FuZZ Is Listening To -Georgie Fair - Picture Frames, Sydney based band, Zain found off a Moove ad (Which i have yet to see but is supposed to be awesome).. and Yeah its a really good song =) Very nice to listen to, road trip-y
So Wednesday was Emir's Birthday, the 23rd Of September. And it was also the day that many people thought was the end of the world or an Alien Invasion! Why? This is why.
Massive Dust Storm from Central/South Australia reached The East Coast and blanketted our usually blue skies with a red tint. It woulda been hella fun to wake up early and see it, and take some photos. What WASNT fun was that i had to wash the car(s) again. The Gods are smiting us for tormenting Rangas OR the somewhere under ground it was Oompa Loompa day. Take your pick.
Anywhom, Yes Wednesday night after all the dust shoved away to Brisbane we were left with a nice clear.. but windy sky. And the Famz decided we'd throw Emir a little surprise party. Sweet 16 Better watch out we rocked that thing like.... A boat? But it was fun getting it prepared. Emir had to be taken out of the house so we shoved him outside to go with my brother, Kak Adi, to pick up my mum. Then my other brother, Kak Ferri, and cousin, Iqbal, went to pick up Crust Pizza.... Mmmmm Peri Peri Sauce.Also earlier that day we went to get some awesome Ice cream cake, the shop moved and gave us a little scare but using my Sherlocke Holmes skills i found their phone number through the window and found out they moved next door. I'm a born detective. So i set up streamers, Balloons and got bubbles ready, got out the cake, cleaned the house, my dad sat there watching tv while i did all this, i prepared the doves and prepped the room. This is how it went. Thought they aren't the best photos.
Its wierd.. whenever i upload my own pics it looks watered down.. stupid blogging. Oh well, it was fun to surprise Emir, Happy Birthday Little Bro, and we filled up enough food that night to pay back for what we missed out during Fasting season. =)
FuZZ Is Listening To -Birthday Girl - The Roots Ft Patrick Stump, I'm a huge fan of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon and even more so because he has The Roots as his house band. Like SERIOUSLY THE ROOTS!! THEYRE LEGENDARY AND PLAIN CLASSIC!
Yo Yo, In a nutshell today was pretty Fantastical. Point form, play by play on what was the haps.
- Woken up Early to my cousin with a sore throat saying to my mum ".... something.. something... sickness" My mum responds by saying, Oh no! i'll go make you tea, go have a shower and get some panadol in you then rest up more. Then i went back to sleep. 10 Minutes later, I think i dont really tell time whilst asleep, My mum walks in with tea and hands it over to which my cousin responds "Oh.. No no it wasnt me that's sick its Bude thats sick, i have to go home later." I'm there in bed, pretending to be asleep and facepalming for my mom. Then i hear "Fariz stop smiling while your asleep" DOH!
- Woke up 2 hours later, Showered, got told that i gotsta go Lakemba with my momma, Called up the Agency (OMG I HAVE TO TELL YOU GUYS ABOUT THIS SOON-ISH), then left with momma to Lakemba.
- Scratched my nose
- Arrived at family friends place, conversed abit, played some zombie killing games, drank some fruity drink tasted like ribena but it was brown, Realised said family friends knows some of my uni friends, then left their place slapped on the L plates and made my way home.
- Then realized that i wasn't going home, i was going Maroubra to deliver some food AND i was getting paid for it. =O
- I got paid $50, Jee wizz i wish this was a real job.
- Went home, but first got some grub with momma, we ate at Ole.
- Drove home, updated my facebook status, chilled for abit then packed my bag to go study at the library. Yuhuh i aint no Gee up I Came and I studied, sorta.
- Dressed in Summer Clothes-ish, By that i mean i wore thongs.
- Went to the city, sat next to some smelly people and faked a smile to pretend that all was okay... even though it wasnt the man smelt like foot.
- Farted in retaliation
- Arrived at Martin Place, saw myself in a reflection and said "Damn Yous A Sexy Bitch", Walked into State Library all confident, Aviators, Cap, Music blaring, Thongs clapping etc.
- Got my stuff, and went downstairs to study with Zain and Julio.
- Caught up before i really started studying.
- 20 minutes later wrote some words down.
- Read Poetry from the Sanchez Files.
- Realized Zain was also wearing Thongs.
- Julio wore Sneakers.. Tsk tsk
- He said it was gonna thunder storm and rain later on
- We Scoffed it Off.
- Laughed at things that were happening around us.
- Listened to Zain's iPod, while he listened to mine.
- Rated the Fly Honeys at the library.
- Continued Rating...
- Julio made an interesting observation, wrote it down on paper, "The Kid there looks like a Tomato"
- We all look, Discreetly. I used my iPods reflection, Zain smelt his physical appearance.
