, no technology at all. The sound of the waves every so often the dog behind us chasing a tennis ball like mad and these two fellows infront of us. We thought "Hey let's caption what they do"... These dudes started chasing each other, taking photos together, then tackling each other to the ground, start doing air kicks, had a mexican stand off, threw sand at each other, another mexican stand off then tackled each other to the ground. It was hard to keep up. Then we thought... hey let's sing some CLASSIC 106.5 melodies. We went from Eternal flame, to that song Heath Ledger sings in 10 things i hate about you. It was nice, good times and all without technology.
I'm going through a phase where i think Technology isn't connecting us, it's blocking us from real connections to each other and the world. You don't need technology in every part of your life.

Our time at Bronte beach came to an end when we realized time just flew by. But the ocean blew salt into our faces and we kinda realized we were hungry... So... MACCAS RUN!! Then we went home. But the night wasn't over for Zain and I... was it Zain?

To Be Continued... (Maybe... if i have time)



Comment by CINTAAMONYET on October 5, 2009 at 11:08 PM

God you went into details. I must admit, I'm proud of you Fuzz.

I told you blogging was awesome =)

And when you get your ass back here, we are DFO-ing! I don't care!


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