FuZZ Is Listening To - Under The Sheets - Chiddy Bang
So in my usually busy week i decided i'd take a day off today, stay home, and relax.
I pictured something so relaxing, soothing and nice. Comparedto my busy week of going to and from work or uni, spending time on a bus or train, standing and basically being busy. So when i woke up today i thought "I hope its midday, i want to sleep in".
.. No, it was 8:30, an hour EARLIER than i usually wake up. And i couldnt get back to bed. Stupid Body clock. I can't sleep in, this sucks!
So i get up, turn on the computer, do the usual interwebular rounds, Facebook, IGN, Comingsoon, Totalawesomezone, Gamefaqs, Tumblr and maybe google. Sat there for a few hours, basking in the glory of this infinite amount of free time. 2 hours in... i was bored shitless. Nothing new, nothing great, just bored and with a sore butt. Relaxing really wasnt what it was cut out to be. I then showered and sat around for awhile. Eventually ending up back on the computer. I would've watched tv but my sister in law was watching stuff and it wasnt entertaining. Border security, its more of a torture show than it is entertaining. It freaks me out, and makes me paranoid of going overseas. Who knows what that creepy guy with the moustache does to your luggage once you hand it over!?
So my day of relaxing... was a day completely spent on the computer, eating alot cause i was bored (bad habits, its kind of like fat bastard.. "I eat when im unhappy, and im unhappy because i eat"... except unhappy is bored... sort of.. Wait, how do you get bored because you eat... i totally messed up that analogy).
But yeah, this was my last relax day, i feel i HAVE to do stuff now to get by, its just too boring doing nothing. I think i've grown accustomed to being busy. There was a time when i had so much free time that i had to find things to do. I guess all that free time is catching up to my body and it just wants to be more active. When at work i cant wait for the free time, when i have free time i want to find something to do. Funny how that works, we always want what we don't have. Then when we get it, we don't know what to do with it anymore. I guess the anticipation takes away all the excitement.
But maybe it was beacuse i spent most of the day on the computer and nothing else. That's probably it. I need a hobby, a book or something to keep my busy whilst at home. A Personal Project... What to do.. what to do?
Hmm...Peace Out \
FuZZ Is Listening To - Drops Of Jupiter - Train
I figured, i have a hell of a lot of little moments during the day that are funny, wierd, blah blah.. and i should be documenting them, in a diary or maybe a blog. Look what i got here.. a blog =O I KNOOW RIGHT!?
So sorry Blogger for neglecting you, forgetting you i hope you take me back and give me a large hug =)
I will try not be lazy anymore and write some funny wierd things that happen to me on my day.
SO! Why am i suddenly back, because today i realised Customer Service is really really important. Maybe its because i now have a job i notice these things, or maybe because the people who served us or lack there of were such ASSHOLES. Excuse the language. Cause you feel so much better and valued as a customer if the person serving you is nice, gets along with you, responds or even smiles at you. Something i hope to do when i serve people at my job.
So heres what happened. Today Zain, Julio and I went to the city to catch up, grab some stuff to do, "study" and eventually shop. Into Myer we go, which by the way im disliking right now the bastards. Julio and Zain, as they usually do, are arguing amongst each other in the mens clothing section, Mens clothing secion means its the sophisticated stuff like sweaters, and scarves (Nothing says sophisticated like sweater and scarves). As they argue they punch and slap each other, we were pretty loud but not SO LOUD we'd cause a ruckus. It was just loud-ish. Having fun whatever. As they argue i catch one of the workers eyes just looking over at us blank face, semi disappointment or irritation (A powerful concoction that results in Bitch), and i think "Hmm... She's pretty hot".. A Bitch Face Employee cant be hot? You Emplycist.. Is that right?
ANYWHO We then left.