- Pointed out that the Best Honey in there was also wearing Thongs
- Studied for a while.
- A while means 5 minutes.
- Saw that the Best Honey fell asleep.
- I started drawing a picture.
- We saw pictures of the son of Communications Uncle and he looked Cuban.
- Realized the Best Honey was only reading.
- Had to leave, Lindt closes at 7.
- I had no idea what they meant, but then we made our way out.
- Used the locker system at State Library, i cut in line.
- Realized it was Rain and Thunderstorm, So our Previous Scoffing blew up in our faces.
- Charged out of the Library and onto Martin Pl while playing the "P" Game, say a funny word and the next person has to say it louder.
- Walked passed the Channel 7 Studios, tried to catch a glimpse of that smoking hot babe that tells the news.
- Were disappointed to see some "Douche", as Julio says, Rehearsing.
- Zain and I were screaming at the fact that our thongs were a bad idea and we were getting water on our feet.
- We continued our charge through the city to Darling Harbour.
- It got wet and stinky.
- I fell behind, the Thongs began to hurt, Zain was also beginning to feel the pain.
- Julio had shoes so he was ahead and just acing through.
- Got to a crossroads, which would ultimately lead to our doom.
- Julio said lets go Right, Zain retaliated and said lets go Left! I stood there, then went BACK! Onto the stairs to rest. As i got to the stairs they'd decided. Never have i been so upset to leave a set of stairs
- Walked past the place of our Formal.
- Found some stairs that went down, spirall-ish. And also saw an alternate path, but were blocked by some cars and a highway sort of. If we actually looked around there was a perfectly safe and better bridge that could have taken us straight to Lindt Cafe. But we live on the edge, so we took the scary spirall-ish stairs, also because we thought it was the better option..... And this... Is where the story get's interesting....
So our three heroes ventured down the spiralling staircase. Little did they know that it would behold the adventure of a lifetime. The walls of the stairs were filled with some type of art, some may call it vandalism, some may call it graffiti, the cool people would probably call it talentless tags. That was unecessary but had to be written. They got to the bottom of the stairwell and entered a lot, with flashing lights whizzing past every so often. They looked up to see that they were under a bridge. Droplets of rain fell ever so lightly, through the trees and the small openings of the bridge, onto our heroes. It was a dark place, the only source of real lights was from a dim orange glow coming from the stairwell. The Heroes had feared for the worst, they thought they'd hit a dead end. Dead end's are no good because they require us to walk back UP the stairs and use our feet muscles. The area was dark, isolated and silent. But the Heroes did not fear, they are after all Heroes. "Relations were once in action over by that gate over there" Said one of the Heroes. It turns out one of the three had been here before. The other two noticed an opening by a wall, Most likely made by the Trolls that were roaming under the bridge that inhabit this area. The heroes noticed some man eating Easter Bunnies were prowling behind them. There wasnt much time. The mission of the Heroes was to get to the other side of this area to the Harbour of Darlings where they would join their comrades in the Lindt Inn. The Opening was big enough to fit the two thinner Heroes, the third hero was unsure if he was able to get through. But the hole wasn't the only concern of the Heroes. On the other side of the hole was a river full of Flaming Fireball Lights whizzing past. If they were to cross the hole they'd have to be careful not to get hit by the FLAMING FIREBALL LIGHTS! Time was running out, The Easter Bunnies were closing in. The Smaller Hero immediately slid through and ran his way across the FLAMING FIREBALL LIGHTS river. He charged through and successfully made it across... Alone. Whilst the other two pondered what to do. The taller of the remaining heroes jumped over the opening and to get extra air used his incredibly nose breathing power and blew out to give him more air time. He made it across and almost overshot his landing. Luckily no one was hurt during the filming of this stunt. The third hero and the fairly larger of the two attempted to squeeze through the hole. He was able to get his head and arms in but was stuck because of his very large... shoe. Yes his shoe stopped him. But he pushed on, and made it through sacrificing his shoe in the process. The FLAMING FIREBALL LIGHTS stopped for a moment and allowed our hero to get onto the Safe Island. They're only halfway, their journey continued. They crossed ravenous terrain, the killer weather was against them as it sprayed strong acid rain at their armor, blew them away with its strong winds and tormented them by singing the latest Classic Opera songs. They'd reached a point where they couldn't continue any further, which is where the Genie of Foogle land appeared. He gave our heroes some words of wisdom, which to this day no one knows what, and it was enough to send our Heroes through the lands. They'd reached a point where they could see their destination. They were weary, in need of a backrub, maybe deep tissue with some nice relaxing green tea and a nice bed, but they wouldnt get that instead they had these stupid thongs and were completely isolated from the world. They saw a familiar face and waved wildly, there was response but for some reason they walked away from it. It's as if they didn't need to be saved... wierdos. Then they got to another river with FLAMING FIREBALL LIGHTS!! And a giant Ape which was throwing barrels at them from above. "Screw it" Said one of the Heroes as he ran for his life and arrived at the High Octane Mermaid Energized Biking Apple Roll or H.O.M.E.B.A.R. He was closely followed by his two compadres. They were near, there was only a straight strip towards the Lindt Inn. They had to cross the damp lands, faking limps, looking tired and drenched in cloud's piss. But they'd arrived at their destinations and were greeted with Iced Chocolates, The champion's Drink. But one of the heroes were clever and wanted to be different so he got a Hot Chocolate. Nobody knows what happened to the heroes after that. Some say they went on to become Goat herders, others say they now work for Darth Vader, there was also a rumor that they are finding Waldo, theres also the one where they've turned into dinosaurs with laserbeam eyes... But no one knows for truth what happened to them. But i do know that one of them got angry at their sisters, so angry that he had a Cue'd lightning storm that bounced on the Centrepoint tower.. which was By the Way Totally Awesome =D.. The End.
