FuZZ Is Listening To -Let My Love Open The Door - Pete Townsend, this is a old school song. Steve Carell plays it on guitar in 'Dan In Real Life' aand i thought it was awesome that he was playing it because its Steve Carell and He's playing a Guitar. Thats a double whammy!
First Off, I'd like to say...Garaagghhgaaallaaaakkkkgkglakllaakaaaggrraahhaalkkkmmmmmmmm
*wipes off drool*
This is what i ate, 4 in the morning... Mmmmmm
This entry's gonna have some pics!
Its Sunday night, last night i spent all night finishing a Journalism assessment. Today i was meant to start my Communications Research assignments. I had it all planned out... But what have we learnt. Planned things never go to plan, and they're never fun.
So last night i was up til 2 finishing my assignment, then out of nowhere 'Soul Plane' was on tv. This movie is EVIL during the month of Ramadhan. We aren't supposed to see these evil images!!!! But we watched them anyways, with the adult chat line advertisements in between. 2AM television is FUN. The movie was hilarious, but INCREDIBLY short. Finished at 3:30. Then i chilled on MSN with Nora and Zain til 5 and we all slept.
Sleeping that late/early (learly) affects your body THAT much afterwards. I woke up, with a huge mark on my face, i stood up and almost fell back down, my leg gave out aaand my reflection was blurry.. See that just doesnt happen, my reflection is always flawless. But when i found my footing i went straight to the computer and did what everyone does on the computers, play with my batman toy. I was there for an hour, Batman was in the middle of drowning evil rubber band box, when i gotsa phone call. "I'll be there in 5, Yu... Laters"... I was still in my jammies, my superman pants and driving t shirt jammies! This cannot be!... But it had been and the door bell had rung!!! AND I HAD A TOOTHBRUSH IN MY MOUTH! I swear Zain and I, we can never Ever say hello how are you, theres always something funky with the way we greet. One time we ran towards each other like a bollywood film in the fields... only it was real life and in eastlakes.
So we chilllled at mine, Attempted Guitar playing, looked at some facebook pics, admired the room sorry the fortress of fuzz, began writing our script, made a home made envelope, i showered while Zain attempted to play 'Save Tonight' aaaand we NAILED IT.. We nailed the failing part. Then after much procrastinating we went to Woolworths to get the ingredients to make Caramel Slices! It was a normal drive to Eastlakes. So we step in there and 10 minutes in we saw plenty familiar faces. We saw Nora in front of Woolies, then Zain saw and Uncle and we all caught up. Then we walked into Woolies and saw another old friend, hehe point it out. Then we were inside Woolies and then i hear 'Zainy Zainy!' Then i see Huda, Leema and Aysha. Sunday Eastlakes, apparently there was a newsletter that said everyone come to Eastlakes. I DIDNT GET IT! since when was i out of the loop, this aint right. So we go in and we STRUGGLED. What the hell is Dessicated Coconuts!?!? We googled it on my phone to check. Then we found out and we got it and we were Winners. Then we found the Brown Sugar!! Then we Saw Aysha, Leema and Huda and we wanted to Bolt! Because no body must know what we were to make. So we went to find Condensed milk.. in the yoghurt aisle. Hey! We're men and we arent too familiar with the supermarket. With the help of Aysha we found the rest of our shtuffs and we were OFF!!
We got home and made the Caramel Slice. No explanation needed, just pictures. =)
Gooooood times. So once it was cooked we had to walk it to Huda's. Two macho men such as ourselves walking with a big plate of Caramel Slice, Fortune Cookies, Cook Book and a homemade birthday envelope for Nora. This Envelope was a little puzzle it consisted of two envelopes and a piece of paper. It was a sign of My Creativity, clearly, and not my loss for time to find an envelope in time. =D
So we got to Huda's place and were introduced to little Za Za, The shy little girl who kept a gaze on Zain. He has a comical face wouldnt you say. But she never laughed, so we made it our mission OUR MISSION to make her laugh. We sat down and chilled and continued trying to complete our mission. The It was 5:40 and we still hadn't eaten, Im sure we were supposed to. Fifteen minutes later we realized, Zain's sister said we should have eaten ages ago, that we postponed our breaking of fasting. So we all chatted away, listened to the weapons of mass destruction locked away in Zahra's iTouch, ate some food, tried some hommus, tabouli, falafel, Zain's bbq chicken, biryani and alot of other foods. It was awesome! Thank The Ali's for an amazing Iftar =D. Sadly no blogging appearances this time around.
Awhile into the feed Julio called and said he was out front. So Zain goes onto the balcony, everyones still inside and we all hear "JULIOOOO!!". He was preaching to Eastlakes!! Julio arrived and then we all got to eating and fortune cookies and dessert. The Fortune Cookies were fun, i forgot mine... DAMNIT, but im sure it said something like your amazing and people fall to your feet. Some time into the night we decided to play Basketball at Eastlakes, it was either because everyone was stuffed to pieces and thats just how we do. So we went outside, played some soccer on the streets (peru styles), freezed to death, some of us changed clothes and then finally after like 15 minutes went to the park. Basketball went off, sorta, it was cold but Burch was hungry for the basketball. We created teams and tried to play by civilized rules but they were broken, Streetball isnt a safe game. The teams were Zahra, Julio and I against Huda, Zain, Burch, Muna and for awhile Nora. The game was intense, there was, ball passing, ball bouncing, running with ball, soccer ball instead of basketball and a scoring, but we got cold. So we thought Last Goal wins. And well, clearly, my team won. The man up above was rewarding me for being awesome. Afterwards Julio went home early. Then we all got back to Huda's place, chilled out more, stuffed more food down our tummies and stayed til the late dead of the night, 10:30. WOAH WOAH WOAH! I know right thats late, specially in Eastlakes, we're craaazy insane. On the way into Zain's car there was dog poo poo and it got stepped on. It wasn't pretty. What a way to end the night. Thank you Ali's for having us, Another Awesome Iftar!! =D
Now im off to bed and then to finish my assignment tomorow, PEEACE!
FuZZ Is Listening To - Free of Me - Joshua Radin, i heard a song of his in a tv ad then i downloaded the album, i'm no criminal, and now im currently litsening to it and its a nice little song.
Where where where am i up to in busy life of mine, my schedule says im scheduled, obviously, to have a sit down with Obama, then play footy with Mandy Moore, Discuss World peace with Aziz Ansari and then make a sand castle with Terry Crews. Yeeeah, my schedule's prettty accurate.
So what did i really do after that last post of mine. It-It-It was August 26th and It was Going OFF! Why? Nora's Birthday!! And the plan was dress Semi-Formal and Meet at Pancakes At The Rocks, At Darling Harbour (Yup its Incredibly Misleading, what if i wanted Pancakes At Darling Harbor at the rocks.. then we'll have to riot.) Meet time was 7:30 PM. So i was ready to go... but before i could, i had uni. Eugh.. UNI! Damnit Uni why dont you go away! Kids are told from the age of 5 that they will finish primary school, go high school and then to be successful go to uni! I'm at uni and i dont want to be at uni anymore! Go away! Your boring and Cause Migranes And Your not supposed to have Kangaroos! Look at me, personifying university. And apparently we're supposed to have alot of fun at uni... shut up, its good but not fun!
So i went uni, and came in with an empty head, walked out with an empty head and a new facebook friend. I sat there, the tutor spoke and i barely learned anything. We pay 2 G's a semester for this... I asked for a lift to the train station and went on home after my useless day of uni.