Julio has gone, Zain and I return. Looking at some clothes. I see the lady again i say "Hello there" cause i try to be nice and usually customers are always right, or you treat them with the most utmost respect with a smile and hello and a secret handshake. But NO. This Blank Faced Bitch (BFB), Again sorry about the language, just looks at me then looks on without a smile or anything and no response. I'm like uh okay whatever. 2 seconds later.. TWO Seconds later, i wasnt even out of sight yet i hear the "BFB" say "Hello sir, how are you, how may i help you today?" We turn a corner, i discreetly and quickly look over shes smiling and being all nice to some dude.
I was about to tell Zain about it but to be nice and courteous, i thought i wont talk about this bitch behind her back while im still in her vicinity. Negative Energy is contagious i tried to be nice enough to not release anymore Negative Energy in the air, because this beeyatch had enough bitch gas to create her own star system.
So we continue our shopping there, Zain sees a sweater and picks a few out. Nearby i see some midget hobbit lady look over at us and do that disappointed "Tsk" sound, You know the one when you push your tongue to the roof of your mouth and suck back.. i dont know what its called shut up im trying to be as descriptive as possible. And NO im not being mean, their customer service was shit and this midget hobbit lady deserves it. We grab the sweaters and she comes over and asks if we need any help. Zain goes "I'm good thanks just browsing."
BUT NO! She didnt hear it because she was busy talking over him about how you can only buy the shirts at this counter, you can only try a few and blah blah blah. Then Zain says "We just wanna grab one more sweater over there" Then she has some bitchy attitude going on and says you can only try it here and a few and blah, whatever i was too busy being angry at Myer. P.S. David Jones is the place to be now. So we go and grab the other sweater and go to try the clothes. "Do we look like thugs" Zain asks me? I seriously doubted we do. I was wearing a Jacket and hoody underneath and had my hair in a combover. Zain was wearing a t shirt and jeans. It was as if they thought we were gonna shoot up the joint. The Change room guy was fairly nice, i asked for a rubbish bin and he was helpful enough to put my rubbish away for me. Although i didn't want him to he had a limp and seemed irritated, i said i'll find one later on "It's okay sir". Afterwards we were like F*CK IT next shop. (P.S. We didnt say F*CK IT, it was just dramatic effect)
Next we went General Pants, Zain said he felt eyes lingering upon him once again and concluded it may have been his bag. I think BS, them bitches were crazy, we always got bags.
The next few shops had better customer service, but i still felt like we were being watched... Prejudiced sons of beetches.
... I'm clearly just ANGRY about bad customer service. It's now a sensitive Subject.
Peace Out
FuZZ Is Listening To - Airplanes - B.o.B Ft Hayley Williams
- I've JUST recently gotten a job over at a Cinema, which is AWESOME. Im the only one outta my brothers that has a first job that ISNT at a fast food joint.. so high five myself. *clap* Good stuff there.. And a Cinema which is awesome, and on top of that the main Cinema in the city so.. whenever theres a red carpet event my joint is the place to BE.
- Hehehehe I can say i've been in a fight. I went clubbing, some fool was messin with my friends so i jumped in and beat that mofo SENSELESS, YEAH AND WHAT?!... no, what really happened was a particular gentleman was being rude to my female friends, using innapropriate language and crossed their personal spaces (he took to sniffing their hair) so i asked him politely if he could please leave us alone and pardon our leave. To which he was infuriated, offended and became vociferous. He began shouting offensive names at myself, which i personally did no find too offensive, and physically shoved me. Moments later i found myself in a strangle hold, only to be overcome by adrenaline and gaining superhuman strength to push him off. I then was told to leave by one of my friends, as she (YES SHE) held him off. I'm none too proud of that last move, but it was a safety precation because she in the end beat his ass. The End =)
- Well i went Tropfest, which was pretty fun and different, never have i been to one of these events before. (Sorry i cant get the pompous prick persona off so easily)
- Took a step towards the filmmakers world and played around with the camera for my Communications course. I will soon make my first short movie, which i am geed, excited and hyped up for =D
- We finally went on the long planned road trip to Palm Beach, it was great. Our first Road trip was a small one, but a step towards our hopefully larger ones in the future