That was hard to write.. i mean read then re - write.
ANYHOW! I'm officially an Extra, im part of Blackbox Media Agency or whatever they're called and i paid cash to make me a profile and i will soon be called to do Extra's work on TV or Film. Isnt that awesome!?!? =D One step closer to that Acting Dream i always wished for. See I am SO not a Gee Up. And if i do become a world famous actor, And like honestly look at me its inevitable, This is the day i'll remember, the blog i remember and the followers i'll remember.
P.S. Tomorow for an assessment, im not going on a computer for a whole day.
Farewell Y'all, Peace Out, One Love!
FuZZ Is Listening To - September - Earth Wind And Fire, Very Fitting..
Do you remember the 21st night of September?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away
Our hearts were ringing
In the key that our souls were singing.
As we danced in the night,
Remember how the stars stole the night away
Ba de ya - say do you remember
Ba de ya - dancing in September
Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day
My thoughts are with you
Holding hands with your heart to see you
Only blue talk and love,
Remember how we knew love was here to stay
Now December found the love that we shared in September.
Only blue talk and love,
Remember the true love we share today
Ba de ya - say do you remember
Ba de ya - dancing in September
Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day
Ba de ya - say do you remember
Ba de ya - dancing in September
Ba de ya - golden dreams were shiny days
This song was our Anthem last year, during the HSC study times and just whenever we had free time =) I had no idea that they said "Ba de ya"... i always thought it was some actual word that i couldn't make out.. Oh yeah the Song's September by Earth Wind And Fire, Gee Wizz i thought you'd know
This song's so good, a classic, great lyrics and just overall nice.
Peace Out Yo, One Love!
FuZZ Is Listening To - Never Say Never - The Fray, =) The Fray aare cooooool
Eid Mubarak =D, Funniest thing, people come up to me today saying Mohon Maaf Batin etc or Eid Mubarak, which is practically happy Eid and forgivenes... I was always used to just saying Happy Eid and on my way... but this year i had so many times where my tongue got stuck in my throat and i was like.. u..hg..th..thank you? Im so bad..
Ahh anywhom, Ramadan is over. It's been a month already?! My mum was telling me "It saddens me Eid is over, only one month a year we get this chance to cleanse ourselves spiritually and physically"... maybe not those words exactly, but in Indonesian thats what it was. And it's true, the Month flew past, and i swear i don't think i had a chance to catch up to the excitement, festivities and spirituality of this holy month. Its a shame, because it is such a great time. We find new ways of spending time with each other, to keep our minds off food and to practically be better people. We arent suppoesd to swear, smoke, have bad thoughts etc. But it's over and we've had our Celebratory day,Ate aLOT of food, and now look forward to the year ahead of us. Hopefully we will all have a happy and healthy year and better ourselves.
Im not so good at these kinds of messages so please forgive me. And im not feeling the thunder right now, Sorry Peepz
P.S, prayer this morning i wore like this cool Blue shirt thing... Zain, whats it called?... AND Zain wore a cool Blue shirt thing... And then i got told its paki clothing.. and AHHH
EDIT: =) Pics from the day.
Group Pic, I was away stealing Chicken with my Sidekick Zain.
Family's First Eid
And Zain Likes The Chicken
We Got Home and immediately got to our Satay Cooking Duties
Iqbal, Emir And I
Its An Art
Gotsta Look Fly Making Them Chicken Sticks
Pops N Daughter
Uncle And Neice
"I Want 1 Billion Dollarssssss"
Emir... Doing His Thang, Everyone was buggered and fell asleep
Dr. Evil Was a Hot Topic
We took pics before the visitors even came..