At home i had Iftar and then planned what i was wearing at 5:30. Time to go was at 7:30. I chose a cardigan at 6, then played around with it til 7. Then i got on what i thought was okay, then my brother walks out of his room and i said "OH MY GOD!!!! WHAT ARE YOU WEARING!! MY OWN BROTHER DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO DRESSS!!" He shamed me infront of the whole family, grabbed another shirt, threw it at me and said "WEAR THAT! YOUR JUST EMBARASSING"... Thank you Kak Adi, your such a great, self-esteem rising brother. Then my sister in law helped me out, saying "Don't wear that, you'll look like him, wear this, add a scarf, change your jeans and your set to go." It's nice having a female in the house to help with clothing, unlike my brother who acts like a female. I wore a black cardi, ecko tee, scarf and that is all.. who wears pants right?
So i got picked up by Ameerah and we was set to go. We were off to get Krystal and switch to Sabina's car. As we got out of Ameerah's car we hear some lady in the distance just start yelling like Mad! And it was LOUD. So we're like ah its probably one of the houses, then up from the dark streets came a little lady yelling at the floor, then out of nowhere comes a dalmations dog. She's yelling at this dog going "Hurry up you little piece of *$#@ Your a miserable $#%$"... it was 7PM, and in the middle of the street. Just another day at Randwick, right? So we got in the car and we were Off!
We got to Darling Harbor, i was holding a flowers and a handbag, as men do, and we walked over to Pancakes. Ameerah told them of our reservations, "16 People, Its under Nora? Huda? Zahra?" The lady's face was like wahh? "Ali?" Ding Ding, Correct win win, open the gold box... Or the glass door to Pancakes. Their table only fit about 11 people... We said 16 man!! We were met by Leema and Pheobe first then went to our seats. We sat there, just chilling waiting for everyone to arrive. Zain called me and said he got lost, i imagined he was swimming in Darling Harbor.. then i remembered he can't swim, so i went and rescued him. Afterwards the Ali's arrived, followed by The Sanchez's and then Zain's sis and the margharita pizza... mmm
So we all sat, and ate, and picture took, shared choc pancakes, got dirty staresfrom the Pancakes staff, listened to Burch's Stories (Her classic battle to develop photos, which involves an intense duel with an old asian lady and her goldfish stories), Nora opened up her presents, We laughed at Jokes (I laughed so hard i hit my head on a wall and now i have a big big bump) and had a really good time. Hope you had an awesome 19th Birthday Nora =D
After we scurried off, and congregated outside the Restaurant. Big word points! We stood outside and poked fun at the big lady inside who was rude to us. We said stuff about her, pointed at her whilst she was cleaning, and were being mean mean people. It's fun being bad. Then Nora mid-sentence realized the door was open and bolted out of sight. So we stood around wondering what to do next, posed for a few pictures then decided. I was buggered from the long day at uni so i opted to go home with the crew i came with, Make sense? The rest went to do their own thang. The night ended but it was fun, i got a bump on my head as a souvenir.
Oh Coooool I figured out how to make the pictures bigger and all that.
The next day was a thuuursday, the reelax day. Much like alot of my relax days, i do nothing and remember not much of it. All i know is i was supposed to start my assignments... Hah, that worked out. I did nothing.
Thennnn it was FRIDAY!! August 29th, Ameerah's Birthday!!! Happy Birthday 19th Ameerah!! The plan for Amee's birthday was Karaoke, Meet at 9, Green Box. So that afternoon i was MSN-ing with Zain. We pondered the meaning of life, why John Howard was bald and Zain was stressing over how to wrap Ameerah's gift. "We meet at 8" Says Zain. And like a leprechaun in the mists of Fiji, he disintegrated, never to be seen... Again... until 8. So i went and got ready, no dress code so a simple Tee and Jacket was the way to go! I somehow managed to get a lift off my brother into the city. So i got there at 8:10-ish, i'm never early, and then met Zain. "Where are we off to bro?" To which Zain replies with his menacing glare.. no not really but dramatic effect says its good.. "Maccas!" See now i know your wondering, why is a fit, gym loving, pakistani, bomb making, un-swimmable, bachelor is going to McDonalds. WELLLL!!! *pulls out bubble pipe* It's a bet we made from last year, Zain owes me a Quarter Pounder Meal. Why? Because we made a pinky promise, hopscotch bet that if one of us doesn't have a Formal Date, they'd have to buy the other one a Quarter Pounder Meal. Not the best prize, but a fun little bet we said mid-joking conversation. The bet somehow found a way to resurface and we followed through. But there was also another hidden agenda to going to McDonalds. What was this incentive? Ohhh Buddy! It was Happy Meals!!! They're currently doing a promotion where you get a Justice League Figurine and i mean.. you Can't Not pass up the opportunity to get a Batman or Superman figurine now can you?!? Course Not! Not even if you are 18 years old. so we make our way to McDonalds, pass the Star Bar lady who hands out pamphlets, Apparently she doesn't get off work until all pamphlets are finished and i was lucky enough to get the last, and we passed some guy that was yelling into his phone, causing all types of spectacles. Only on George Street. So we got to Maccas and ordered our stuff. Just incase we asked the McDonalds man for the toy to which he, Ali, said yes off course. Aaaand when we got it he gave us TWO Batman Toys! SUPER G'D!!! ALI WE LOVE YOU MAN! After our unhealthy, heart killing, but ultimately yummy meal we thought we needed to go toilet. So up the stairs we went, stairs are no fun after a maccas meal. Then we got up and saw the Toilet sign, we walk through the door and see... More Stairs! Ronald McDonald planned this, i guess its his way of making Maccas customer's more fit and healthy. Inside the toilet we did what you usually do in toilets. When we went to wash our hands some asian mans head popped in then out again. Most odd things happen in the city.
Then we went to the Green Box place, we had no idea where it was. Only thing we knew was it's across Cotton On. We saw a little game shop, a poster shop, an Adult book store (as you do), a bar aaaand some cars. No Green Box was to be found. Then we saw Ameerah's Fiance, Adam, and our fears were gone. He told us where the Karaoke place was and we were OFF!! And as soon as we got there there was a line. A LINE! Then we got metal detected, My batman toy and Ameerah's present were bulky and i had to pull them out to confirm, then we were OFF!! once again. To wait for Duha, Burch, Nora, Huda, Sabina and Adam. Once we all got together we were OFF!! This time for real. We got into the small small, dark room and saw Taylor Swift playing. So here we were.
Zain and I were at first VERY quiet and hesitant. Then some time into it we got into the singing, i think it was somewhere between the song insomnia and Burch just getting up to dance. Singing along in a soundproof room, REALLY loudly was incredibly and surprisingly fun. It doesn't help the sore throat that i have, but damn is it fun. There was more Taylor Swift, Some old Britney Spears and the ongoing, Zain singing and dancing to Single Ladies, Some lady posing instead of the real music videos, the forever going, literally non stopping Move Your Body by Nina Sky. It was a great time and Happy Birthday Ameerah! =D No pictures, i need a camera or something.
So there we go, the End of August. Two Awesome Birthday's and the Second month of my Blogging. Happy Birthday Ameerah and Nora!! We Had an Awesome Time and Thank you both for inviting us!! =D PEACE!!
