One of the better days...

Written by Fuzz on 8/13/2009 11:32:00 PM

Song Of The Moment -... No no no! I have a Band of the moment. I friggen LOVE Death Cab For Cutie now. I recommends Title and Registration, What Sarah Said, Tiny Vessels, Soul Meets Body, Transatlanticism and The Sound Of Settling. I love their music. Their name intimidated me though, Death Cab For Cutie?!? What does that even mean?!? After some digging its some Beatles reference or something. But MAN i love these guys as of now, im probably a bit late on it but oh wells. Saxman, my UWS correspondant, says the songs remind him of Summer days with the warm wind blowing past.. and i totally agree. They're great, check them out =)

OK! Now onto the rest of my entry. Soo Whats the haps?! Where have you been Fuzz i missed you. I know but its okay im here now. Its hard to write blog entries during my 2 jampacked days of uni, It's actually pretty tiring. I honestly don't think i've ever been tired like that in my life, Where im exhausted and genuinely want to sleep (not cause i have to, because i want to and my body is tired). Its a new experience to me.

So like heres the Gist of my first day of uni, the first half of my uni week.. cause im one of the lucky ones. Rocked up an hour late, I blame the public transport... even though i purposefully woke up late, postponed the bus ride and walked as slow as a turtle (sorry no clever simile here). We had to rehearse an act of ours for the Design Thinking class. We were Tasmanian Devils and had to act them out, abstract or non abstract however way you want to. So we did our thiingg, i had the prestigous job of turning off the lights to show they are Nocturnal, So prestigious that i got it wrong. I accidentally turned them on, I am MADE for show biz! So there's my group acting their part out, 3 peepz as trees, another as the devil himself.. then i was to make my glorious Acting Debut in a class of 20 as a Fox that will attempt to attack the devil then cowardly run away. We were highlighting the Devils Fierce Face! The same face you make when you brush your teeth. As soon as i hit the floor my neck strained and i had to quickly back out... First gig and i immediately screw up, Who woulda thought you have to Stretch before acting. Oh well, we went alright even though i screwed up most of my parts. I guess i'll learn from these mistakes. The rest of the class had good acts too, there was bubbles, trees, monkeys that dance and just funny interpretations of other animals. Its a fun class.

Afterwards i had Journalism. I need to buy the book for this class, Some dude i'd just met offered me his book for $20.. thats like $40 cheaper than RRP. My boyishly handsome good looks win again. And yes i do Journalism, its an interesting subject though because we're focusing on the growth of Journalism and how its getting lost in translation. Am i a journalist for writing a blog? What makes a journalist in this age where anything, anywhere can be published? Aaand theres the debate of true journalism against the business of journalism, profit against truth. Its real interesting stuff. AAAND why i'm suddenly so interested is because! the week before we had to write a piece about the perosn next to us in a little under 30 minutes. After a small interview i found abit of info from the dude next to me. I wrote 5 paragraphs and was DAMN proud! I played a little parade in my head, Will Smith, Bill Clinton and Steve Carell were all there. So why did i just track back to last week, WELL, this week we got those interviews back. And the tutor said there were 4 that stood out. AAAND WELL!! Looky looky at this little surprise journalist, Fuzzy Fuzzball over here was one of them stand out report writers. Another reason as to why i ROCK! He said my report had a good flow of information and it was emotional because it was humorous. Thank you, i try. The humorous line was "We celebrated afterwards for Maccas". I'm a legend. After this little celebration we did some test. Aaaand in this test i was taken back to year 12. Because one of the questions asked.. What is wrong with the phrase "Free Gifts"? Ok Zain, Pigar im sure you guys know what is wrong with that phrase. Ms Kelly was irritated by it. All Gifts are Free! So its unnecessary to say so. =D The past... it helps on so many levels.

So that was my tuesday, i spent the train ride back with some new friends. One named Nicole, Whom i met when Stranded at Blacktown for Three HOURS! last semester and the other.. i have no idea what her name was but i talked to her as if i knew. What can i say.. i'm a people person.