- Finally got my P's, Driving on my own never felt so good... Whenever the parents let me take the car =(.... LUCKILY, i gots cash stashed away and hopefully in a few weeks time i can... WHICH brings me to the next point
- Got cash stashed to buy my own car.. WHAT WAS THAT? YES have my own car.. gonna be cruising down the streets looking for bitches n hoes... No im kidding, they're called women =) ... I love ladies, they bring a smile to my dial almost everyday =)
- So the other night, i was watching Raising Helen, good movie by the way with my new favourite junior actress Abigail Breslin. Also for those who don't know.. Turtles are my favorite animals, cause ONE. they taught me slow and steady wins the race, TWO. they fight crime under our sewers, and THREE. They are the coolest characters in Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo made me realise how much i love Turtles. So after watching Raising Helen i said out loud to the family.. I want a pet turtle... No one really paid attention. Then my sister in law said she once found a turtle and had it as a pet. Then my younger brother said he wants a turtle as a pet too... So later on that night i look up where to buy pet turtles in sydney. Turns out, you need a license to own a reptile!? A LICENSE?! First we need licenses to fish, now one to own a pet turtle?! The Government is jeopardizing everything that has potential to be great. They make it hard for me to own a pet? To go fishing! Damnit! I just want a pet turtle =(
- I just got home from Tropfest and i gotta say i loved it. The atmosphere, the people, the foxy ladies, the Domain and most of all the price. It was free. But we were underprepared and had no idea what was instore for us. I thought they were gonne be, as zain calls them, "Too kryptic for their own good" short films.. but they weren't they were clear, concise and soo good. Anywhom, we came in hungry, foodless, with wet bums because we had no blanket, and without many essentials needed for Tropfest's sit on the ground festivities. But neverthless it was a helluva fun time, great short films, I gotta say the winner had a really good movie but i personally think some of the others were better, and just a whole new experience for us. Are there any other events of this type? Potential new Tradition's here.. I THINK SO!
FuZZ Is Listening To - K-O's - I Wish I Knew Natalie Portman, Okay One, I WISH I KNEW NATALIE PORTMAN, and two It's a pretty cool song considering it's taking tabs from the California song we all know and love from the O.C. But i have no idea why it's called I wish i knew natalie portman... Hmmm
Your right fuzz we had no idea what we were going to do when we met up with the gang, my hopes were low, why ?! because i witnessed the WORST slam dunk contest in eons, such an anti-climax and lacklustre performance on ALL parts, 4 players and all SHOCKING GARG ! Nonetheless there we were, 5pm across from town hall watchin izzy wait for us. So she finally notices us and off we go to make the most of this concrete jungle, where australian dreams are made of. We did the usual, window shopping, checking out kinokuniya - only the most awesome book store ever (located in the city, 500 George St Sydney) not that im advertising it or anything but you should really check it out...great prices, great value (just like to highlight i am by no means promoting any bookstore in a bias and awesome manner)
We decided to take the scenic route to French Riviera, a place Zain nor I know exists or knows where is located but at this point, who cares Disney Crew's together again and thats all that counts.. right!? So through CHINATOWN!!! we go. Every city has one. We passed the hula hooping old man with a sad story written on cardboard which is true, everyone knows that when it's written on cardboard its true, the 70% off Last day sale man, If i go Chinatown tomorow i'm thinking he'll be making that same promise, Big lines for chinese food and MAMAK Malaysian cuisine, Awfully close to Memek.. look it up... no actually dont. Once we got to french Riviera we decided we didn't want Dessert before Dinner. Cause who does that right? So we stand there for 5 minutes... deciding. The thing about this group is, whenever Zain or I organise it... we have no agenda planned, we just say meet greet.. now lets eat. So we stand there quietly until someone pops out another idea, Everyone looks at Ameerah. Then we walk over to George Street hoping maybe we'll get some ideas there.
On the way to George Street it starts getting chilly, and bits of rain start falling. Everyone pulls out their jackets. Oh i forgot to say, before we went out i told Zain i was gonna wear a jacket, then i didnt cause it was warm... but zain DID. So it's funny because my plan which i didn't follow through with was a bad choice and now i was the cold one. Isn't that funny? Like so funny? its like Ironic and Karma and hilarious and stuff... ha...ha.. ha..
