What you see is What You Get

Written by Fuzz on 9/05/2009 02:41:00 PM

FuZZ Is Listening To -Cobra Starship Ft Leighton Meester - Make Them Good Girls Go Bad, I need a little of the top 40 music, gotta love the radio music right.

I'm a bit late but Spring's begun. Winter is over, the cold winter nights, with the robes, slippers, heater, being scared to walk outside from the fear of freezing to death, hating cold mornings, the warm, comforting feeling of being under the blanky... They're all over, Now we're moving onto Spring, the season in preparation for Summer. The flowers bloom, the tree's grow, the birds come alive, the sun shines and warms us, the Beach is more enticing, the jumper's go into hiding and being outdoors is so much more fun. It's September and we're starting something new.

BUT... sadly we couldn't start the season on a high. I have some dark, sad, news... I've had to say farewell to a very very close buddy of mine, we'd gone through thick and thin, highs and lows, everything... I'm talking about..

My favourite Homer Simpsons Jammy Pants... I bought these babies back in 2007 on a trip to Indonesia. One thing i learnt from these pants were "What you see is What You Get"... Which was written on the pants like 100 times. The reason i had to farewell these are because of the large tear in the... region. Probably from all the karate jump fly kicks i do in my spare time. Too much of them caused a small rip.. and then continually doing so just ripped them further and further. Specially from doing all those splits, Its hard being a martial arts master. So... farewell Homer J Jammy's... I loved you *wipes a tear from eye*

Apart from that whats on the haps. We're halfway through Fasting season. It's gotten harder but it's getting familiar, plus my rock hard abs are starting to be shown from all the starvation and weight loss. My last week... what did i do,Point Form Time!

  • I did the opposite of Procrastination for once, It felt so good to finish my work two days early and beating the rest.
  • I'm currently watching The O.C all over
  • I just realised i've written "I" alot, im such a selfless person, I Give, i give you all glimpses into my awesome lifestyle.
  • Played Nerf Gun with my bros, What a Nerf Gun?
... THATS A NERF GUN, it shoot's foam bullets and is so awesome... apart from when we have to pick up the bullets afterwards. For 10 seconds of fun, i have one hour of finding where i shot the bullets.
  • So point form continued, I woke up at 4AM to go to an 8AM Lecture, where the man plugged his website for over an hour.... Last time i go lectures, Evil education things that we're supposed to listen to but all we do it sleep and pretend to listen to...
  • Went to Rockdale Macdonalds, saw the fully sick lebs hanging out at parking lots.. Cause there's no place cooler than the maccas parking lot, clubbing? the bay? Someone garage? Nah, Maccas Parking Lot is wayyy cooler.
  • Re-kindled thy love for Drawing
  • Wearing my kick-ass robe, smooth, comforting and warm
  • Gave coins to a man at the train station, he's asked me like a gazillion times before.. i dislike that man, im not mean.. he's just a junky that keeps bothering me
  • Pondering wether i should spend all of my pay next week on a shirt, credit, a game and travel.. Spend all at once, and not have any left over for the rest of the week. 2 weeks of no money. What to do?!
  • Hung out at Eastgardens on a thursday night, it's where all the cool kids hang out. The food court, staring each other down, Yelling, disrupting every one's shopping agenda, being cool... Friggen Eastgarden
Ah, Good Ole Week. So until next post, PEACE!


Comment by CINTAAMONYET on September 6, 2009 at 1:28 AM

I hate departing from my beloved clothes. It's so sad.
Which reminds me...
Epic isn't it? =)

Oh Allah...Eastgardens is so the place to be on Thursday night *rolls eye* that's why I don't work there on Thursday night because of some of those rowdy kids. I must admit, they do piss me off >=|

And I miss commenting on your posts. I never seem to have time to these days. Gomenasai, Farid-san.


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