Fact, Fiction, Fun?

Written by Fuzz on 9/22/2009 11:45:00 PM

FuZZ Is Listening To -Birthday Girl - The Roots Ft Patrick Stump, I'm a huge fan of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon and even more so because he has The Roots as his house band. Like SERIOUSLY THE ROOTS!! THEYRE LEGENDARY AND PLAIN CLASSIC!

Yo Yo, In a nutshell today was pretty Fantastical. Point form, play by play on what was the haps.

  • Woken up Early to my cousin with a sore throat saying to my mum ".... something.. something... sickness" My mum responds by saying, Oh no! i'll go make you tea, go have a shower and get some panadol in you then rest up more. Then i went back to sleep. 10 Minutes later, I think i dont really tell time whilst asleep, My mum walks in with tea and hands it over to which my cousin responds "Oh.. No no it wasnt me that's sick its Bude thats sick, i have to go home later." I'm there in bed, pretending to be asleep and facepalming for my mom. Then i hear "Fariz stop smiling while your asleep" DOH!
  • Woke up 2 hours later, Showered, got told that i gotsta go Lakemba with my momma, Called up the Agency (OMG I HAVE TO TELL YOU GUYS ABOUT THIS SOON-ISH), then left with momma to Lakemba.
  • Scratched my nose
  • Arrived at family friends place, conversed abit, played some zombie killing games, drank some fruity drink tasted like ribena but it was brown, Realised said family friends knows some of my uni friends, then left their place slapped on the L plates and made my way home.
  • Then realized that i wasn't going home, i was going Maroubra to deliver some food AND i was getting paid for it. =O
  • I got paid $50, Jee wizz i wish this was a real job.
  • Went home, but first got some grub with momma, we ate at Ole.
  • Drove home, updated my facebook status, chilled for abit then packed my bag to go study at the library. Yuhuh i aint no Gee up I Came and I studied, sorta.
  • Dressed in Summer Clothes-ish, By that i mean i wore thongs.
  • Went to the city, sat next to some smelly people and faked a smile to pretend that all was okay... even though it wasnt the man smelt like foot.
  • Farted in retaliation
  • Arrived at Martin Place, saw myself in a reflection and said "Damn Yous A Sexy Bitch", Walked into State Library all confident, Aviators, Cap, Music blaring, Thongs clapping etc.
  • Got my stuff, and went downstairs to study with Zain and Julio.
  • Caught up before i really started studying.
  • 20 minutes later wrote some words down.
  • Read Poetry from the Sanchez Files.
  • Realized Zain was also wearing Thongs.
  • Julio wore Sneakers.. Tsk tsk
  • He said it was gonna thunder storm and rain later on
  • We Scoffed it Off.
  • Laughed at things that were happening around us.
  • Listened to Zain's iPod, while he listened to mine.
  • Rated the Fly Honeys at the library.
  • Continued Rating...
  • Julio made an interesting observation, wrote it down on paper, "The Kid there looks like a Tomato"
  • We all look, Discreetly. I used my iPods reflection, Zain smelt his physical appearance.
  • Pointed out that the Best Honey in there was also wearing Thongs
  • Studied for a while.
  • A while means 5 minutes.
  • Saw that the Best Honey fell asleep.
  • I started drawing a picture.
  • We saw pictures of the son of Communications Uncle and he looked Cuban.
  • Realized the Best Honey was only reading.
  • Had to leave, Lindt closes at 7.
  • I had no idea what they meant, but then we made our way out.
  • Used the locker system at State Library, i cut in line.
  • Realized it was Rain and Thunderstorm, So our Previous Scoffing blew up in our faces.
  • Charged out of the Library and onto Martin Pl while playing the "P" Game, say a funny word and the next person has to say it louder.
  • Walked passed the Channel 7 Studios, tried to catch a glimpse of that smoking hot babe that tells the news.
  • Were disappointed to see some "Douche", as Julio says, Rehearsing.
  • Zain and I were screaming at the fact that our thongs were a bad idea and we were getting water on our feet.
  • We continued our charge through the city to Darling Harbour.
  • It got wet and stinky.
  • I fell behind, the Thongs began to hurt, Zain was also beginning to feel the pain.
  • Julio had shoes so he was ahead and just acing through.
  • Got to a crossroads, which would ultimately lead to our doom.
  • Julio said lets go Right, Zain retaliated and said lets go Left! I stood there, then went BACK! Onto the stairs to rest. As i got to the stairs they'd decided. Never have i been so upset to leave a set of stairs
  • Walked past the place of our Formal.
  • Found some stairs that went down, spirall-ish. And also saw an alternate path, but were blocked by some cars and a highway sort of. If we actually looked around there was a perfectly safe and better bridge that could have taken us straight to Lindt Cafe. But we live on the edge, so we took the scary spirall-ish stairs, also because we thought it was the better option..... And this... Is where the story get's interesting....
The Following Events May or May Not have happened. The character's portrayed are not fictional nor are they completely fact, you may choose what you want to believe. But whatever you do, be entertained and know.. DO KNOW, That i'm pretty sure the events that transpired this evening were the inspiration for many MANY films you have seen, will see, or ARE seeing.