FuZZ Is Listening To -Droplets - Colbie Caillat Ft Jason Reeves, Nice song.. Plus Colbie Caillat is a babe aaaand me and zain are gaga over her and we thinks shes the Female Jason Mraz... and not because she sung Butterfly with him.
Another week of Uni down, about 7 more to go then end of year break. Time flies wouldnt you say? We have 3 days left of Fasting too! Seems like yesterday i was dying from hunger on the first hour of Ramadan. Also, Im on mid semester break =D But during my break i have to finish homework early because im leaving to Indonesia soon. So yeah that in a nutshell is my update.
NOW, Onto the original reason i wanted to post a blog. Now if you don't mind i'm gonna get reeaaallll serious on y'all. I am in a pondering stance, fist on forehead, wearing a toga, olive branches etc. My problemo is swearing. I mean yeah i do it every once in awhile now, maybe more than i should, and im not proud. Seriously two years ago i never swore i'd use substitute words and say that guy is a total dee-head. I was a goody goody, then year 12 hit and abunch of bad apples got mixed with the delicious watermelon that i am.
So why is swearing a problem for me? WELL, I was chilling on my train the other day. My headphones were broke so i had to bear an hour ride without any tunes. It was boring, scenery can be bland without background music, specially if you've seen it like 100 times before. So i was bored off my MIND! But my carriage was silent, everyone else was probably listening to their own music, reading books or something. I sat in silence twiddling my thumbs, trying to stay awake. Then we got to some station outside of the Eastern Suburbs, i think it was Doonside. This girl was getting on my train. Here's where don't judge a book by its cover comes into play, even though the cover was already not so great. She was i must say an attractive gal. But she wore like the most REVEALING clothes and she smokes. So i was like.. ew. But what was the worst was that she got on my carriage, and all she did was swear and swear. In Public. With strangers around you. It's just unnattractive and plain rude. So i was like.. wow she aint so attractive anymore. Swearing is not cool peepz, remember that. Swearing is not cool, it's unattractive and helps sum up the type of person you are.
So yeah, thats all, i just throught it was really bad and thought i'd rant about it. =)
Anywho, has anyone realized that when you get out of a really busy bus or someone else is trying to get out of a really full bus, it turns into a game of tetris. You have to move around and try to manouvre your way around other people who are doing the same thing just so someone can safely get out of the train. Just some of the things i see in every day life. *Cue tetris music*
PEACE!! Out, One Love
FuZZ Is Listening To -Jason Derulo - Watcha Say, This is a hip hop song.. that takes snippets from Imogen Heap - Hide And Seek... I like it solely because it uses that song.. From the O.C. Aaaand it was overplayed in this funny skit i watched based off the last episode of season 2's The O.C... Ok I'll shut up, but i like the song okay.. Listen to it =)
Alot of Spare Time, So alot of Blogging by Moi. So i'd like to thank Zain for making the Spesh Gesht Apear...ensh.. Yesterday... It most likely will NOT be the last. Some people can't read caps so i guess to them its 'It most likely will be the last'.
I'm not planning on an Essay of a blog here, even though they usually turn into one. "Is it possible ?!" Zain says to me on msn.. he has no idea i'm writing this hehehe. But yes anyhow. Today was a REALLY nice day here in Sydney. It reached 30 Degrees, and we're only 12 Days into Spring. The Summer mist was in the air, Clear blue skies with the sun shining brightly upon us it was a day to go to the beach, or for a cruise with mates, or just plain old being outside. It was a wonderful day and we had to take advantage of it. So Kak Adi, Kak Soulina, Anniyah, Emir And I went out to Paddies Market and Darling Harbour. We wanted to take Anniyah out to see the big big world. As we stepped outside the warmth of the sun immediately blanketted us... so we ran inside to change again. My bro and I rocked B-ball Jerseys, Later on a little girl called us Big basketball players. So we went out, walked around, bought stuff, soaked in the scenery and enjoyed this beautiful day. Pics Pics Pics here =)
Mother and Daughter
Father and Daughter
Family Picture... this ones the best because Anniyah and Kak Adi have the same facial expressions
A Father, The Cool Uncles and A Little Lady
Such a nice day
Darling Harbor
Yeeeahh... the birds poo...
Funny story, while taking this picture i, iRony-cally, sat on actual bird poo. So my pants had this green stain on the back, so i got water from the little fountains put a tissue on it and attempted to clean my jeans, the bum part. I couldn't so my sister in law helped me... and i looked like a toddler getting his bum cleaned. Luckily no one walked past, I'm sure my comic scene would have gave them a small laugh. Oh well, Theres no Vanity in Comedy. (Don't be afraid to make a fool of yourself for the sake of Comedy e.g. the photo and the story behind it.)
Such a nice Summery activity.. jumping into water
My Air Jordan Audition... Ai-Rony?