FuZZ Is Listening To - no no no no no no! i'm actually watchint Death At A Funeral right now. Its an English comedy, it's surprisingly funny... Thoose english people with their teeth and sexy accents *cough*emmawatson*cough*
Two posts in a day! I'll make it quick and concise, cause thats how i roll. After Thursday's incredible day there was a two day break from the excitment. Peepz need to rest, being awesome is a full time job. But in those two days we began the holy month of Ramadan. To everyone else its the day where they ask "OMG you can't eat til night, how do you do that? I'd never be able to do that! I'd Die! Who are you! Look a burger! Ow why'd you hit me? I can't believe you can't eat!"... It's a great month for us too. But no its not just refraining from eating, it's a month of forgiveness, faithfulness, family (three f's im on a roll) and f-f-f.. self-control. We don't just stop eating, we shouldn't be swearing, smoking, doing bad deeds, chasing chickens with axes, lie and just be a plain old good person. So i welcome the month of Ramadan and I ask for forgiveness from everybody and anybody i have wronged in the past.
Happy fasting Everybody!
So onto the Sunday! The long awaited Dinner at the Anjams! Everyone was fasting (Even Julio, Great Accomplishment There) so we'd all eat at the same time. I woke up extra early that day, 11:30AM, to cook something for the dinner. My bestybuddy, Ameerah, said she'd come by and pick me up at 3 so i had to buck up and put my left foot down and start cooking. I was planning on making Quiche, so the baking was gonna take forever. So off i went, baking it, making it, shaking it (out of the pan), and taking it. It also doesn't help that i'm fasting, like seriously i respect the women who have to cook everyday and fast now, the smell of food just hovering around your face does not help the growling tummy. So i finished at about 2:30 and was ready to go... But no, i didn't get my wish. For once i'm early and now they're late. Ameerah and Krystle came by at about 4 and then we were on our way!
Ameerah drove us in her white van, we cruised and listened to music on the way. Ah my memories fuzzy i'd say what songs but i was in my own little world. So there we were, driving past the Airport (wondering why the big boxes dont move anymore), then throught he M5 tunnel, past a E-tag toll and then from there we were kind of stuck. The Stow is a dangerous, confusing place. You don't want to get lost in The Stow. So we gave Zain a call and he said first right after the light. So... it was ON! Like Diddy Kong!! So we was going, yes we were and we got up to the light. And Ameerah was going.. ohh i dont know about 60 Kms.. but we had no idea that the sign to Zain's place was hidden behind a tree! Apparently it was my fault for pointing it out too late or not saying to slow down. But as soon as we saw it, SHAAARP TURN!!! By Ameerah at 60K's i thought i was in Fast and the Furious!! The tires skid loud and we just made it into the tiny street. Some pro driving there from Ms Alias. We dropped some things... but no one has to know, then we arrived at the big yellow house in The Stow.
We got out of the Car, gave our baskets of food, were welcomed and were on our way into the house. But NO! Ameerah and Krystle got through, but i'd been dragged away by the massive force of Julio and Zain. "Your coming with us".. Such strong words, who was i to say no. "We're getting Ice Cream"... Such manly sayings. So off to Woolies we went in search of Ice cream. When we got there we were faced with the dilemma... Bulla.. Or Peters... Or No brand? Initiative was taken and Zain grabbed one and we left. On the way out a Girlfriend magazine with Emma Watson on the cover was just laying there.. A SIGN!!!!
So we got to the Anjam household and conversed and chilled. And we tried to gain control of the Mattress!! What is The Mattress you ask? The Mattress is this large fortress of comfortable fibres woven together to make such a comfortable seat. We needed it to survive, clearly. I don't know how though but we somehow won it. The battle, to this day, was not recorded. On the Mattress, i think i'm spelling it wrong, we saw Huda on the process of blogging. A blank page was set as she laughed and pondered what to write. Moments later the laptop was in the hands of Zain and Julio. Then moments after those moments later i was kicking Julio's ass in Mario Kart, then kicked Krystle's ass who then responded with "Im the King Of Tekken". But inbetween those moments after the moments later Hudas blog was... *gulp*... High jacked! Yes yes yes.. you heard it. The Awesome Hi Definition was Hi Jacked! There have been rumors of casualties but they are at this point just rumours. To see the intense action unfold and the awesome blog of Huda's, with a special guest appearance from Zain and Julio (S&P) visit:
=O I am not advertising, quit playing at that! But yes we all chilled til it was time to eat. Then we all ate and Ohhh how good was it to eat! These were just finger foods, snacks and i was FULL! The best part of this meal was sitting in the quiet quiet quiet room while everyone ate and nobody conversed. There was a HUGE pink, fleuro, ecstatic elephant in the room. But sooner or later the elephant left, i have reason to believe it was because iCarly was on tv. No one will admit it but they loved the show and youtubed it when they got home. But as soon as the elephant left the night went OFF!!! There was Bollywood (sadly), the creepy under room with a unlocking locked door, the Shal!, the Emma Watson star, a fun fun legless giraffe, some wii action, Snails, Mr. Toast and just WAYYY too much happening. It was an awesome day and thank you Anjams for inviting us. =D We should do it again some time....
And there ends.. another of my.. Essays, now if only i can write as much in a real essay and assessment. Then i'd be KING!!!!!! But we all can't always get what we want.
And also! Guess what the date is today!?!?! August 26th is the date today!! aaand its Nora's Birthday!! Shout out to my fellow Eastlakes G! She's 19 so that means *counts with fingers* born in 1994!! No? 1990!! Good stuff!! Have an awesome birthday, enjoy your day and the many birthdays to come! =D
Laters Peepz, PEEACE!!
FuZZ Is Listening To - Warning - Eminem, I've gone the rap road. He Disses the SH!T out of Mariah Carey its not even.. no yeah its pretty funny.
Wherre wheere where was i? Sorry, i've been sick and i just cant be bothered thinking up my greatness. Tis been my excuse for everything lately. I mean i Comes to me, naturally, but i can't put pen to paper or finger to keyboard so easily. Its such a daunting task.
We were waiting with Krystle for her bus because apparently the day before she'd been getting stalked by peepz in her hood the day before. They called out some random name, i forgot was it rachel or something? So there we were just chilling... then up comes a 555. A free bus that takes you around the city. Joy came upon all our faces, we rejoiced, we handstood (handstanded?) and we all upped and ante'd on the bus. Wierd though, weren't we suppoesd to wait and protect Krystle from stalkers? Then off we went onto the first Free bus we see and leave her be. GREAT friends right. One of a kind. We did say bye and laters and bon voyage and all that to her before we left though, so we aren't heartless. Just, special.
SO! On the 555 we were, yes we were. To Myer i think was the original plan. But WAIT who plans these days, its spontaneous decisions all the way! We ended up at the "Spot".. Kinokuniya. Aaand as you do when you enter Kinokuniya, you take a sharp turn right. Walk past the boring pyhsics section, peep at the humour books *COUGH*Furverts*COUGH*, Across the glassed bridge and into the land of Asian Stationary, Design Books, Photography books (which Zain reads and likes to point out the doodles), Comics, Jap Mags and the home of Mr. Toast and Friends. Here we wandered around, saw books, as you do in a book shop, searched stationary, saw Big Rubbers, Two REALLY Big Books (Yes we did, didn't we Julio), Dragon Ball Z books, Poetic Design books... i'll stop there. Like what DOESN'T Kinokuniya have. Giant chicken fighting an evil cotton candy man?..Shut up.