So our three heroes ventured down the spiralling staircase. Little did they know that it would behold the adventure of a lifetime. The walls of the stairs were filled with some type of art, some may call it vandalism, some may call it graffiti, the cool people would probably call it talentless tags. That was unecessary but had to be written. They got to the bottom of the stairwell and entered a lot, with flashing lights whizzing past every so often. They looked up to see that they were under a bridge. Droplets of rain fell ever so lightly, through the trees and the small openings of the bridge, onto our heroes. It was a dark place, the only source of real lights was from a dim orange glow coming from the stairwell. The Heroes had feared for the worst, they thought they'd hit a dead end. Dead end's are no good because they require us to walk back UP the stairs and use our feet muscles. The area was dark, isolated and silent. But the Heroes did not fear, they are after all Heroes. "Relations were once in action over by that gate over there" Said one of the Heroes. It turns out one of the three had been here before. The other two noticed an opening by a wall, Most likely made by the Trolls that were roaming under the bridge that inhabit this area. The heroes noticed some man eating Easter Bunnies were prowling behind them. There wasnt much time. The mission of the Heroes was to get to the other side of this area to the Harbour of Darlings where they would join their comrades in the Lindt Inn. The Opening was big enough to fit the two thinner Heroes, the third hero was unsure if he was able to get through. But the hole wasn't the only concern of the Heroes. On the other side of the hole was a river full of Flaming Fireball Lights whizzing past. If they were to cross the hole they'd have to be careful not to get hit by the FLAMING FIREBALL LIGHTS! Time was running out, The Easter Bunnies were closing in. The Smaller Hero immediately slid through and ran his way across the FLAMING FIREBALL LIGHTS river. He charged through and successfully made it across... Alone. Whilst the other two pondered what to do. The taller of the remaining heroes jumped over the opening and to get extra air used his incredibly nose breathing power and blew out to give him more air time. He made it across and almost overshot his landing. Luckily no one was hurt during the filming of this stunt. The third hero and the fairly larger of the two attempted to squeeze through the hole. He was able to get his head and arms in but was stuck because of his very large... shoe. Yes his shoe stopped him. But he pushed on, and made it through sacrificing his shoe in the process. The FLAMING FIREBALL LIGHTS stopped for a moment and allowed our hero to get onto the Safe Island. They're only halfway, their journey continued. They crossed ravenous terrain, the killer weather was against them as it sprayed strong acid rain at their armor, blew them away with its strong winds and tormented them by singing the latest Classic Opera songs. They'd reached a point where they couldn't continue any further, which is where the Genie of Foogle land appeared. He gave our heroes some words of wisdom, which to this day no one knows what, and it was enough to send our Heroes through the lands. They'd reached a point where they could see their destination. They were weary, in need of a backrub, maybe deep tissue with some nice relaxing green tea and a nice bed, but they wouldnt get that instead they had these stupid thongs and were completely isolated from the world. They saw a familiar face and waved wildly, there was response but for some reason they walked away from it. It's as if they didn't need to be saved... wierdos. Then they got to another river with FLAMING FIREBALL LIGHTS!! And a giant Ape which was throwing barrels at them from above. "Screw it" Said one of the Heroes as he ran for his life and arrived at the High Octane Mermaid Energized Biking Apple Roll or H.O.M.E.B.A.R. He was closely followed by his two compadres. They were near, there was only a straight strip towards the Lindt Inn. They had to cross the damp lands, faking limps, looking tired and drenched in cloud's piss. But they'd arrived at their destinations and were greeted with Iced Chocolates, The champion's Drink. But one of the heroes were clever and wanted to be different so he got a Hot Chocolate. Nobody knows what happened to the heroes after that. Some say they went on to become Goat herders, others say they now work for Darth Vader, there was also a rumor that they are finding Waldo, theres also the one where they've turned into dinosaurs with laserbeam eyes... But no one knows for truth what happened to them. But i do know that one of them got angry at their sisters, so angry that he had a Cue'd lightning storm that bounced on the Centrepoint tower.. which was By the Way Totally Awesome =D.. The End.

That was hard to write..
i mean read then re - write.
ANYHOW! I'm officially an Extra, im part of Blackbox Media Agency or whatever they're called and i paid cash to make me a profile and i will soon be called to do Extra's work on TV or Film. Isnt that awesome!?!? =D One step closer to that Acting Dream i always wished for. See I am SO not a Gee Up. And if i do become a world famous actor,
And like honestly look at me its inevitable, This is the day i'll remember, the blog i remember and the followers i'll remember.

P.S. Tomorow for an assessment, im not going on a computer for a whole day.

Farewell Y'all, Peace Out, One Love!


Comment by Pigar on September 23, 2009 at 1:11 AM

Wow! An EXTRA!

You're moving up already Fariz! Asik, congrats mate! :D


BTW: Have u heard Isrien sing? My gosh - you will JIZZ..she is SOOO GOOD! :O

Comment by Fuzz on September 23, 2009 at 12:16 PM

ZOMG YES! I heard it! The video took forever to load so i looked at another page, then i was sitting there wondering who's talking... Then she started singing and i saw and i was like NOOO WAYYYY!!! IZZY!!! =O

Comment by Zaiiin on September 23, 2009 at 12:50 PM



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