The Look

Written by Fuzz on 9/11/2009 10:00:00 PM

FuZZ Is Listening To - Rush - Limelight
Zain Is Listening To - Bryan Adams - Summer Of 69

Continued.... (You should read the post under this one first to get it in Canon)

So where were we, I get off the bus and as i make my way to UTS I'm walking, in the city for about a minute and already the pre-empted excitement jumps at me. I was walking and noticed everyone was looking towards the street. The follower that i am i looked too.A horse was running wild on the busy Streets of Elizabeth. Seems a Police Officer couldn't keep their horse in check. Oh Central never cease to amaze me.

So afterwards, i start walking towards UTS again. I'm for some reason feeling really confident in myself. I walk down the middle of the path, people passing me, my music blaring in my ears, getting my strut on, wind blowing past, my butt shaking side to side, women whispering as i walk on by and glancing at my reflection every so often. I was feeling great, not sure why. But the weather had to have played a part in it. Then i get to an Intersection, where i have to slow down the strut. And this next part has to be a play by play:

I begin to slow down I catch the eye of a fiiiine honey on her mobile phone
She clearly catches my eye, eyeing her eye.
I revert to my G-up self, and look at her back and forth, glimpsing nervously
She put's down her phone and continues staring at me
I feel pretty confident in myself, For a split second i was the sexiest man on earth... Wait thats not right, i am and always have been.
She starts walking over towards me, my direction.
My heart skips a beat, i begin to panic.
Now she's charging towards me, slipping and sliding through other people.
I think, no way she's not coming to me... What does she want, does she think i'm someone else?!?!, do i know her?!, who is she?!!?, whats her name?!, think of a name?! A DAMN NAME!?!?
She's locked in my magnetic beam, Naturally, getting closer and closer.
She hands me a little flyer.. She hands me This.

"If you've been handed this flyer then we believe you have THE LOOK!"
Naturally, I have THE LOOK! She selectively CHOSE ME Out of the many people at that street corner. Acting, Modelling Career... here i come!! I knew the my reflection was being modest, I AM a SEXY BEAST. So that means, i am really really really ridiculously
Good Looking.

So after i recieve my flyer i say thanks, and charge away. She charged away too.
I had my headphones on full blast so no chit chat. But i walked away, read the card and just couldn't help but grin to myself. I was on top of the world. That honestly MADE MY DAY! HELL it made my MONTH! See what happens when you step out into the big big world.
So i call Zain and say we ready to meet up. "
He's like bro i got big news. But i can't tell you over the phone" And im like "Nigga! I got bigger news, and the phone just aint ready to hear it!" So i go to UTS library and meet my compadre... and this is where i trade places.

TRADED. i was thinkin how could FARIDs news be bigger than mine, and im sure fuzz be like hell naw zains news cant be bigger than me being ridiculously good looking. I guess we were just havin a epic day. So we meet up, i introduce fuzz to life at uts library...the good life.

to those outside the uni world may not kno but comin to uni requires a certain standard of dressing. any lower and u are socially frowned upon..but naturally we dont care about wat society thinks, we care wat all the BROOKlyns out there think ya dig. SO i take fuzz up the spiral winding staircase to the melo sofas where we chill. Here we reminisce of memories long gone and photos where we say nothing because of minds are plagued with regret at some of the things we did. Ahh well all part of growing up, although we like to think we're clinging onto neverland pretty tightly.

Anyways i give fuzz some photos on his usb for which he is plannin to print and stick in his diary/corkboard BUT this process which would normally have taken 5 minutes took about an hour instead? why ? WELL U SEE, uni isn't hard because of the workload, uni's hard because of the constant moving objects which continually obstruct our focus ! me n fuzz are only HUMAN OK
"im meant to be faithful, walk where not able, fight till the end but im only humaaan"

To shed more light on these dazzling mobile objects, is the king of comedy, fariz ronnnny

.. King of comedy? Come on, seriously.
I feel like this is a talk show that's going on for ages. So there we were, Laptop infront of us, conversing, laughing loudly, looking at photos and just doing what people do in Library's. But countless times, over and over again we'd have our view obstructed by the fiiiine honeys up in HERRE!! They come from left right and CENTRE! I love Uni, this is pretty much the reason our parents wanted us to be in uni. For us Bee's (B for boy) to get us a little Honey. I don't know how ANYONE can study under these circumstances.

