Its been a long time coming

Written by Fuzz on 8/06/2009 11:23:00 AM

Song Of The Moment - Lovers In Japan - Coldplay, I Effen LOVE this song! I don't know why... but its awesome. I think i started to like it cause i heard it in Night At The Museum 2. It's just awesome, love the start how it slowly builds up from a solemn hymm (I'm talking out of my rectum there, i dont know what it means) and just goes on from there.. i don't know i just like this song. Does there have to be a reason that i like something?

So uhm.. recently i looked over my blog... And yes it has been awhile, odd right usually i write a entry everyday and now its been like 5 ITS OKAY!! Nothing happened to me im safe, stop worrying dont call the police or superman or batman or my mum or K.Rudd. I already told them, and i was just tired from the week of uni i had. So im sorry for not updating and making you fear for my life =P.

So yes i was looking over and realised... Hey, my entries are waaaayyyy bigger then everyone elses. Is that bad? No. What? I said No. Shut up who's talking to you italic's person. So maybe i should write less? No. Oh My GOD Go away! Anywhom im not too good at reserving what i write, i practically write whatever comes to and it turns into like a gajillion words, so im sorry to those who get intimidated at the laaarge entries.. its just how i write. Hell Yeah! Dude i swear im telling mum if you outburst again. (or i'll tell zain to tell my mum.. the guy has my mums number, *cough*stalker*cough*)

Anyhow my last few days in a nutshell.. Monday i went Gym, by went i mean i walked there from home. Cause im a champion!! Ok italics guy that was alright, your off the hook for now. So because i was such a Champion my actual workout was crap. I only lifted like 200 Kgs in each arms.. its not good enough for a Champion like me. Plus the gym was packed, not good to go late, You get the beasy hulk looking dudes that grunt as they work out. So i got a ride home and was dead that night. I then watched supernaturals last episode, OMG SUPERNATURAL!! Love that show (Little girly moment there) and then i stayed up til 12, knowing i was supposed to be up at 6. It's these dumb little decisions that make me so awesome, i defy common sense!! Sooo when i got up the next morning, 5 and a half hours later, i didn't want to go uni.. let alone wake up. I mean who wakes up at this time... Then i saw my dad just leave the house to go work.. I stand corrected. So i left home at 7, got to uni at 9 stayed til 4 got back to the city at 5:30-ish. I was away from Sydney for so long.. Its not right, the mountains of penrith are not a place to go for such prolonged times.. they don't speak english there they speak mountain english. So i'd gotten back to the city to meet my good friend, Yes he has to be mentioned in most of my blog posts or else its not a typical antic, Zain "Peanut Butter" Anjam. I stood next to a poster of "The Ugly Truth" Cause i looove Katherine Heigl, Just so Zain could spot me. Off course i could spot him, who can't spot that mountain. After moments of searching our eyes met and time stopped for a moment, glitter fell from the sky, the lights brightened, tall grass grew (yes in the middle of Eddy Avenue in the city), Leprechauns riding unicorns galloped around and we ran to each other in slow motion. It was beautiful. So what do we do in the city at 5:30 on a tuesday night.. the stores are all closed and people are going home. Whats left to do? Ohhh.. a little something called Eat, hope you've heard of it, and food stores are always open. But before we went there we had to walk up the slanted George Street, A street where i realise you always see at least one familiar face.. and that day was no exception, i won't say who though cause i like to keep the mystery ALIIVE!! *COUGH*BB*COUGH* AAAAND what did we eat? Regardless of the late reports of poisoning a poor child. We ate KFC, yess izzy we went there. And it was surprisingly good, Even though it was the end of the day 3 hours old food, we didn't discrimate, We're not chicken-ists, we enjoyed that shit. So as you do after eating a meal.. you sit there and let it digest. Oh yeah we ate it at Pitt street under MYER. And i gotta say some funky shit is happenin here after hours. This guy in a white hoody was looking around suspiciously, i mean seriously head down, shifty eyes, looking left and right, hoody on, gold teeth, eyepatch, nose job.. the whole shebang. But we still sat there and digested, talking about.. practically anything. I was still tired at this point, i'd only had 5 hours sleep. But moments later we see shifty eyes hoody man dragging some kid away and some lady is being dragged by a mario looking fella. I think he was an undercover security guard. *Writes down in notepad, make a movie about undercover security guards* Sooo yeah, it gets pretty real in the food court of Myer. So real peepz gotta go undercover. So aaafter that we went to our usual spot... JB-Hi-Fi and looked at dvds and games and stuff. Zain tried Guitar hero on hard, he failed.. then he tried on easy.. he got worse. True Guitar Hero there, Richard would've been proud. Afterwards we departed, it was too late, past our curfew, our home time, our bed time, our 18+ time, we were out for way too late... it was 7:15PM. So technically i was out for 12 hours.. Damn.. Im hardCORE!

Anywhom, i got home aaaaand GUESS WHAT I SAW! First time i'd ever ever EVER seen one. A Shooting Star! I thought they were just folk tales people in movies created to make us look at the stars while they steal our stuff. But NO! They're real! and it was gliding through the air, so awesome. So that was my tuesday, then on wednesday.. i just went uni really late and got home later. Great story right. Anyhow im still tired, and i want to go gym today. I think i shouldn't. Hmmm we'll see, so i'll see you later and write about more pressing issues than my life.. No.. wait, theres nothing more important to you than me. =P OH LORD THE VANITY MAKE IT STOP!
*Holy Voice From Above Says No!*

So theres my second entry of August, 7 days ive only written twice. Last month in 7 days i'd write like 9... Bad me. But really i'll entry again soon, now for some rest. Peace out yo!


Comment by CINTAAMONYET on August 6, 2009 at 8:37 PM

it's nice seeing long entries, rony.
i'm starting this habit where my entries will be a twitter update...kinda sad don't you reckon?

maybe because i don't want to blab about work over and over and over again. i mean come on...kfc isn't a good thing to talk about especially after that incident which happened over 4 years ago...

maybe you should add more pictures to your entries...that is...once you're not capped anymore =P

oooo shooting star. did you make a wish?

Comment by Pigar on August 7, 2009 at 1:59 AM

I've never seen a shooting star in my entire life.
Oh wait - I saw you.


I'm so using that. THANK GOD YOU POSTED AN ENTRY! I was beginning to think you were getting bored of it or something. It's always nice to hear about your day. :)

Comment by Anonymous on August 7, 2009 at 3:05 PM

hahaha pigar didnt u see...
we saw BB ?!?
kfc is the shiz.
and guitar hero is evil.

Comment by CINTAAMONYET on August 7, 2009 at 6:45 PM bb who i think it is...

and i just realised rony, you were listening to lovers in japan.

yay to coldplay.



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