Song Of The Moment - Eagle Eye Cherry - Save Tonight.. ; )
8/14/2009 | 10:58:28 AM | Zai№S | ohh man | |||||
8/14/2009 | 10:58:28 AM | Zai№S | ive got a feeling | |||||
8/14/2009 | 10:58:38 AM | Zai№S | that today i sgonna be a GOOD DAY ! |
Ok, apart from Zain's Incredibly BAD Spelling and his attempt at singing the black eyed peas song.. Pinochio hasn't lied here. His spidey senses were tingling and they came through. They surprised the viewers from the left flank, blindsided the D and came home Strong!...yeeeah, No he was right. Today was gooood...
So why was it good? I'll tell you why its good. Yeah, that's generally what happens. Shut up. So today, Friday the 14th August 2009 (So close to being the 13th) was the day that we, Zain and I, would be meeeting up with our old old friend Ameerah Alias, remember her? from the water fights and those HSC study days? No? Its okay =P. But before we met Zain and I had to go jumah, Friday prayer for all of you playing at home. Jumah was funny cause my pops was angry at me and my cousin, Iqbal, for being late. So we got silent treatment-ed the whole way.. then as we're walking towards the mosque i hear "Rony!!!" and my dad instantly Happy go sunshine's and is joking around and laughing out loud... funny story right? Yes? ... who asked you anyway.
ANYWAYS, When i finally got the prank phone call signalling Zain's arrival into the Eastern suburbs of Eastlakes. Yeah you wouldn't get that Eastlakes was an Eastern Suburb would you. So i walk outside and wait to see his monster of a tarago or his miniature red car. I see the red car... and i think it's gonna u-turn to park in front of me... But NO!! he turns into another street, and i gotta run, YES RUN, over... Thanks mate, make me run.. just cause my gym membership is out and i've been out of shape for awhile now... you bastard. So i run over to his car and say what up to Zain and his sis. Inside his car Zain and I are asked if we planned to dress the same. Zain the ass wore a checkered pinkish/redish/greyish shirt and i wore my red checkered shirt also... *Yes we called each other the night before. This was the first of many. We go up the road and drop off his sis. And we're off!.... Oh right and before i got picked up, sorry but i'm going non-linear story telling on your ass, I gotsa call from Ameerah i did, yes i did! And it turns out, as usual, she was there EXTRA early. And it all suddenly came back, it was as if Ameerah was never gone for all those months.. i dont know how or why. But anyhow she was early, we were late, and someones ass was getting whooped.... So i stopped watching that guy get beat down and we went to randwick.
*Im being sarcastic
In the car we discussed life, poetry, fine champagnes and good tourist destinations such as Monaco and Rome.... Yeah? Anyways,we get to Randwick 15 minutes late, Fashionably. Before we got to Taste of thai we saw a head pop out of the bus. It was our old old old old old old buddy mister devine. So we said hi, then bye then went to Taste of Thai after meeting and greeting Ameerah for the first time in god knows when. A year? Inside we sat, as you do in a restaurant, and ordered our food and conversed. Caught up, said things, laughed, looked at things and just anything. There was an inside joke going on too.. i didn't know what was going on but it had something to do with the man in green beside us!? What was it? please tell me. While waiting for our food we also got the first of many warnings, or notices i dont know. They were "You'r coming out Saturday night or else." Psht.. whatever right?
So we got up to catching up, being teased about dressing the same, battling space leprechauns, finishing our food and talking. Ameerah was getting mysterious phone calls from peepz. Zain was getting phone calls here and there too. THEN!!! Out of the blue there were special guest appearances from Ameerah's sister Atiqah, Nora and Krystle. Buutt we got back to it and conversed. We did heaps, we saw pictures of Julio and Alex getting cosy, got teased for our dress sense once again, got told by by EVERYONE that we're (Zain and I) coming out Saturday night (I guess we're going out tomorow?), got told that i'm gonna blog about it later tonight, And what do you know, put our right foots down and said we're gonna meet once a month (month = 100+ days), took pictures like Sydney-grown tourists (and for proof that we hung out with the mythical Ameerah) and talked about this one time when we all had this picture of Zain as our phone wallpapers. It looks like a picture you'd put on your Online Dating Profile. "Hey sexy ladies, if you want a fudgepaki i'm your man."
Our crew had to go Easties Library to pick up Zain's sis. Driving through Randwick, past the racecourse and along the orange sun setting over. We got to the Library and looked at the CD's.. Jazz, Folk, Blues, Classical.. What every 18 year old teen listens to. Then Zain just disappears... Nora's looking at a table with books and i found a Mexican cook book. Then Zain re-appears, Just poooofed out of thin air, and said "You guys gotta check this out.." Aaaand we did, he took us over to the kids section..You SICK person! What are you doing in the kids section!!... But then i forgot all about that and this is what happened.

... yup, We ate chinese food. No but really, the Library, Friday Nights.. It goes OFF! The place to Be! Next Friday Its On like Donkey Kong. Not Diddy, he's too small. We got to read Spot The Dog, Played with Lego pieces, saw Ancient computers (which KILL the Macs!), Pillow throwing contests and best of all Dressed up in Capes! Red Dresses! And some wierd other dress! The Library's the only place you could pull off a Cape, the world aint ready. "They can't handle what we got, our flow is too sick" Our styles the illest... Thanks Nora. Who woulda thought Friday arvo's at the Library was this Bangin?!
*Scrolls up... ahh shiiet, its another essay*
We went back to Eastlakes to drop off Nora... See that was the original plan. THEN! As we drove into her street and stopped. Zain's sister was Kidnapped!! KIDNAPPED I TELLS YA! As any loving and caring brother does when his sister is kidnapped.. Zain sat there, in the drivers seat, smiling.. then drove away. Don't you wish he was your brother. But no, we came back and then got confirmation that "Aysha's going to be staying with us tonight, you go watch Public Enemies.".. Oh right, i've been told that is IMPERITIVE that i watch Public Enemies. Unbiased review, and no Johnny Depp played NO part in the imperiveness of watching Public Enemies. Thats preposterous. Butt there we were, two single, smashingly sexy, guys on a friday night told to go out and spend it out on the town.... so what do we do? Hit up a club? Pick up chicks at a bar? Play laser tag? Bungee Jump the Harbor Bridge?... No. We went to my place and watched this youtube video.
.. As you do. And then we decided against Public Enemies, the times weren't too good. Again i narrowly slip away from watching the movie.. =P.
But we think we HAVE to be out tonight. So we go Victoria Park, listen to music on the iPod, meet up with Julio, listen to his stories, Listen to Elevator music in a toilet and ponder things. Massive DnM went on, Guys DnM too.. i think? Then we went home and now im here. Watching the Home page on facebook fill up... Good times eh? Anyhow! I'm out! Latersss Peace!! =)
Sounds like a really really fun day. Even reading it - ahh, i miss you guys!
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