Whilst there we saw many things we liked. Specially Huda, she saw Mr Toast and the Breakfast Gang and it was meant to be. Much to everyone elses Disapproval. Mr Bacon and Mr Egg were just sad that their good friend was departing. I personally thought Mr. Toast was a good investment. But before she decided we all paid a visit to the Humour section. Saw the FCUK book, no its not fashion based and the Marvelous book of Japanese very Useful inventions. How useful? Ever think washing clothes is just wasted time. Why wait and watch the clothes spin and be unproductive, heck maybe even unhealthy. WELL your worries are now gone because the Japanese, those innovative people, have invented the washing shin guards. Tie these babies to your legs, they're like a jug with a cap, and go for a run. You get fit and wash your clothes.. At the same time! GOSH GOLLY! I don't know how i could live without them! So Huda decided to buy this book, and Mr Toast. Later that night her Facebook Status said these were the BEST purchases. Zain'd disappeared into the Literature section while we were all at the second Humor section. Ameerah had to depart at this time. Huda and Nora went to read a chocolate book. Ohh man, im fasting why'd i type that.. and why didn't i just press delete instead of continuing to write this WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAN!! CONTINUE.. Julio and I read a book called the Alphabet Of Manliness. And one of the letters i remembered was C for Copping a Feel... Yup you read it. They had a step by step guide as to how to Cop a Feel. Ironic that we saw that, because moments later we saw two LARGE Books.
And imback, 6 hours later.. course you the reader doesn't know that.
So it was time to leave Kinokuniya, the books were overwhelming and Literature was had too many words. So we jetted away from here and walked down stairs towards the Streets of George. Here we encounterede the awesome intersection. Where some people choose to go forward, If your lame, and others choose to go diagonally, 2 thumbs up plus 2 more which makes 5. So we, the awesome people we are, went diagonal. Then i hear someone say "Lindt Cafe" and then.. it was on! We walked down to Darling Harbour, saw a Ferris wheel in the distance, cruised over that bridge that goes to the staircase near IMAX then stopped. There was a dilemma. Do we.. walk down the stairs or take the Elevator down. Julio, Huda and I chose the Elevator, Zain and Nora sped off down the stairs. We waited for the Elevator for no more than a second then said "It's taking too long" then we went on down. On the way down these stairs we hear "Excuse me" as a man makes his way between us and charges down the stairs, in walking motion. "Monica!!" he yells. Here i was thinking she'd run off on him and he was trying to win her back. Then he goes over and they continue walking together... There was potential for a Romance movie there, Man runs down stairs, yells name, woman argues, he confesses then they rejoice and break out in Bollywood dance. But Noooooooo, it had to be all fine and dandy.
So we got to Lindt Cafe where another debate started. What are we ordering and Who is ordering. The boys stayed back and we discussed what we were getting. Meanwhile, oblivious to us as our view was obstructed. Huda and Nora'd already gone ahead and ordered waffles and an extra milkshake, who's milkshake? we do not know... I wanted a water, Bottled water cost $4... then we saw they put it out in a jug for free... soo i dont know, $4 water or free jug of water. Afterwards we got down to the table, talked about things and gave Mr Toast some glasses to chill, he got too chilled, so chilled his glasses were falling off.. i think he was drunk. Zain and Julio shared their stories of regret and their day to day dilemmas. While Nora and Huda just stayed tightlipped, no storytelling by them at all! Unfair trade wouldn't you say? Then we got our food, ate it, finished it, played with it, drew pictures on it, saw pictures on it, deciphered those pictures and got high off it. Yes that's what you do with food. After this we were OFF! Off to where you ask? Ohhhh it was someones bright idea to ride the Ferris wheel.
The closer and closer we got to the Ferris Wheel the higher and bigger it looked. See this isn't a good thing as well me and heights dont get along, She bullied me for my lunch money when i was in pre-Awesome-school (Surprisingly i wasn't born awesome). But thankfully we made a quick pit stop on the way. There was a big Z and zain had to take the opportunity to pose in front of it. Nearby was a massive N for Nora and you can't pass the chance to pose. Then we saw a big H and it was Huda's turn. Julio and i had trouble finding our letters, we had to venture onto the other side of the sandpit. The deep end. We got there and found some swings and a bunch of other squiggly letters. But there was no F or J to be found! Thennn out of nowhere someones Abstract-Vision activated and there was a big yellow J in the middle of the sandpit. Julio jumped on that thing and posed like a monkey and we rejoiced. We continued looking for an F.. but those racist kids playground people didn't create one. I bet their laughing in their big leather chairs right now. So i posed near a... W, or was it an M? If its M then its for my first first first name, Mohammad! After this we played on the swings a bit, Julio and Zain wanted to touch the sky.
Playtime was soon over as we remembered our original goal and made our way back towards the daunting Ferris Wheel. It looked so much bigger close up, but thankfully it was glass covered. Honestly from down below it didn't look that scary. Before getting on we took a few pics and conversed with the always smiling Ferris Wheel attendant, he smiles way damn too much, hes a smiling assassin. Then.. it was time to ride the red carriage of ultra heightening doom. We sat in our seats, even Mr. Toast. And minutes later the radio started playing some old school music, forgot what they played but it was something about having a good time, and the Ferris Wheel took off. It rose, and rose, and rose... and i closed my eyes so i have no idea what happened next. All i heard was screaming coming from everywhere. Then i opened my eyes and just looked forward. NO WAY was i looking down! But for some divine reason i did and holy smokes did i just jack my pants. I looked ahead of me, Huda had her eyes closed, Julio was looking around (Not fearing the heights at all), Nora was taking photos (how do you take photos at such heights!!!) and Zain was just screaming and on the phone with his mommah. I clenched onto some handle to my left and to Zain's arms. It was freaky cause looking down it was like you could fall. I wish i had one of those Japanese inventions, the one where they have goggles with sand in them so your on Land all the time. We went around like five times. On the second go we realized all of our screaming and being scared started getting louder and louder. We were just freaking out. We didnt even realize the Carriage was Fogging up!! We were that scared! Then someone looked up and said "LOOK Aircon". Nora, the intensely brave one, stood up and went to press it. Conveniently while we were at the top. Just as she went to press the button my whole life flashed before my eyes, I broke my brothers batman toy when i was 5. But it wasn't an evil button it really was the aircon button and we were fog free. Then on the third go we saw the carriage in front of us had two people in it and they was getting BUSY. How do you get busy when your like a gazillion metres in the air and look like your about to fall! You MONSTERS!! On the fourth go we passed the Smiling Ferris wheel attendant, for the fourth time, and yelled "Your Evil!! Dont you give us the peace sign!!" then yelled at the next Ferris Wheel customers "Don't Come ON!!!". We made it look like a roller coaster. Then at about number five we were told the nightmare was over. And we were still alive!! I think..
Afterwards we just started walking inone direction. Me and Zain went to the toilet while the rest waited for us. After our little toilet break, We cleaned upthe mess from our Ferris wheel ride. We then chilled out. Taking some pics, Nora and Huda commentating on this couple, Zain taking his model shots Releasing the inner animal, the inner tiger, the inner... Strawberrry!! Then he took the Camera for himself and released the inner photographer, Stop, dropping, rolling, photos of leaves, shoes, rubbish bins. Then using ninja skills he some how disappeared. We were still chilling and talking. Then we see a huge flash in the distance to our right, its Zain taking photos. Then he jumps over a barricade into the Chinese Gardens and it looks as if he's trespassing. This is not good, Trespassing is a bad idea kids. So we all stand and chase after the rebellious photographer. Then see he's cornering some poor duckies and taking photos of them. YOU MONSTER! RSPCA IS COMING!! Whilst watching the poor ducky we see a cockroach and freak out, sorry not we Huda did. Then we all sat and watched passerbys... little did we know the horror which was about to befall us.