So yeah, this is what i doo =) I bought a yellow Trucker hat for Emir, An orange one for myself and some Aviators.. Prepping for the Bright days ahead, i thought i'd buy warm colours.. and who DOESNT want aviators.. right? Was gonna get wayfairers, or whatever they're called... but maybe later...
LOOK I'M T.I!!! I busted outta jail, grew hair, some kilos and turned asian!!
These are the hats and sunnies.. I be playin with The Camera... Likey Likey?
That was a BIG post, hopefully, ohh and i watched Dance Flick last night. Its incredibly stupid.. But i gave the movie a chance and i think its hilarious. Check it out =) P.S. the main character chick i think is purrty....
Anyho!! Remember that skit i was talking about in my Listening to part.. Yeah here it is.
FuZZ Is Listening To - Rush - Limelight
Zain Is Listening To - Bryan Adams - Summer Of 69
Continued.... (You should read the post under this one first to get it in Canon)
So where were we, I get off the bus and as i make my way to UTS I'm walking, in the city for about a minute and already the pre-empted excitement jumps at me. I was walking and noticed everyone was looking towards the street. The follower that i am i looked too.A horse was running wild on the busy Streets of Elizabeth. Seems a Police Officer couldn't keep their horse in check. Oh Central never cease to amaze me.
So afterwards, i start walking towards UTS again. I'm for some reason feeling really confident in myself. I walk down the middle of the path, people passing me, my music blaring in my ears, getting my strut on, wind blowing past, my butt shaking side to side, women whispering as i walk on by and glancing at my reflection every so often. I was feeling great, not sure why. But the weather had to have played a part in it. Then i get to an Intersection, where i have to slow down the strut. And this next part has to be a play by play:
I begin to slow down I catch the eye of a fiiiine honey on her mobile phone
She clearly catches my eye, eyeing her eye.
I revert to my G-up self, and look at her back and forth, glimpsing nervously
She put's down her phone and continues staring at me
I feel pretty confident in myself, For a split second i was the sexiest man on earth... Wait thats not right, i am and always have been.
She starts walking over towards me, my direction.
My heart skips a beat, i begin to panic.
Now she's charging towards me, slipping and sliding through other people.
I think, no way she's not coming to me... What does she want, does she think i'm someone else?!?!, do i know her?!, who is she?!!?, whats her name?!, think of a name?! A DAMN NAME!?!?
She's locked in my magnetic beam, Naturally, getting closer and closer.
She hands me a little flyer.. She hands me This.
Naturally, I have THE LOOK! She selectively CHOSE ME Out of the many people at that street corner. Acting, Modelling Career... here i come!! I knew the my reflection was being modest, I AM a SEXY BEAST. So that means, i am really really really ridiculously Good Looking.
So after i recieve my flyer i say thanks, and charge away. She charged away too. I had my headphones on full blast so no chit chat. But i walked away, read the card and just couldn't help but grin to myself. I was on top of the world. That honestly MADE MY DAY! HELL it made my MONTH! See what happens when you step out into the big big world.
So i call Zain and say we ready to meet up. "He's like bro i got big news. But i can't tell you over the phone" And im like "Nigga! I got bigger news, and the phone just aint ready to hear it!" So i go to UTS library and meet my compadre... and this is where i trade places.
TRADED. i was thinkin how could FARIDs news be bigger than mine, and im sure fuzz be like hell naw zains news cant be bigger than me being ridiculously good looking. I guess we were just havin a epic day. So we meet up, i introduce fuzz to life at uts library...the good life.
.. King of comedy? Come on, seriously. I feel like this is a talk show that's going on for ages. So there we were, Laptop infront of us, conversing, laughing loudly, looking at photos and just doing what people do in Library's. But countless times, over and over again we'd have our view obstructed by the fiiiine honeys up in HERRE!! They come from left right and CENTRE! I love Uni, this is pretty much the reason our parents wanted us to be in uni. For us Bee's (B for boy) to get us a little Honey. I don't know how ANYONE can study under these circumstances.
So Zain and I left, we walked out of the Library. Zain had his head down, i was in my own world. We walked towards Paddy's when Zain said "That was her.." I'm like Her? He said "Brooklyn" Im like... OHHHH. By the time i looked i only saw her from behind. This mysterious person charged away for us to never see her again.
We went to Paddy's i was on the hunt for Aviators. The first shop had a deal, 2 for $10. But they were crappy quality. Quality over Quantity works here. Next shop, had some fiiiine sunnies but they were $15. I'm a cheap ass, $15 for one pair is not cool. Then we went to these other shops and the price just rose. By the time i wanted to go back, it was time for us to meet Julioooooo!!! He said 10 minutes, we got there at the aforementioned 10 minutes.. and were raised another 5 minutes. Love poker.
