WIPEOUT can wipe ME out anyday.

Written by Peanut Butter on 12/06/2009 04:55:00 PM

Zain Is Listening To Change Clothes by Jay-z

G'day y'all ! I have to say I've seen my fair share of game shows but nothing, NOTHING can compare to the sheer entertainment value of this show called WIPEOUT. Wipeout exudes a sense of unparalleled professionalism never-before-seen on national television. I've got u a lil bit curious now haven't i ? Well just to show a snippet of this pro conduct, we have a pretty co-host laughing AT a contestant whilst interviewing her. Classic professional tv right. But in this pretty co-hosts' defence, the interviewee was a complete banana !

Then again, I guess you'd have to be off-centre and slightly crazy which is exactly why i WOULD DIE TO PLAY THIS RIDICULOUS GAME IVE COME TO LOVE SO VERY MUCH !

Just looking at the obstacles these contestants have to survive, you can CLEARLY see they were made for failing but does that stop any of these players from somehow trying to overcome them flawlessly ? HELL NAWWWWW they attempt...they fail HILARIOUSLY, try again, fail again...there's something really invaluable about this repetition or maybe its the commentators. The commentators make all these sensationalised clown-like comments about each player...i actually think WIPEOUT has found the perfect balance necessary for any game show to be a success story in Zain's world...the only world that actually matters CLEARLY. Now the ingredients are as follows:
  • a ridonkulously aimless game show concept
  • contestants that are pretty clueless just quietly.
  • commentators providing sarcastic/quirky statements
  • a super babe co-host where interviewing skills are not part of the job description.

and that is why i have to come to admire this NONSENICAL game show (thought i'd follow on the theme from fuzzs previous post ) .

Now everybody check your local tv guides and stay tuned for the next episode of WIPEOUT !

Peace YO


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