Wednesday! Ohhh, Ohh Ohh...Wednesday how i loved you. Ever have a day where you just Know it'll be a good day? I think that was my day. I realized when i got dressed to go uni. I looked in the mirror. I have a feeling the mirror is being modest, i am DAMN sure i look better then the image the mirror shows me. So i looked in the mirror, my sexy DC hat on, grey white washed jeans, white shirt, a scarf and my awesome green hooded jacket.. and i thought to myself DAMN.. You So Fine. But, No, my day wasnt a sure hit at that time. It wasn't until i was on the bus and i saw an old lady waiting to cross the road. Then some guy walking his dog stood near her. His dog kept sniffing near the old lady, and her attempts at subtly trying to stay away were just funny to look at. And at that moment i thought, today looks to be a good day. I'm an optimist. This was just another reminder of how stepping outside of your house.. even for a moment.. opens you to a world of possibilities. If i for some reason opted to stay home i wouldn't have been the happy gus i was later that day. So there i was on the bus to Central just smiling to myself. I also find that whenever im on a bus and the seat next to me is free its is the last one people choose to take. What, do i smell bad? Also there was this girl who dressed up REALLY nice on the bus. So i was laughing to myself when a dude who looked like he hadn't showered in days, or changed clothes went and sat next to her. Good times. So when i got to central i had to wait no more then 5 minutes for my train to arrive and im on my way. It was a quick and painless train ride, smooth sailing and no dilemmas. After the train i went to wait for the bus that takes me to Uni. As i waited i saw some friends and we spoke about the classes we were about to have. And one of them said "We got homework bro..." DUDE I DIDNT KNOW THAT FAR OUT! I was packing it, i ran to the library quickly typed some stuff up. The Keyboard sounds so much louder in a silent environment. Then halfway through i get a phone call, and stupid me i forgot to silence my phone. It went Off, Nelly - Ride With Me, and i got those menacing stares from the fellow uni students. So.. i did what anyone would do in this situation. Talk as loud as i can. And oh my god was i relieved.. I had no homework due at all, Peepz be trippin on me dawg i aint gona let a playa hit me up like that, fools gonna pay homez. So i had PR, Public Relations and no homework was due. So So G'd. Aaand my table had me, my 2 mates, an older guy, a guy thats in most of my classes but i dont talk and this other girl. Ohh man this other girl. She's soooo pretty... *drifts off* I think Batista Material. Batista of the Month! I forgot her name though.. dangnaggit. But anyhow we had to work on an article the teacher randomly chose for us. Our article was titled "Archbishop told abuse victim to 'Go to Hell", touchy subject eh. The article was one sided, because the "victim" was breaching privacy. Anyhow we worked on it, the older guy did most of the talking while everyone else stayed silent. I, Trying to impress and actually attempting to be part of the class work, but mostly trying to impress, took part in the work. Unlike the others who sat and just nodded, 90% of students do this Its Great.
So my input worked and our group aced the exercise. We're awesome and she was cute... uhm what?

Yeeah and thats one of the best things about this course im doing. The men are overrun, we are hopeless and near extinction at my campus. Its .. bad? The whole class is full of pretty girls, but this one in particular i dont know why.. but i was just wow'd by her for the rest of the day... So it's now my mission to find out her name and strike up a conversation, this is gonna be a toughy. ANYHOW!!!! Afterwards i went to my next class, hung out with some more uni peoples. At this moment i'd figured out that i'd made alot of uni friends. One walked by and said "Sup Fuzz". One of the peepz i was hanging with said "Dude, shes wierd"... so i looked her dead in the eye and said "Dude... i don't discriminate". (Yess.. i'm a people person)But Honestly, the following 10 tense seconds were the funniest seconds ever. I felt harsh for saying that too though, but she said sorry and i said its all good and we all chuckled it off. So our next class was Communication Research, we have to choose an issue we want to survey people about. The issues were reeeally interesting and i'd really want to find out about them. My own issue was crap compared to theirs. Mine was "Video games and its link to violence", the tutor responded with, its been done before.. its good but do you really want to find out about this? One of the better ones was trends with Homophobia. I was interested because the examples that were put forth. Guys dont mind lesbians but dislike gay guys, women dont mind gay guys but are uncomfortable with lesbians. This was just one that i can remember off the bat, but they're really interesting. Someone help me with a pressing issue i can survey about! Anyhow afterwards i finished my day and got home, no dramas all happy rays of sunshine. All was well and i literally was dancing that night. Theres nothing wrong with being happy. It may not sound like a good day, but it was. Something about that day was just positive and happy. I liked it. Its good to be optimistic..

Soo i can't wait for tomorow, (Meeting up with Zain and Ameerah), Good night, Peace! There goes another essay of an entry.


Comment by Pigar on August 14, 2009 at 1:56 AM

Reading about your days at uni makes me think that uni's SOOOO MUCCHHH FUN!!!

Man, I hope uni's as fun as that for me. :D

Hmm..something interesting - why don't you survey about...the trends of "personal space". I don't know about you but I've noticed, when you're listening to an iPod - you're basically creating this invisible wall around everything around you, like you're in a personal space? I dunno, I just realised that a few hours ago today whilst I went around the Mall iPod-eared. Hope that helps.

xoxo P

Comment by Unknown on August 14, 2009 at 2:29 AM

That reminds me one of the other few issues were, Personal Etiquette (texting, talking on phone etc in front of others) then there was types of music people listen to,why and how much it plays in their lives.. People really thought about theirs.. Maybe i could do effects of listening to music whilst out in public? things you do and don't notice?

Comment by Pigar on August 14, 2009 at 2:55 AM

Oh - how about multi-tasking. I think our generation are just absolutely AMAZING at multi-tasking, how much we can do at the same time, what with texting, listening to music, whilst talking to your best friend!

Yeah - I actually like your thought though. Effects of listening to know it's amazing how much EMPHASIS music does to how you feel.

Comment by Fuzz on August 14, 2009 at 10:58 AM

Hmmm multi-tasking! and maybe why we feel we have to do everything Now, instead of pacing it?!


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