Because, to our right, out of the blue, out of the mists of evil Ferris Wheel.. came a Gypsy!!! And we were surprised by the Gypsy's appearance, she was smoking a pipe and muttering things. Nora, Huda and I came to the conclusion that she was muttering spells and that the Ducky and Cockroach used to be humans!! Huda and I then ran away, clearly like ninjas.. making sounds and very abrupty, trying to avoid the curse. We thought we were in the clear. Then the Gypsy lady walked away muttering more things. We were pretty sure we avoided the evil Gypsy curse.
We had one hell of an adventure, but it was time to call it a night. We all walked over to Central and then said our farewells. This was that old Faithful day, very fun indeed and very memorable. Thanks guys for inviting me out that day. It was a Blessing and a Curse! I got a sore throat the next day and Huda woke up with evil Mozzy bites! Gypsy 1 - Us 0.
Here's some of the pics taken.
Farewell, Goodbye, Thank You, Goodnight, PEACE!!
The Opposite Of Staying Home And Doing The Same Old Thing
FuZZ Is Listening To - Death Cab For Cutie - Brothers On A Hotel Bed, No.. i don't see anything wrong with that title.
Ah! As promised right? My Voice is currently gone, my throat is sore, my body's weak, theres no food, my phones not charged, and im pretty sure theres a monkey outside waiting to tickle me. That Gypsy really cursed me... The Gypsy.. Time will tell.
So! After Saturday.. what did i doo.. It was a sunday. I started the day helping mommah make some food. Apparently im the daughter of the house, i do the cooking with mom.. SINCE WHEN! Meanwhile, brewing to the north a group of older people im related to were plotting an outing to the Design Exhibition at Powerhouse Museum. Those dastardly Fiends.. or is it Feinds?.. Planned whilst i was cooking! But i rushed the little cakes and i ran out of the house with them. Me, Kak Adi, Kak Soulina, Emir and Baby Anniyah went out. We saw some funky looking tea sets, chairs and other things. It was Grrrreat! Afterwards we went to have seafood at Pyrmont. Seafood Platters are $40 then up. It was mad! but i dont think i got my moneys worth.. i was still hungry! Those Oyster Mornays, Calimari, Fish and Chips, Lobster Mornay, Muscles, Hot Chips.. Mmm ..When i read this tomorow whilst fasting.. im gonna die. It was AWESOME. We took some pics from the day, but i can't find the camera... Damnit, i need my own small camera. Sunday was fun.. Seafood at Pyrmont is Mad Awesome, go try it.. specially on a fiiine sunny day.
Monday was my rest day, Tuesday was a uni day and wednesday was also. Im aching to get to thursday. Tuesday though i had my classes with my coincidental uni buddy, Carmel. In our class we had to do sound effects of some animals, and i had the fun fun fun job of making a shot gun sound. Buuut i was hit with some criticism. My Shotgun sounds were wrong? Was it a pump action shot gun? Did i cock the gun? Did i reload it? Man! REALLY!? Teach wont freak out, s'all good man!!! But then we finished uni for the week and all was well.. Uni is going good, but i have assignments due soon so.. until week 6 hits im in heaven.
OOOH OOOH OOOH! What day comes after Wednesday!??! Tuuesday.. NO! Thursday.. Ohh yeeah. Well! Thursday started with me having a slight sore throat, it wasnt bad, it was okay. So i woke up at 10, put on the robe and slippers and prepared myself for a day of chilling, playing games, tv, computers and maybe some snacks. Just like every other day. BORING and NOT MEMORABLE! Soo i was into my 3rd hour of this video game when i got a phone call from Ameerah! She says She says, "Where are you, come to the quay its going off". I think my memories bad. And as the newly epiphany'd YES man i am i said Yes im on my way! So i grabbed whatever i could wear, It didn't matter the clothes dont make me... i make the clothes, and was ON MY WAY! Speaking of on my way, on the way there as we passed Redfern. Some lady called for the bus, dropped something, went to pick it up and showed the world how full of 'Crack' she was. It was disturbing... specially since she came on the bus and stood infront of me, 'Crack' full of fun.
Anywhom i thought the 343 goes to Circular Quay... but no, it does NOT! It stopped somewhere in the big business part of Sydney. So i had to WALK to the Quay... no sorry The Rocks, I got a phone call saying "Meet us at pancakes at the rocks".. to which i swiftly replied, No! Im such a nice nice friend. Y'all be makin me walk, specially after my gym membership ran out.. Punishment for making me not go gym!
So i'd arrived fairly late, I make people wait.. arriving late is awesome. So when i got there there was a plate of wedges waiting for me.. and some other people, meh i just care about the wedges... KIDDING! Faaar get a sense of humor. Zain, Julio, Ameerah, Nora, Huda and Krystle were there and already wayyyy into their meals. Except for this full plate of Wedges. When i got there Nora and Zain chose songs on the Jukebox, First was Lupe.. second was Avril Lavigne? No! Im not kidding.. what kind of man chooses Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend?!?! Rephrase.. What kind of man DOESNT choose Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend. =D Afterwards Huda and Krystle went to play some songs. Apparently, two $2 coins equals $5 according to Professor Krystle. So if your teacher asks, 2 + 2 = 5. They chose a bunch of songs, So we couldn't leave til we heard them all, There was Naughty By Nature, K-Ci & Jo Jo, Puff Daddy and Arrested Development =O. Pancakes At The Rocks was where 'IT' was at! While listening to the songs i got the feeling that after we eat here, we're all going home. Thats what i thought, not sure why but i did.... Gosh Golly, was i wrong.
We then left Pancakes, after a dispute over who'se taking what money and where. We all tried slipping $10 notes to Huda and Nora. So if there's 4 of us slipping $10's then that means we gave $50 all up, correct? We walked along George street at The Rocks and found a little walkway. Julio and Krystle were ahead so we, Ameerah, Huda, Nora, Zain and I, down the stairs of the walk way and tried blending into the walls. Julio and Krystle had no idea.. even with Ameerah, Zain and Me doing our Opera versions of My Heart Will Go On. No but they realized and they found us like instantly, Guess the ninja spy training doesn't mesh with Celine Dion. While in this walkway what do we decide to do, Other than walk through it... who walks through walkways? We decided to take Boyband, Girlband, band band pictures on the stairs. Brought out the inner models, Cause everyone is a model at heart.
So after the photo session we continued walking along Circular Quay, Nora and Huda taking snaps every once in awhile. I was getting prepared for the paparazzi of my future career. We'd past some Copenhagen Ice Cream where Nora and Ameerah was buying... you guessed it.. Bananas! no, Ice Cream. Meanwhile, Zain was posing next to a picture of a Giraffe and getting his photo taken. I don't understand the relevance here, but i'm adding it.
We continued walking through Circular Quay then passed the Silver Statue MAN! Someone thought it was a woman, i says i says its a man! What woman dresses in complete silver with silver paint?! Zain asked if he could take some pictures with him. When SilverMan, Sounds like a superhero, agreed we all jumped in with him. Zain got a silver glittery hat and robe, The rest of us plastic fruits and other things. I wasn't paying attention, i was busy trying to eat my banana... fake or not it looked fresh. We took a few pics with him then just left... Hah! NO! Could you imagine if we did though, that'd a tad bit slack wouldn't you say? We gave him some of our cash and in return we all got lollipops. No, Actually.. It wasn't until Zain gave Cash did he give ALL of us Lollipops. I think somethings going on there. *wink wink, nudge nudge, kick kick, push push, shove shove* COME ON MAN ANYMORE HINTS!!!
