Friday Friday Friday Friday Night.... I should be Out?

Written by Fuzz on 8/07/2009 08:25:00 PM

Song Of The Moment -Coldplay - Life In Technicolor.. Coldplay Binging right now, heres another one of those building up songs.. GOD i love it

Anooother glorious night here in Sydney, slightly misty but clear skies, bright full moon, stars shining bright and a nice cold breeeze. And i'm here at home? Whyy am i at home, i could be outside of my home, dancing at a club, listening to music and just having fun. But why'd i choose to stay here? Really, why did i stay.. im asking myself the hell is wrong with me. I could have easily gone, dressed up and had fun. But... the problem of the moolah! Damnit money is the root of all evil.And another problem.. im SICK! Or sore throat with the sniffles, whichever. Its ironic though im sick from going to the gym, A place to make me fit and healthy (psht like i had to explain it). I didn't want to risk it getting worse.. AAND i just sneezed. Buut yes, sorry i couldn't come out Zain i really did want to come though =(. I let you down, i let Burcin down (She even offered to pay) and i've let myself down.. I'm now subject to watching friday night footy at home .. like every other night.. what a poor potato sack i am. Sorry y'all..

But myess, sorry for being all moody bad like. I just thought to myself before.. how much fun i had going last time, and how this time i cant go and i've said no. And i feel like i've been saying alot of that 2 letter pessimistic word lately. Awhile ago my buddy Matt asked me to come jogging and rowing, i denied.. Stephan, Will and Rich asked me to go watch Public Enemies.. Sorry guys.. My mum asked if i wanted to sleep.. i said nah mate.. and a website asked me if i'd like hot sex in mascot.. i said no... So SEE! I say No, waayyy too much and just end up doing what im doing right now.. sitting my comfortable ass on this chair and looking up meaningless stuff on the internet, cause im capped. Its no fun. I think i'll be inspired by that movie Yes, Man once i get around to watching it. Plus Jim Carrey's born on the 17th of January.. Like ME! So theres a connection and another reason i have to watch the movie. But back to the point, i live a majority of my spare time sheltered away from the world and playing it "safe" in the comfort of my own home. Where i know whats on the other side of the door, i know where everything is. I don't think its healthy, and i don't enjoy it.. it gets boring. So im sitting here, another, Friday night of nothing. And its un-eventful, not productive and just plain. It's not just going out, its just being so stationary is bad. I'm a young 18 year old sexy beast, i should show the world what i've got right? The other day it, It didn't hit me when i saw it but now that i think of it, I saw this quote while switching through channels on another of my boring home days.

"If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin."

I keep saying im bored of Sydney and want to get out and see the world, it wont happen if i wont even leave my home. Plus theres parts of Sydney i don't even know about, why should i venture out to the unknown when im not even familiar with my backyard. I'm not saying that.. after this post im going to go bungee jumping, going out and be a rebel and just be plain old crazy. I'm writing this entry as a reminder of how i feel at this moment. This moment of.. how should i say.. a state of regret? Realization? I don't know, maybe im just buggered and semi depressed.. Oh well. Future me, if your ever reading this.. you better have had done something crazy by then.. or else i'll jump the time vortex and kick your ass.

Hmm.. i should be out there, Next time... eh? Oh well, Peace out.. im just a party pooper at the moment, and you peepz out there may disagree with the way im feeling. Well.. Fight Me =P Byyye, i feel like posting again soon tho


Comment by CINTAAMONYET on August 8, 2009 at 12:15 AM

i spent my friday night at home too.
perving on ryo-san though because his show is on at 10pm (japan time) on friday nights.

so i suppose i have a reason why i can stay at home on friday nights...while you don't.

nonetheless, it's pretty cold out there and it's warm indoors.

Comment by Fuzz on August 8, 2009 at 1:12 AM

lol.. im just capped and peeved about it, im over it and i re-read the post thinking im a gloomy guss

Comment by Pigar on August 8, 2009 at 2:42 AM

Don't worry. Everyone needs that time, staying at home - whilst our minds mind not enjoy it, it's really what we need.

But I completely agree with your quote and with what you said Fariz. All those adventures. seeing new places, that doesn't happen if we don't do anything about it. It's not like it's gonna come right in front of us like in the movies, that's the reason why they're called movies - the conflict comes to them. But I think - amidst the domesticated lives we all live, there's always a certain adveenture to take everyday. It might not be new landscapes, but maybe new knowledge, new ways to get home from Mascot, new anything.

Take risks. Do something different. That's an adventure in itself.

And I ABSOLUTELY LOVE that Coldplay song! Okay, I'll be honest - When I listen to this song I picture a play of mine, stage's about to close, the play's about to finish. And this playwright, who wrote the entire play and the characters just so he could experience high school all over again, puts on his school blazer. Suddenly a school prefect runs to the stage holding a tripod with a camera attached and gets ready to take a picture. The others come out from behind, holding glasses, graduation folders and they smile, and the playwright's about to join them -

When someone, someone real unlike the play, arrives and shouts the playwright's name. The playwright steps back into reality, and they both stand in between the play and the audience, a kind of solitude.

OMG i just full on wrote a blog post inside your blog post. Play within a play? Haha...Man I'm sorry.


Comment by Fuzz on August 8, 2009 at 11:01 AM

Y'know your right, last thursday i was at home then suddenly upped and decided to go eastgardens. I know it may seem like nothing but that in itself meant i'd be outside and just by chance meeting new people and seeing stuff. And i did i saw a bunch of the ole' randwick boys and said ola and stuff... =D

I always imagined the coldplay song at night time, similar to you in a movie or play, as a moment is about to end. It's such an awesome little piece.. =D

Thank you for the blog within the blog =) i shalll write again soon AND I LOVE YOU TOO PIGAR!!


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