So Zain and I left, we walked out of the Library. Zain had his head down, i was in my own world. We walked towards Paddy's when Zain said "That was her.." I'm like Her? He said "Brooklyn" Im like... OHHHH.
By the time i looked i only saw her from behind. This mysterious person charged away for us to never see her again.

We went to Paddy's i was on the hunt for Aviators. The first shop had a deal, 2 for $10. But they were crappy quality. Quality over Quantity works here. Next shop, had some fiiiine sunnies but they were $15.
I'm a cheap ass, $15 for one pair is not cool. Then we went to these other shops and the price just rose. By the time i wanted to go back, it was time for us to meet Julioooooo!!! He said 10 minutes, we got there at the aforementioned 10 minutes.. and were raised another 5 minutes. Love poker.

I AM THE POKER FACE ! so yes HOOOLIO picked us up at entertainment centre at 345ish, we busted out the fresh pod, cruising to fly tracks..uptown girls? MYEES. so we just chill as we go to see diana who was havin her bday tonight, unfortunately team awesome couldnt make it, religious restraints but all was good. We picked her up at north sydney BUT she came out of nowhere so i had to in the most inconspicous way i kno hide her present *spreads body over present*...nothing sus right. The sanchez familia love their MJ so we found diana this awesome limitied edition MJ photo frame..gotta admit it looked pretty powerful. So julio gave her the frame which left dianas mouth wide open nonstop for about 6mins and 23.6 milliseconds if i must be specific. i think she liked not sure hmm. So we hop back in and ride bak over the bridge, im popping the bubble wrap and fuzz was folding plastic...naturally right? i bid everyone farewell at central and ding ding next round goes to FUZZ-licious.

HAH! Zain was Off. And Julio says to me "We're gonna make a little detour" I barely listened though, i was busy busting bubble wrap. Diana said that it's soothing a calming and helps relieve stressed out patients. I LIKE IT. So we went to pick up Julio and Diana's mom at Redfern. Who by the way is TOO Awesome =D. Then we cruised for abit, spoke of Twilight and the great debate on how much it sucks.. unbiased right? and we got on home. It was a long day. I got home but before i did iI said my thanks, and farewells and Happy Birthday To Diana!

See.. you'd think this was the end. But i got home and broke my fast to some fried chicken and a gaytime ice cream.....mmmmmm It was nice, but i was still on my Self-Esttem, could be a model, HIGH! So i said, Hey fuzz lets go for a jog! So i goes i goes for a jog and last about 10 minutes. The rest of it i walked. Emir came, brought his mountain bike. I tried the mountain bike.. the seat was too high and i fell over on top of Emir. I'm so pro.

I took a small break, and realized i had like 10 missed calls from Andrew Wong. Somebody likes me. So i call back and he says Basketball tonight lets go. It was a reunion with Andrew, Izzy, Richard, Stephan and William. They picked me up and we drove to the courts. We caught up for abit, played with Andrew's wierd Skateboard, shot some hoops and had a couple of games. The game came to a sudden end when i was in the middle of a great play, alley oop, double hurricane, splits, dunk.. no not really i jumped and caught the ball mid air.. then cramped up. I was on the floor crying, cringing not moving. Thats what i get for not stretching.. remember peepz always stretch when exercising. My calf felt like there was a little hard egg in there.. it was PAINFUL!! So we finished the game off. IT was OVER! And we all seperated. I got home, the hot water was finished so i had to Asian style shower. And now here i am.. 4 AM, Tag Team Blogging with Zain. Once in a Lifetime Opp, Thank you for listening and sorry for the Grammatical Errors... Before i jet.. here's how i'd look on a billboard.


HEY WHOAH BUDDY. U think u can call the curtains whenever u feel like because u are the sole owner of this BLOG...I DUNNN THINK SO BEEHATCH *pokes fuzz* yeh thaats right, u better back up. SO yeh too all my many fans out there i just wanna say i love u maaaaaaan *blows in handkerchief* and to FUZZ my one, my only...u kno ur the ying to my yang, U COMPLETE ME ANAKIN so i just wanna SALUTE YOU.
REAL TALK. take it easy peepz


Comment by CINTAAMONYET on September 12, 2009 at 10:26 PM

looking mighty fine there, farid.

Comment by Fuzz on September 12, 2009 at 11:06 PM

Ramadan has been very kind to me


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