So after that we continued cruising along Circular Quay. Someone had the idea of riding the Elevator up to that highway above the Circular Quay. Its got an incredible view of the Harbour and the sun was setting and.. its pretty high. I hate heights... So we got up there walked along, took some pics, talked abit, did a crazy happy dance, sung Celine Dion and waved at the heartless people on the ferry's (When someone waves at you, its common courtesy to wave back... isnt it?). We stayed up here for a good 10-20 minutes then went back to the Quay. The height was freaky, we screamed in the elevator thinking no one else could hear us... Thinking no one else could hear us.
INTERMISSION: woah.. this is a long post, END INTERMISSION
From here we continued Cruising through Circular Quay. Conversing, speaking, yelling, walking, joking, picture taking, catching up and talking as we made our way towards Botanical Gardens. The sun was setting, the sky was turning dark blue. We walked passed the Opera House, Coca Cola, Trees, Batman, Baskin & Robbins. Then we got to the front of Botanical Gardens, our destination, but for some reason we turned left and walked onto this small dock. A Little platform on the water that felt like it could break off any moment, The same platform that our Year 10 formal boat was stationed at. We sat there, chilled, spoke and pictured again. The lonely little star from Emma Watson Day, July 18th, appeared once again. Zain and I wondered, what if she's looking with us at the same time again. Then Julio came in and mentioned the Airstrip located on her head... I think its a beauty mark. Krystle was scared of the water, Zain couldn't swim, Julio stood on the edge pretending to jump off, Huda sat down in the middle, Ameerah was walking around, Nora was taking pictures and i.. i guess i was observing. We saw the Security Guard people drive by and thought we'd be in big doo doo for being there. But they had no idea who we were. I mean you don't tell us to go, we leave when we want to leave.... So we left immediately so we didn't get in trouble.
On the way back to the Quay we saw Bats in the sky. Krystle had to leave so we all chilled at the bus stop. Cool kids chill at bus stops. It seemed like the night was ending. BUT MATE!! We're only half way through. But for the sake of your eyes i think i'll end it off here. We were chilling at Circular Quay bus stop wondering who was staying and who was going.
To be Continued... =) Don't miss me, PEACE
FuZZ Is Listening To (Hah, see that i speak in third person. I think im that much superior now. No i don't need it to be approved or anything, i just say it and its done.) Anyways im listening to - Hot Air Balloon - Owl City, Props to Pig for this song. Upbeat, Electro, REALLLLY Optimistic sound. It's nice for those happy go sun shine days and times when your just walking down the road alone and smiling to yourself.... As you do right?
HI! Remember me?!!? Course you do, how can you forget. Im the guy that used to write an entry once an hour... Yeah Honeymoon Season's over.. sadly. I haven't written for a weeek, i feel bad for you readers. Especially the stalker one, they can't live without knowing what im doing. Its OK stalker reader, the secret camera you installed in my room still works, i just moved it into the toilet. Quality Television Right There.
ANYHOW, where have i been for a week? what have i been doing.. Ohhh BUDDY! Can You Feel It?!? It's gonna be another ESSAY of an entry. You'll need to see the Optometrist after you read my entries.
Where do i start... Where i left off i guess. Remember last friday, i said that Zain and I had knives, forks and noodles in our faces and were ask.. no TOLD.. that we're "Coming out Saturday Night!".. Well, as the newly epiphany'd YES men we are. We came out on Saturday night. XO at St James it was. I was ready at 8 and set to go... But hadn't left home yet. So i spoke to Zain who was online at Julio's place. But he wasn't responding... Then i get a phone call and Zain's outside. THE HELL MAN! I was talking to thin air... i spilt some dark dirty secrets that anyone could have read. Or Zain was on computer and driving at the same time. Multi Tasking is an excellent trait, so any of you sexy ladies out there.. Heres your man. Go to my last post to see a picture of him ;-D.
Sooo off we goes to Julios place. Don't know how but within 10 minutes of coming in, im lying on his soft.. comfy.. smooth bed.. with ZAIN. Yuh, makes you think right? But we had to get off, it was gettin awkward.. I moved my foot, zain moved his ear things happened.. we dont want to get all technical so.. on to the next part. I was introduced to Julio's Lounge room, where My Best Friends Wedding was playing on TV. (Best Line: Michael's chasing Kimmy? Yes! You're chasing Michael? YES! Who's chasing you... Nobody, get it?, CUT!!!) So there we were, Julio, Zain and I watching My Best Friends Wedding.. While Julio's sister Diana's laptop was laid open in front of us. Her wallpaper was a pic of Diana, Julio and friends (One of whom is in the same class as me, what are the Odds?). It's odd, three staring at this wallpaper and watching this chick flick. Best way to start a Saturday night right?
THEN!!! Green light hit, we were OFF! Splitting up in to two cars. Zain, Julio and I in one car, Diana and Ria in the other. And to the city we went, and when we got there we were the first to find parking. Sooo we waited by the Big Hyde Park Fountain. Its late, we should be alone at this big park.. who strolls parks at night, nobody right? WRONG!! There were Master Splinters.. Ok you non Ninja Turtle Lovers, Rats! And there we were, three manly men (Honestly i think it was only Zain, but i'm trying to make him feel better so i say three.. shh dont tell him) Jumping around like panzies from little rats the size of a 10 year olds foot. Good Stuff!
Once we conquered them rats, Ran away, we went to St James. There we were introduced to Danny, Ex-Randwick Boys Cap And Carmel, Coincidental Uni Buddy! We had to wait in line.. and well, We just don't do that. We don't wait to get into the club, the Club waits for us... so we made it wait and we went to eat Maccas. (I said wait to much, am i spelling it right?) When we went back to the club everyone was already inside.. So much for waiting for us. Inside the club we sung, danced, yelled, Single-Ladied, jumped around, sat down, drank some water, falsealarmwenthome, apparently krumped, photo'd and boogied. Who says that anymore?! I saw these two large dudes, just being cautious, watching this one chick dancing for them in a corner. They had their own little show going on... funny eh? Here's pics i scabbed off Facebook.....We, Me, Zain, Aysha and Leema left at 1. Not literally but we had to Pull Zain away, if not "who knows when I'd go home" he said. Theres a lion in there waiting to come out, Please remember that quote it'll be useful later in life. Then the night was over, that was last Saturday! We Came Out! We Kept our Yes Man Promise! Thats it for this post, I don't want to write TOO much, next post tonight. Im a humanitarian, i dont want to overwhelm you with my incredibly awesome life. I dont want you to envy me so much that you hate me =P
Laters, PEACE!!!
Song Of The Moment - Eagle Eye Cherry - Save Tonight.. ; )
8/14/2009 | 10:58:28 AM | Zai№S | ohh man | |||||
8/14/2009 | 10:58:28 AM | Zai№S | ive got a feeling | |||||
8/14/2009 | 10:58:38 AM | Zai№S | that today i sgonna be a GOOD DAY ! |
Ok, apart from Zain's Incredibly BAD Spelling and his attempt at singing the black eyed peas song.. Pinochio hasn't lied here. His spidey senses were tingling and they came through. They surprised the viewers from the left flank, blindsided the D and came home Strong!...yeeeah, No he was right. Today was gooood...
