Song Of The Moment - 22 - Lily Allen... i reaallly like her songs now
Soooo what does one get up to in the weekends? Ta Ta TA! let me re-phrase, what does one as awesome as i get up to in te weekends? I mean friday seemed like so long ago when i wrote the epiphany entry. Its already sunday! And what a beautiful Sunday it was. I mean where does the time go.. tsk tsk. Sunday, which meant City2Surf was this morning. I was too late to register and too broke, but next year 14 K run..*cough*walk*cough* here i come! Yes I i do it alone baby! I woke up at 10, which meant City2surf was over by that time anyways. Just imagine i'd entered it.. and woke up late.. oh well at least the money i use to register goes to charity... i think? Does it? Greedy Sunday Telegraph is probably raking in our cash! Anywhom the gist of my day? Cause you know you want to hear it, stop lying to yourself. Got up, showered and went to lunch with family friends, they had their youngest daughter Christened. Her names Bella, cutest little thing. And yeah, it was so wierd. Cause ever been in the situation where you go to a family friends gig and when you get there you realise they have a whole other bunch of friends you dont know. This case it was alot of parents, but there were other teens too (i classify myself still a teen Im young at heart... shut up). So your there awkwardly walking in, having everyone look at you. What do you do? Talk to the only people you know, either the ones you came with or... the little toddlers. I spoke with toddlers cause i like to feel big. Ahhh well it was alright we ate and the other teens were there.. That person was there too *sigh*... Anywhom! Afterwards we went Parra and honestly.. i walk in, my cousin, Iqbal, too.. and as soon as we turn our heads up we see BATISTAS eeeeverywhere. I like Parramatta shopping mall, its more sophisticated, clean, bigger and just nicer than Eastgardens. No stupid little yobos hanging about, dirty little kids.. =P Just Batistas of the world... Kinda inspired me to want to work out again and become a macho man, I've lost my mojo and im a shallow person deep down inside, so i think i need to work out to become sexy again...Aand thats it, we went home afterwards and i pumped my football and now im here. What else happened?... I FINALLY put up my corkboard. I'm a real uni student now, your not one unless you have a corkboard. But it wasnt official until i corked something on.. sowhat did i put? A Transformers tag i got with a transformers shirt i bought.. =) Now.. i haev no idea what else i can put on it.
I've also recently tried getting all creative again. Star wars has been running through my mind. I went Toys R Us and was in heaven when i saw Star wars Toys.. Darth Vader mask $60 and it changes your voice too.. DUDE! Its not irrelevant i think Everyone needs a darth vader voice changing mask its a must in your Man-List. (Sorry ladies, but the Darth Vader mask is a guy thing.. you wouldn't get "It") Anyhoowwww i started drawing little pics of stormtroopers, tried to give it a graffiti touch i think it turned out well... Then in the middle my transformers came out and i made an autobot logo version of stormtroopers and Darth Vader. Yuhuh im a super duper geeky nerd... but im cool like that, so back off you Narc. (P.S ... the hell is a narc?) AAAND the little toony dude on the left.. is supposed to be Obama, it looked better when i was drawing it.. i guess the Scan unblinded me and showed me how it really looks. Gotta work on my facial likenesses.. oh well. AAAAND Last but not least... Or is it. My papa bought Chickens last week. I mean i dont know why, i dont know how i dont know where.. But i woke up to see two chickens running around my backyard. Then it Hit me! I was destined, i was born to save chickens from evil kentucky fried Corporations! A brocolli bearded man in a kilt and basketball jersey (Denver Nuggets) came to me in my dreams and said ..
Brocolli Man: Fred!
Me: Fariz
Brocolli Man: Fernando, you are here-
Me: Its Fariz
Brocolli Man: Fred! you are to save chickens from -
Me: Seriously its Fariz, or Fuzz
Brocolli Man: Oscar! Your father willl come home with chickens
Me: Ass
Brocolli Man: Steve Listen! Your gonna save these mother***n chickens from the world and i will reward you in the future... Ok Farewell Kevin!
Then i woke up... the signs were clear! I had to make a poster to make everyone aware! I think i captured everything i need in this one picture. It sends a clear and concise message, shows empowerment, togetherness, harmony, happiness, health aaand most of all no violence against chickens.. ... Its beautiful.. *No chickens were harmed in the photography session, these chickens are protected by the FIA association (Fariz is Awesome). The chickens are now safely living in a 5 star shack with never ending food and the finest roosters to perve at. (Another P.S Its my backyard).
Gotta Love It.. Anyhow, I finally got around to seeing Little Miss Sunshine. I just gotta say that movie.. Ah i wont say anything it'll ruin it if i Gee it up. Zain will get angry and people will get high expectations..Cause i influence people like that. I just have to say the little girl is soooooooo, Can't believe im gonna say this, Adorable. Alan Arkin is Freakin Awesome! Steve Carell has YET to disappoint and Greg Kinnear... what can i say he plays his parts SO well. And the tone of the movie at the start compared to the end is just Wow. Love It! Peepz Go watch it! PEACE!!
- I love that picture, specially when you see it in action its so AH such a uplifting, happy film
-Aaand theres another Mammoth of an antry
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It's about time you watched it!! My favourite character is the quiet son. Poor guy..but him and the little Abigail oh - SOO CUTE!
And I love how your dad bought chickens. You've got a farm now. You're in the rural area!! :D
nawww i watched little miss sunshine on the way to jindabyne with the school. yeah i agree with pigar, i feel sorry for dwayne =(
you know...that picture...of you chasing chickens...or whoever's chasing the abusive >=| i don't like it farid!!!!
Dwayne?! i felt sorry for Olive! I loved her character
and i don't know what you saw Izzy abusive? i see a happy chicken playing a game of hide and seek with emir... gosh! read the fine print =D
abusive? ...abusive?...ABUSIVE ?!?!
hey fuzz isnt the one who fries CHICKENS FOR A LIVING !!
case closed. the end
u just got LAWYER'D ! ;)
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