I AM THE POKER FACE ! so yes HOOOLIO picked us up at entertainment centre at 345ish, we busted out the fresh pod, cruising to fly tracks..uptown girls? MYEES. so we just chill as we go to see diana who was havin her bday tonight, unfortunately team awesome couldnt make it, religious restraints but all was good. We picked her up at north sydney BUT she came out of nowhere so i had to in the most inconspicous way i kno hide her present *spreads body over present*...nothing sus right. The sanchez familia love their MJ so we found diana this awesome limitied edition MJ photo frame..gotta admit it looked pretty powerful. So julio gave her the frame which left dianas mouth wide open nonstop for about 6mins and 23.6 milliseconds if i must be specific. i think she liked it...im not sure hmm. So we hop back in and ride bak over the bridge, im popping the bubble wrap and fuzz was folding plastic...naturally right? i bid everyone farewell at central and ding ding next round goes to FUZZ-licious.
HAH! Zain was Off. And Julio says to me "We're gonna make a little detour" I barely listened though, i was busy busting bubble wrap. Diana said that it's soothing a calming and helps relieve stressed out patients. I LIKE IT. So we went to pick up Julio and Diana's mom at Redfern. Who by the way is TOO Awesome =D. Then we cruised for abit, spoke of Twilight and the great debate on how much it sucks.. unbiased right? and we got on home. It was a long day. I got home but before i did iI said my thanks, and farewells and Happy Birthday To Diana!
See.. you'd think this was the end. But i got home and broke my fast to some fried chicken and a gaytime ice cream.....mmmmmm It was nice, but i was still on my Self-Esttem, could be a model, HIGH! So i said, Hey fuzz lets go for a jog! So i goes i goes for a jog and last about 10 minutes. The rest of it i walked. Emir came, brought his mountain bike. I tried the mountain bike.. the seat was too high and i fell over on top of Emir. I'm so pro.
I took a small break, and realized i had like 10 missed calls from Andrew Wong. Somebody likes me. So i call back and he says Basketball tonight lets go. It was a reunion with Andrew, Izzy, Richard, Stephan and William. They picked me up and we drove to the courts. We caught up for abit, played with Andrew's wierd Skateboard, shot some hoops and had a couple of games. The game came to a sudden end when i was in the middle of a great play, alley oop, double hurricane, splits, dunk.. no not really i jumped and caught the ball mid air.. then cramped up. I was on the floor crying, cringing not moving. Thats what i get for not stretching.. remember peepz always stretch when exercising. My calf felt like there was a little hard egg in there.. it was PAINFUL!! So we finished the game off. IT was OVER! And we all seperated. I got home, the hot water was finished so i had to Asian style shower. And now here i am.. 4 AM, Tag Team Blogging with Zain. Once in a Lifetime Opp, Thank you for listening and sorry for the Grammatical Errors... Before i jet.. here's how i'd look on a billboard.

HEY WHOAH BUDDY. U think u can call the curtains whenever u feel like because u are the sole owner of this BLOG...I DUNNN THINK SO BEEHATCH *pokes fuzz* yeh thaats right, u better back up. SO yeh too all my many fans out there i just wanna say i love u maaaaaaan *blows in handkerchief* and to FUZZ my one, my only...u kno ur the ying to my yang, U COMPLETE ME ANAKIN so i just wanna SALUTE YOU.
REAL TALK. take it easy peepz
FuZZ Is Listening To - Back In Black - AC/DC
Zain Is Listening To - Kansas - Carry on my wayward son
Today.. Today was just one of those days where you think, DAMN I love life! Now i know why Earth, Wind And Fire made a song titled 'September'. Which is why i'm listening to it.
Now you may be wondering why im in such a jovial mood (wait, when aren't i), and why the listening to bar has "Zain Is Listening To" in purple. We're making blogging history tonight peepz. Cause, today was a wild ride and this post coming up.. it's gonna be a doozy. So before i say anything i'd like to introduce a friend of mine, the introduction he so well deserves, cue the red carpet, neon lights, doves and the handstanding elephants, Please a warm welcome to our Special Guest Tag Team Blog Entry man.. Zain Anjam! *Applause light flashes*
HOLLA HOLLA Y'ALL ! big zee is in the building. Wow, i'd like to take this opportunity to thank Mo Farid I-rony for the opportunity to personally share our epic day wit the world wide web of blogging individuals. THANKS YO. and yes fuzz is right, today was just one of those lovely days where u notice the sun shining on u, the birds singing to u; the world just seemed like it was in a natural, harmonic rhythm. It was a day of FEELING GREAT fullstop, now before i get carried away and turn this intro into something much deeper i'll let fuzz kick things off, FUZZ...kick it !