So why was it good? I'll tell you why its good. Yeah, that's generally what happens. Shut up. So today, Friday the 14th August 2009 (So close to being the 13th) was the day that we, Zain and I, would be meeeting up with our old old friend Ameerah Alias, remember her? from the water fights and those HSC study days? No? Its okay =P. But before we met Zain and I had to go jumah, Friday prayer for all of you playing at home. Jumah was funny cause my pops was angry at me and my cousin, Iqbal, for being late. So we got silent treatment-ed the whole way.. then as we're walking towards the mosque i hear "Rony!!!" and my dad instantly Happy go sunshine's and is joking around and laughing out loud... funny story right? Yes? ... who asked you anyway.
ANYWAYS, When i finally got the prank phone call signalling Zain's arrival into the Eastern suburbs of Eastlakes. Yeah you wouldn't get that Eastlakes was an Eastern Suburb would you. So i walk outside and wait to see his monster of a tarago or his miniature red car. I see the red car... and i think it's gonna u-turn to park in front of me... But NO!! he turns into another street, and i gotta run, YES RUN, over... Thanks mate, make me run.. just cause my gym membership is out and i've been out of shape for awhile now... you bastard. So i run over to his car and say what up to Zain and his sis. Inside his car Zain and I are asked if we planned to dress the same. Zain the ass wore a checkered pinkish/redish/greyish shirt and i wore my red checkered shirt also... *Yes we called each other the night before. This was the first of many. We go up the road and drop off his sis. And we're off!.... Oh right and before i got picked up, sorry but i'm going non-linear story telling on your ass, I gotsa call from Ameerah i did, yes i did! And it turns out, as usual, she was there EXTRA early. And it all suddenly came back, it was as if Ameerah was never gone for all those months.. i dont know how or why. But anyhow she was early, we were late, and someones ass was getting whooped.... So i stopped watching that guy get beat down and we went to randwick.
*Im being sarcastic
In the car we discussed life, poetry, fine champagnes and good tourist destinations such as Monaco and Rome.... Yeah? Anyways,we get to Randwick 15 minutes late, Fashionably. Before we got to Taste of thai we saw a head pop out of the bus. It was our old old old old old old buddy mister devine. So we said hi, then bye then went to Taste of Thai after meeting and greeting Ameerah for the first time in god knows when. A year? Inside we sat, as you do in a restaurant, and ordered our food and conversed. Caught up, said things, laughed, looked at things and just anything. There was an inside joke going on too.. i didn't know what was going on but it had something to do with the man in green beside us!? What was it? please tell me. While waiting for our food we also got the first of many warnings, or notices i dont know. They were "You'r coming out Saturday night or else." Psht.. whatever right?
So we got up to catching up, being teased about dressing the same, battling space leprechauns, finishing our food and talking. Ameerah was getting mysterious phone calls from peepz. Zain was getting phone calls here and there too. THEN!!! Out of the blue there were special guest appearances from Ameerah's sister Atiqah, Nora and Krystle. Buutt we got back to it and conversed. We did heaps, we saw pictures of Julio and Alex getting cosy, got teased for our dress sense once again, got told by by EVERYONE that we're (Zain and I) coming out Saturday night (I guess we're going out tomorow?), got told that i'm gonna blog about it later tonight, And what do you know, put our right foots down and said we're gonna meet once a month (month = 100+ days), took pictures like Sydney-grown tourists (and for proof that we hung out with the mythical Ameerah) and talked about this one time when we all had this picture of Zain as our phone wallpapers. It looks like a picture you'd put on your Online Dating Profile. "Hey sexy ladies, if you want a fudgepaki i'm your man."
Our crew had to go Easties Library to pick up Zain's sis. Driving through Randwick, past the racecourse and along the orange sun setting over. We got to the Library and looked at the CD's.. Jazz, Folk, Blues, Classical.. What every 18 year old teen listens to. Then Zain just disappears... Nora's looking at a table with books and i found a Mexican cook book. Then Zain re-appears, Just poooofed out of thin air, and said "You guys gotta check this out.." Aaaand we did, he took us over to the kids section..You SICK person! What are you doing in the kids section!!... But then i forgot all about that and this is what happened.

... yup, We ate chinese food. No but really, the Library, Friday Nights.. It goes OFF! The place to Be! Next Friday Its On like Donkey Kong. Not Diddy, he's too small. We got to read Spot The Dog, Played with Lego pieces, saw Ancient computers (which KILL the Macs!), Pillow throwing contests and best of all Dressed up in Capes! Red Dresses! And some wierd other dress! The Library's the only place you could pull off a Cape, the world aint ready. "They can't handle what we got, our flow is too sick" Our styles the illest... Thanks Nora. Who woulda thought Friday arvo's at the Library was this Bangin?!
*Scrolls up... ahh shiiet, its another essay*
We went back to Eastlakes to drop off Nora... See that was the original plan. THEN! As we drove into her street and stopped. Zain's sister was Kidnapped!! KIDNAPPED I TELLS YA! As any loving and caring brother does when his sister is kidnapped.. Zain sat there, in the drivers seat, smiling.. then drove away. Don't you wish he was your brother. But no, we came back and then got confirmation that "Aysha's going to be staying with us tonight, you go watch Public Enemies.".. Oh right, i've been told that is IMPERITIVE that i watch Public Enemies. Unbiased review, and no Johnny Depp played NO part in the imperiveness of watching Public Enemies. Thats preposterous. Butt there we were, two single, smashingly sexy, guys on a friday night told to go out and spend it out on the town.... so what do we do? Hit up a club? Pick up chicks at a bar? Play laser tag? Bungee Jump the Harbor Bridge?... No. We went to my place and watched this youtube video.
.. As you do. And then we decided against Public Enemies, the times weren't too good. Again i narrowly slip away from watching the movie.. =P.
But we think we HAVE to be out tonight. So we go Victoria Park, listen to music on the iPod, meet up with Julio, listen to his stories, Listen to Elevator music in a toilet and ponder things. Massive DnM went on, Guys DnM too.. i think? Then we went home and now im here. Watching the Home page on facebook fill up... Good times eh? Anyhow! I'm out! Latersss Peace!! =)
Song Of The Moment -... No no no! I have a Band of the moment. I friggen LOVE Death Cab For Cutie now. I recommends Title and Registration, What Sarah Said, Tiny Vessels, Soul Meets Body, Transatlanticism and The Sound Of Settling. I love their music. Their name intimidated me though, Death Cab For Cutie?!? What does that even mean?!? After some digging its some Beatles reference or something. But MAN i love these guys as of now, im probably a bit late on it but oh wells. Saxman, my UWS correspondant, says the songs remind him of Summer days with the warm wind blowing past.. and i totally agree. They're great, check them out =)
OK! Now onto the rest of my entry. Soo Whats the haps?! Where have you been Fuzz i missed you. I know but its okay im here now. Its hard to write blog entries during my 2 jampacked days of uni, It's actually pretty tiring. I honestly don't think i've ever been tired like that in my life, Where im exhausted and genuinely want to sleep (not cause i have to, because i want to and my body is tired). Its a new experience to me.
