Photographic Nostalgia

Written by Fuzz on 11/11/2009 12:38:00 AM

FuZZ Is Listening To -It's My Life/Confessions - Glee Cast, The Dudes. Glee, Is probably one of the best tv shows on tv (clearly) right now. I love it!! It's fun, kinda quirky, Mr Schuester would be one of the most awesome teacher ever, and the music is just tip tops!

Hello. It's me again. I'm foregoing completing my assessment to write a blog. My excuse is that today is my rest day. But i've yet to start and its due in, looks at time "oh crap its 12:48 AM", well i guess its due tomorow then. So here i am, bludging, not worrying, not stressing, and enjoying this spare time i have before i dig my head into the keyboard and search up facts which i would not normally look up if it wasn't for this assessment. Plus side, some of the facts are pretty useful, and i get to use them later on in life and seem like a pompous prick for acting like im smarter than everyone....Maybe thats not such a good idea.

Jeez.. i just rambled there. I swear i only planned to say Hello. Oh here i go again. Stop it! No. Smartass..

So have you ever had that moment where your walking aimlessly around the house, bored, nothing to do, you dont want to eat, watch tv, or sit on the computer. This is usually where a good hobby would kick in, but not even drawing was on my agenda. Then i looked at the corner of my dining room and saw OOLD photo albums. Like Ancient! Like Spanish Civil War Ancient. Like Zain with no facial hair ancient. Or Fuzz without awesomeness ancient... wait, no that never happened. SO I walked over and looked at some oldies. And Oh my GOD are they old. Sorry though i couldnt be bothered scanning them. Back when we were toddlers, pictures of me and my cousin pretending to be ninjas when we were 4, a very candid shot of me as a toddler at an artificial beach and wearing nothing but my birth day suit, me and my brothers looking after Emir, the youngest, who is now so big and old and facial haired... It takes you back to times when things were simple. And all of these photographs have such great stories behind them, and just the joy i see from seeing the happy faces. Theres so much more going on in the picture than what is there though. There was a picture of me feeding a kangaroo.... It looks innocent, yeah cool kangaroo. NO! EVIL KANGAROO! BEGINING OF MY FEAR OF KANGAROOS! Minutes after the photo was taken the Kangaroo punched the bag of peanuts out of my hands and almost came after me, Saved by a park ranger who threw something nearby to take evil kangaroos attention away. Speaking of fears, my fear of Clowns was videotaped.

OFF TOPIC MOMENT: Theres a video of my 4th birthday and my parents got me a clown to come by. The clown was "funny", doing the hokey pokey, and all "smiles". But clowns have evil deadly intentions behind those painted smiles. (See, Evil Clowns Page 43). So in this video the clown approaches junior FuZZ and what do i do? I run off crying, evil Clown aint putting no hurt on me baby! (Crying was a defence mechanism... yuhuh it sure is). Anywhom how that i think of this video... i think its gone. It's a shame, i was too young to realise the value in that video and i think im the one that threw it out. BACK ON TOPIC.

The photos were a nice trip back to memory lane. I saw my old Indonesian Dancing days, We performed on tv once so im a destined star (My part was a prince of some sorts and i had my princess beside me, i was also a player... naturally), this time we went to the snows and i fell over putting my feet in a snowboard (i just quit after that)... Ah really good times. I then started looking at past photos on my computer. And Jeeez we were gronks back in the high school days. Taking photos at the bus stop as the Infamous 359 Krew (We caught the 359 every afternoon, so named ourselves after this bus CAUSE WE'RE GANGSTA!!), Eating Pizza and slurpees during sport, Posing for no reason on top of pandas, Eating at oportos, Climbing boats on zain's road, Eating MASSIVE Hungry Jacks and McDonalds feeds (Like seriously there were 8+ burgers involved), Going Indonesia on my own with Alasdair, Studying for the HSC, Farewells for Randwick Boys... Just wayy too much. I wish i could post some of the photos up, but it would take up SO MUCH MORE space than i already have....

But wow..You realise how much has changed since then, but also what you've gone through to become who you are today. And it's great looking at this pictures every once in awhile, it's not living in the past it, reminding yourself of the past.
Lets all do it. So im glad i now have a diary that saves all my new photos now. I want to make a time capsule now... Hmm.

Whilst i ponder this i shall leave y'all. *looks at post, such a personal post in a way* But
hey you choose to read it so i should let you know more about me.

Peace Out!


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