FuZZ Is Listening To (Hah, see that i speak in third person. I think im that much superior now. No i don't need it to be approved or anything, i just say it and its done.) Anyways im listening to - Hot Air Balloon - Owl City, Props to Pig for this song. Upbeat, Electro, REALLLLY Optimistic sound. It's nice for those happy go sun shine days and times when your just walking down the road alone and smiling to yourself.... As you do right?
HI! Remember me?!!? Course you do, how can you forget. Im the guy that used to write an entry once an hour... Yeah Honeymoon Season's over.. sadly. I haven't written for a weeek, i feel bad for you readers. Especially the stalker one, they can't live without knowing what im doing. Its OK stalker reader, the secret camera you installed in my room still works, i just moved it into the toilet. Quality Television Right There.
ANYHOW, where have i been for a week? what have i been doing.. Ohhh BUDDY! Can You Feel It?!? It's gonna be another ESSAY of an entry. You'll need to see the Optometrist after you read my entries.
Where do i start... Where i left off i guess. Remember last friday, i said that Zain and I had knives, forks and noodles in our faces and were ask.. no TOLD.. that we're "Coming out Saturday Night!".. Well, as the newly epiphany'd YES men we are. We came out on Saturday night. XO at St James it was. I was ready at 8 and set to go... But hadn't left home yet. So i spoke to Zain who was online at Julio's place. But he wasn't responding... Then i get a phone call and Zain's outside. THE HELL MAN! I was talking to thin air... i spilt some dark dirty secrets that anyone could have read. Or Zain was on computer and driving at the same time. Multi Tasking is an excellent trait, so any of you sexy ladies out there.. Heres your man. Go to my last post to see a picture of him ;-D.
Sooo off we goes to Julios place. Don't know how but within 10 minutes of coming in, im lying on his soft.. comfy.. smooth bed.. with ZAIN. Yuh, makes you think right? But we had to get off, it was gettin awkward.. I moved my foot, zain moved his ear things happened.. we dont want to get all technical so.. on to the next part. I was introduced to Julio's Lounge room, where My Best Friends Wedding was playing on TV. (Best Line: Michael's chasing Kimmy? Yes! You're chasing Michael? YES! Who's chasing you... Nobody, get it?, CUT!!!) So there we were, Julio, Zain and I watching My Best Friends Wedding.. While Julio's sister Diana's laptop was laid open in front of us. Her wallpaper was a pic of Diana, Julio and friends (One of whom is in the same class as me, what are the Odds?). It's odd, three staring at this wallpaper and watching this chick flick. Best way to start a Saturday night right?
THEN!!! Green light hit, we were OFF! Splitting up in to two cars. Zain, Julio and I in one car, Diana and Ria in the other. And to the city we went, and when we got there we were the first to find parking. Sooo we waited by the Big Hyde Park Fountain. Its late, we should be alone at this big park.. who strolls parks at night, nobody right? WRONG!! There were Master Splinters.. Ok you non Ninja Turtle Lovers, Rats! And there we were, three manly men (Honestly i think it was only Zain, but i'm trying to make him feel better so i say three.. shh dont tell him) Jumping around like panzies from little rats the size of a 10 year olds foot. Good Stuff!
Once we conquered them rats, Ran away, we went to St James. There we were introduced to Danny, Ex-Randwick Boys Cap And Carmel, Coincidental Uni Buddy! We had to wait in line.. and well, We just don't do that. We don't wait to get into the club, the Club waits for us... so we made it wait and we went to eat Maccas. (I said wait to much, am i spelling it right?) When we went back to the club everyone was already inside.. So much for waiting for us. Inside the club we sung, danced, yelled, Single-Ladied, jumped around, sat down, drank some water, falsealarmwenthome, apparently krumped, photo'd and boogied. Who says that anymore?! I saw these two large dudes, just being cautious, watching this one chick dancing for them in a corner. They had their own little show going on... funny eh? Here's pics i scabbed off Facebook.....We, Me, Zain, Aysha and Leema left at 1. Not literally but we had to Pull Zain away, if not "who knows when I'd go home" he said. Theres a lion in there waiting to come out, Please remember that quote it'll be useful later in life. Then the night was over, that was last Saturday! We Came Out! We Kept our Yes Man Promise! Thats it for this post, I don't want to write TOO much, next post tonight. Im a humanitarian, i dont want to overwhelm you with my incredibly awesome life. I dont want you to envy me so much that you hate me =P
Laters, PEACE!!!
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