So like heres the Gist of my first day of uni, the first half of my uni week.. cause im one of the lucky ones. Rocked up an hour late, I blame the public transport... even though i purposefully woke up late, postponed the bus ride and walked as slow as a turtle (sorry no clever simile here). We had to rehearse an act of ours for the Design Thinking class. We were Tasmanian Devils and had to act them out, abstract or non abstract however way you want to. So we did our thiingg, i had the prestigous job of turning off the lights to show they are Nocturnal, So prestigious that i got it wrong. I accidentally turned them on, I am MADE for show biz! So there's my group acting their part out, 3 peepz as trees, another as the devil himself.. then i was to make my glorious Acting Debut in a class of 20 as a Fox that will attempt to attack the devil then cowardly run away. We were highlighting the Devils Fierce Face! The same face you make when you brush your teeth. As soon as i hit the floor my neck strained and i had to quickly back out... First gig and i immediately screw up, Who woulda thought you have to Stretch before acting. Oh well, we went alright even though i screwed up most of my parts. I guess i'll learn from these mistakes. The rest of the class had good acts too, there was bubbles, trees, monkeys that dance and just funny interpretations of other animals. Its a fun class.
Afterwards i had Journalism. I need to buy the book for this class, Some dude i'd just met offered me his book for $20.. thats like $40 cheaper than RRP. My boyishly handsome good looks win again. And yes i do Journalism, its an interesting subject though because we're focusing on the growth of Journalism and how its getting lost in translation. Am i a journalist for writing a blog? What makes a journalist in this age where anything, anywhere can be published? Aaand theres the debate of true journalism against the business of journalism, profit against truth. Its real interesting stuff. AAAND why i'm suddenly so interested is because! the week before we had to write a piece about the perosn next to us in a little under 30 minutes. After a small interview i found abit of info from the dude next to me. I wrote 5 paragraphs and was DAMN proud! I played a little parade in my head, Will Smith, Bill Clinton and Steve Carell were all there. So why did i just track back to last week, WELL, this week we got those interviews back. And the tutor said there were 4 that stood out. AAAND WELL!! Looky looky at this little surprise journalist, Fuzzy Fuzzball over here was one of them stand out report writers. Another reason as to why i ROCK! He said my report had a good flow of information and it was emotional because it was humorous. Thank you, i try. The humorous line was "We celebrated afterwards for Maccas". I'm a legend. After this little celebration we did some test. Aaaand in this test i was taken back to year 12. Because one of the questions asked.. What is wrong with the phrase "Free Gifts"? Ok Zain, Pigar im sure you guys know what is wrong with that phrase. Ms Kelly was irritated by it. All Gifts are Free! So its unnecessary to say so. =D The past... it helps on so many levels.
So that was my tuesday, i spent the train ride back with some new friends. One named Nicole, Whom i met when Stranded at Blacktown for Three HOURS! last semester and the other.. i have no idea what her name was but i talked to her as if i knew. What can i say.. i'm a people person.
Wednesday! Ohhh, Ohh Ohh...Wednesday how i loved you. Ever have a day where you just Know it'll be a good day? I think that was my day. I realized when i got dressed to go uni. I looked in the mirror. I have a feeling the mirror is being modest, i am DAMN sure i look better then the image the mirror shows me. So i looked in the mirror, my sexy DC hat on, grey white washed jeans, white shirt, a scarf and my awesome green hooded jacket.. and i thought to myself DAMN.. You So Fine. But, No, my day wasnt a sure hit at that time. It wasn't until i was on the bus and i saw an old lady waiting to cross the road. Then some guy walking his dog stood near her. His dog kept sniffing near the old lady, and her attempts at subtly trying to stay away were just funny to look at. And at that moment i thought, today looks to be a good day. I'm an optimist. This was just another reminder of how stepping outside of your house.. even for a moment.. opens you to a world of possibilities. If i for some reason opted to stay home i wouldn't have been the happy gus i was later that day. So there i was on the bus to Central just smiling to myself. I also find that whenever im on a bus and the seat next to me is free its is the last one people choose to take. What, do i smell bad? Also there was this girl who dressed up REALLY nice on the bus. So i was laughing to myself when a dude who looked like he hadn't showered in days, or changed clothes went and sat next to her. Good times. So when i got to central i had to wait no more then 5 minutes for my train to arrive and im on my way. It was a quick and painless train ride, smooth sailing and no dilemmas. After the train i went to wait for the bus that takes me to Uni. As i waited i saw some friends and we spoke about the classes we were about to have. And one of them said "We got homework bro..." DUDE I DIDNT KNOW THAT FAR OUT! I was packing it, i ran to the library quickly typed some stuff up. The Keyboard sounds so much louder in a silent environment. Then halfway through i get a phone call, and stupid me i forgot to silence my phone. It went Off, Nelly - Ride With Me, and i got those menacing stares from the fellow uni students. So.. i did what anyone would do in this situation. Talk as loud as i can. And oh my god was i relieved.. I had no homework due at all, Peepz be trippin on me dawg i aint gona let a playa hit me up like that, fools gonna pay homez. So i had PR, Public Relations and no homework was due. So So G'd. Aaand my table had me, my 2 mates, an older guy, a guy thats in most of my classes but i dont talk and this other girl. Ohh man this other girl. She's soooo pretty... *drifts off* I think Batista Material. Batista of the Month! I forgot her name though.. dangnaggit. But anyhow we had to work on an article the teacher randomly chose for us. Our article was titled "Archbishop told abuse victim to 'Go to Hell", touchy subject eh. The article was one sided, because the "victim" was breaching privacy. Anyhow we worked on it, the older guy did most of the talking while everyone else stayed silent. I, Trying to impress and actually attempting to be part of the class work, but mostly trying to impress, took part in the work. Unlike the others who sat and just nodded, 90% of students do this Its Great. So my input worked and our group aced the exercise. We're awesome and she was cute... uhm what?
Yeeah and thats one of the best things about this course im doing. The men are overrun, we are hopeless and near extinction at my campus. Its .. bad? The whole class is full of pretty girls, but this one in particular i dont know why.. but i was just wow'd by her for the rest of the day... So it's now my mission to find out her name and strike up a conversation, this is gonna be a toughy. ANYHOW!!!! Afterwards i went to my next class, hung out with some more uni peoples. At this moment i'd figured out that i'd made alot of uni friends. One walked by and said "Sup Fuzz". One of the peepz i was hanging with said "Dude, shes wierd"... so i looked her dead in the eye and said "Dude... i don't discriminate". (Yess.. i'm a people person)But Honestly, the following 10 tense seconds were the funniest seconds ever. I felt harsh for saying that too though, but she said sorry and i said its all good and we all chuckled it off. So our next class was Communication Research, we have to choose an issue we want to survey people about. The issues were reeeally interesting and i'd really want to find out about them. My own issue was crap compared to theirs. Mine was "Video games and its link to violence", the tutor responded with, its been done before.. its good but do you really want to find out about this? One of the better ones was trends with Homophobia. I was interested because the examples that were put forth. Guys dont mind lesbians but dislike gay guys, women dont mind gay guys but are uncomfortable with lesbians. This was just one that i can remember off the bat, but they're really interesting. Someone help me with a pressing issue i can survey about! Anyhow afterwards i finished my day and got home, no dramas all happy rays of sunshine. All was well and i literally was dancing that night. Theres nothing wrong with being happy. It may not sound like a good day, but it was. Something about that day was just positive and happy. I liked it. Its good to be optimistic..
Soo i can't wait for tomorow, (Meeting up with Zain and Ameerah), Good night, Peace! There goes another essay of an entry.