Because peepz, September the 10th Of 2009.. was a memorable day, filled with fun, un-Gee Up, excitement. Wouldn't you say so Zain?
OH MAAAAATE. u said it u did. In all honesty this morning shouldve happened a semester ago but alas the gee up rep is attached for a reason. Today when i woke up, i just felt good u kno, like i just had that vibe. it could be that i woke up without the alarm for the first time in TOO LONG or it was the fact i knew i'd see codename: BROOK-lyn (the girl who makes me feel like touching the sky :P shutup thats not corny, thats shakespearean romance at its finest) this morning, either way i was GEED. i even caught the express which i ALWAYS miss. it's like God was giving me subtle insinuations to finally CARPE DIEM...and boy did i, so im walkin to uni, with what some might refer to as a strut but i think i was just in a jovial mood listening to I MAKE THEM GOOD GIRLS GO BAD..damn that song is catchy. OK OK enough digressing. So i enter my accounting tutorial and automatically turn on my brook-lyn scanner, it goes BEEP BEEP in the far corner..
WOAH! INTERMISSION, SUSPENSE TICKER HITS NOW! SOO back to FuZZ! I was in the midst of a beautiful dream involving me, Miranda Kerr, a wilson volleyball, gaytime ice creams and a shovel. Til i was RUDELY awaken by my brother at 9AM, "Oi have you seen the Mercedes Keys?". As anyone who had just been woken up from an incredible dream would say i said nothing, threw a pillow over my head and went back to bed. You know how when once you've woken up you can't get back to bed. Yeah well that happened to me. So i decided i'd wake up at 9:45... My alarms set to 11:30, In some states that should be illegal. "No waking up before the set alarm time, and snooze button must be pressed 10 times." I'm writing a letter to K-Rudd. I got out of bed, put on THE ROBE, and realized the whole family was freaking out. The Car Key's are gone what are we gonna do, i saw clothes thrown on the floor, shelves torn apart, a cat, rubbish bins on the floor, it was utter chaos in my household. But me, i cruised on by. I walked to the toilet, did the morning thing, washed my face, brushed my teeth then played with my neice and watched some tv.. occasionally glancing around for the key. Show's how family oriented i am. So after about an hour of the family going nuts, my dad called a friend asking if he could change the whole cars locking system, everyone semi settled down. At this point i was on the computer, then i remembered i need to put photos on my usb to print later on in the day. I grab my bag, pull out the usb and throw it back down. I throw my bag down, its krump practice. BUT WAIT, before i throw it down i see a holy light shine from above. Someone is playing the harp nearby.The CAR KEYS!! They were in my bag... for some reason, Funny how things just happen that way. So i grab them, pocket them.. COOL-ly walk over, no i STRUT, i put some jazzy funky music on my computer to go with my strut, and i strut over to my bad mama jama. And i says i says, guess what i found. I pulls out the keys, oh yes i did, and i says Ta-DA! At that point i saw, my mum and dad thanking me hugging me, shaking my hands, giving me presents, confetti falling down on me, trumpets playing out loud and buying me a large mansion overlooking Sydney. But no, my mum's face was irritated she said "You made us all panic, and you had it all along!!".... Love you mom. Before i go on i'd like to tag in Zain! *tag*
ahh yes i risked it and i got the BISCUIT and boy is this biscuit DELISH...so all u haters can dig a hole and die because...when our eyes connected i only melted inside, outside i actually think i came across as smooth *asks the international panel of judges...fuzz n julio think i probably sounded like a hill billy on crack* and suave so i break out the line "hey sorry excuse me, do u mind if i share books with u because ive accidentally forgotten mine"
*zains heartbeat races TOO fast*, the regret is starting to sink into me..
HELL NAWWW HOMIES, she be like...wait...first she SMILES..omg her smile *epic sigh*. and is like "yeh sure sure no worries"
*the girl within zain is screaming for joy* the funny part is i actually did bring my book, so for all u ppl hating on cliches...they're cliches for a reason
alas we talked a lil and i made her laugh (HER LAUGH MADE MY YEAR btw) and ye it was just cool. She seems really down to earth so YULLA thats my story in the most unexaggerated way possible right?