ANYWAY,We're now standing infront of the three monkeys pub. We stood there pondering, for a good 10 minutes. In silence, standing still, looking around.. thinking of food. While rain falls on us and the city moves all around us. Izzy and I occasionally saying WOOPAH! BUZZAH!!! CHICKAAAHHH!! Then we FINALLY decide to go to a halal shop we saw earlier. We get there, see the menu and say.... No. By now your thinking,w hats wrong with these people. Why can't they make up their minds, be happy with whats there... if your not, then i am. Whats wrong with us?! Jeeez PICKY PICKY! Then we see an Indo restaurant and vote yes and decide.. it's a go go. How was this place Zain?! HOW WAS IT!?
How was it you ask ? it was like every other bloody restaurant in the CBD - not worth going too !! Ok so the food was pretty good but they served each main course as though it was a bloody entree. Ive never been so disappointed to see chicken arrive on my table. Ha and the service was dreadful, I'm pretty sure waited longer than half an hour until i finally asked the waitress when the food was arriving ? I hate asking that but no man should have to endure THAT long before any impending feast ! Finally the food was arriving then Ameerah asks for forks because they only gave us a spoon and a knife each ?! *waiter runs away only to return with ONE fork*
Tennis and its link to socioeconomic status
Zain Is Listening To - Neopolitan Dreams by Lisa Mitchell
- tennis balls - packs of 4 - $15 (requires repurchase as those lil green balls of fluff have a limited lifespan)
- tennis racquet - 3 digit sum
- racquet restringing - $30, occurs about every 6 months
- court hire - $14 per hour (and no there's no such thing as free tennis courts !?)
- requires a partner, or the nominal alternative - $35 per hour to use a machine that shoots out balls
- generally some form of coaching is recommended to be able to have fun even on a social level (unless your partner is as shocking a player as you are) - at a hefty price, who would've seen that one coming right. Luckily for me, I and my uncle are on the same level of shocking - if we can contain the number of tennis balls flying out of the cage to single digits we're having a good day :)
FuZZ Is Listening To - Sleepyhead - Passion Pits, Another one from these guys. It's one of those songs that after many listenings.. sort of grows on you, its a goody.
FuZZ Is Listening To - Chicago - If you leave me now, Talk about taking it back. This song came out in the 70's. Back when probably all of our dads had swingin afros and fast cars. I heard this song on Shaun of the Dead and said to myself.. I GOTTA HAVE IT. Classics are what make us what we are today.. said an ancient philosopher named Phairiz Aronyis....
Yes, the Bee Gees, Stayin Alive. Think im lying? Then you didn't click play, you tried to cheat didn't you. Play it or else i'll stick a toothpick inside this tissue box next to me, dont push me i'll do it.

FuZZ Is Listening To -Passion Pits - Little Secrets, now this is a great jolly ole song. I think im starting to dig Electro now, Downlo.. i mean Buy it, listen to it, enjoy it.. Love it.
A Bucket List, a term which we had never heard of until we saw the tv ad. Yes, we have extraordinary worldly knowledge. It's been a long long time coming, we've spoken of such a thing but pen has never been put to paper, finger to keyboard or thumb to phone. So i sit here on my computer today... pondering.. and typing down the long awaited Bucket List. Just starting here, But i'll add more later on. I'll do one of them listy thingies on the side to List our.. bucket?
- Eat A Philly Cheesesteak
- Visit New York, Whilst there play Ball with the Locals, Watch a NBA Game, Try their Pizza.. Ninja Turtle Style
- Take Guitar Lessons... PROPERLY
- Create A Film
- To add onto #2, Travel and backpack around the world
- Complete a Marathon Run
- Camp, Nature Styles
- Road Trip Across the Country
- Do a Handstand... Last time i did it was 5
But at least i've started, By the time im 50 and we have floating computer screens that fly and flying cars i hope i can look back at this ancient blog and say .. i didn't Skydive.