ok i'll leave y'all wit a humphrey bogart quote
"louis, i think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"
take it away sensei fuzz
I must say, he's proven the Typical Antics of this blog. So here's where my day begins to get foxy. Momma be mad trippin over me playin the house like a fool, ya hear? Yeah neither do i. But the Key loss spectacle is soon forgotten. We were at peace, so what do i do when im at peace? I sew. I attempted to sew my jeans, cause they got holes near the crotchal regions. Whats with the pants and holes in crotch regions. But momma walks in and says NO! Get the pros to do it. Here i was thinking she'd pull out a knitting set,but no she said we'll take it to the drycleaners. Punk'd by momma. So we head out, I drop off the jeans to the drycleaners. A man is in there yelling his head off in some foreign language, and i try to get a word in i say "can...y..you..sew...please", my response was a nod, smile and a bye bye hand gesture. Gotta love the service. Then we head off to Chinatown, Pops had to do his tax stuff. Whilst waiting for him i see these 2 dudes on a Vesper, park it then try to get it off the stander thing. They failed, then got the help of a random bypasser, Peepz can be so nice these days. But even that failed. They gave up afterwards and walked away. I ALSO saw a man wait for a truck to leave a parking spot so he could reverse park in. ONLY for his spot to be stolen by some asian truck driver. The man who wanted to reverse park got out and, i wish he started krumping and broke the truck with a cricket bat, instead he looked at him and drove away. Is that nice? or Is that cowardly? you guess, i think it was boring.. WHERES THE PUNCH ON! Then we leave Chinatown, and head to the Hospital at randwick. We had to return my pop's crutches. So i grabbed them, pretended i had a broken leg, crutched my way into the hospital then COOL-ly handed them over and walked out like i was instantly healed. The Ab Swing Pro really helps my body recover easily. Then we went home... but as soon as i got home i had to leave back to the city. But not by car, no no no... i had to bus it. Stupid public Transport. There was not a moments peace for me. So i up and go to the 343 bus stop, wait for my bus, catch it, obviously, and listen to my music as the bus driver drives us to Central. As i got off a dude dropped his milk tea, i bent over and picked it up for him. I helped another human being, by bending over i gave them a glimpse of my fine physique... Oh and the milk tea was helpful.
And this.. is where we Intermiss, until tomorow darlings... Its 4AM excuse the Grammar, excuse everything.. we're humans and we're tired.. we're sorry... PEACE
FuZZ Is Listening To -Cobra Starship Ft Leighton Meester - Make Them Good Girls Go Bad, I need a little of the top 40 music, gotta love the radio music right.
I'm a bit late but Spring's begun. Winter is over, the cold winter nights, with the robes, slippers, heater, being scared to walk outside from the fear of freezing to death, hating cold mornings, the warm, comforting feeling of being under the blanky... They're all over, Now we're moving onto Spring, the season in preparation for Summer. The flowers bloom, the tree's grow, the birds come alive, the sun shines and warms us, the Beach is more enticing, the jumper's go into hiding and being outdoors is so much more fun. It's September and we're starting something new.
BUT... sadly we couldn't start the season on a high. I have some dark, sad, news... I've had to say farewell to a very very close buddy of mine, we'd gone through thick and thin, highs and lows, everything... I'm talking about..
My favourite Homer Simpsons Jammy Pants... I bought these babies back in 2007 on a trip to Indonesia. One thing i learnt from these pants were "What you see is What You Get"... Which was written on the pants like 100 times. The reason i had to farewell these are because of the large tear in the... region. Probably from all the karate jump fly kicks i do in my spare time. Too much of them caused a small rip.. and then continually doing so just ripped them further and further. Specially from doing all those splits, Its hard being a martial arts master. So... farewell Homer J Jammy's... I loved you *wipes a tear from eye*
Apart from that whats on the haps. We're halfway through Fasting season. It's gotten harder but it's getting familiar, plus my rock hard abs are starting to be shown from all the starvation and weight loss. My last week... what did i do,Point Form Time!
- I did the opposite of Procrastination for once, It felt so good to finish my work two days early and beating the rest.
- I'm currently watching The O.C all over
- I just realised i've written "I" alot, im such a selfless person, I Give, i give you all glimpses into my awesome lifestyle.
- Played Nerf Gun with my bros, What a Nerf Gun?

- So point form continued, I woke up at 4AM to go to an 8AM Lecture, where the man plugged his website for over an hour.... Last time i go lectures, Evil education things that we're supposed to listen to but all we do it sleep and pretend to listen to...
- Went to Rockdale Macdonalds, saw the fully sick lebs hanging out at parking lots.. Cause there's no place cooler than the maccas parking lot, clubbing? the bay? Someone garage? Nah, Maccas Parking Lot is wayyy cooler.
- Re-kindled thy love for Drawing
- Wearing my kick-ass robe, smooth, comforting and warm
- Gave coins to a man at the train station, he's asked me like a gazillion times before.. i dislike that man, im not mean.. he's just a junky that keeps bothering me
- Pondering wether i should spend all of my pay next week on a shirt, credit, a game and travel.. Spend all at once, and not have any left over for the rest of the week. 2 weeks of no money. What to do?!
- Hung out at Eastgardens on a thursday night, it's where all the cool kids hang out. The food court, staring each other down, Yelling, disrupting every one's shopping agenda, being cool... Friggen Eastgarden