PEACE OUT, One Love.
FuZZ Is Listening To -A Star Is Born - Jay-Z, I just love the background music in this song. It's somewhat uplifting... in a wierd rapping sort of way =\
Wow... we've slacked off on our blog entries lately.. ANYWHO
A few days late, but still... Happy New Years Peeps! =D
2010 has dawned on us as the Noughties are now but a mere memory. Now we're onto the.. Teenies? OH REMEMBER OVALTEENIES!?... they were so good. Anywhom, 10 years ago all i can say is i was about 8, just finishing year 3 of school at Gardeners Road. And now im a jolly little vegemite who'se just completed my first year at University. The past decades been great... but who cares about that, time to look forward to the next 10 years... BUT before i do i must say 2009 was a fairly swell year. It was the year where we dipped our toes in this thing called Adulthood. It's a different life, a smack in the face, a challenge, it's stressful, it's depressing, it's enjoyable, it's adventurous, its dangerous, it's great and it's new. This year i saw myself enter University, make new friends from different places, meet interesting new people, failed my driving test a number of times, changed diapers in the back of a sedan in Jakarta traffic with my expert team of brothers, saw my other brother get married, welcomed a beautiful neice into the world and cramped up in the middle of a basketball game, cause im a pro. So i farewell 2009. And Hellooooo 2010!
But anyways, HOW did we all spend our NYE? I know Zain and I were clueless up until there was 5 hours left of the night. We had Stefan come by my place and we planned from there. Cause on the biggest night of the year, possibly one of the busiest nights... we choose to wing it and see where the road takes us. Are we SMART or are we SMART! Sadly no camera was taken. By some DIVINE reason we thought we'd check out Coogee beach for the 9:30 fireworks. Divine means some of our friends are there and said come by. So after some Satay, Steak and Sausages at my joint we bizzounced on over to Coogee beach. Stefan and I said to ourselves that we would find somewhere to buy shots... of chocolate milk. Expecting the unexpected but at the same time expecting to not find parking so easily. But our expectations were not expectable because we found a parking spot almost instantly. Whilst cruising Stefan, just quietly, spotted a spot near a big black car. We walked on down towards coogee beach passing someones house that was blasting some Jay-Z, a big trampoline, we should have ditched the beach to try and break and enter into someones backyard to go on the trampoline. Buuuut we didnt. So we continued down this long long road, passing a car that entered a dead end road and tried to three point turn its way out.... We're sad sad kids who find joy in watching people try to drive. We finally got to the beach... and what do we do. We Sit Down.... You'd think we'd go find our friends, dip our feet in the sands, play with a kite, scuba dive, build a sand castle, dig to china, eat lettuce or baywatch run. But no... we sat down. Observed everyone walk on by... this continued for another 2 hours as we just sat there waiting for the fireworks to start. Thing is no one told us that waiting for fireworks is a fun ride in itself... PLEASE ZAIN TELL THEM WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU WAIT FOR FIREWORKS AT COOGEE ON NEW YEARS! CAUSE HERE'S ANOTHER INSTALLMENT OF TAG TEAM BLOGGING! Red is Fuzz, Blue is Zain
*is in the process of buying a pram* Old drunk NYE man looked very wise and smart in his t shirt and shorts, so i believe his words are true. I know that a day will come when i need a pram to be careful and safe when a person mugs me. SO we instantly left coogee after the fireworks, rubbing our necks from the excruciating joy from the fireworks. So we got to the car and then and decided we'd be heading to Bondi. Why? Who knows, it just sounded like the place to be. Because Bondi translates in ancient Antarctican to "Place'th to Be'th". Our cruise down to Bondi was surprisingly... quiet. You'd think on new years it'd be jam packed with bumper to bumper cars. But no. It wasnt. End of story.
Anywho... the thing about bondi is.. It's bigger than you think. And when your a middle class, east side, non waverly kind of person, you'd get lost in the maze of two story houses, garages, flash cars, quiet and clean streets. So we got to a red light and were sort of lost so i says i says Go straight! Impulse made me say it, whilst Stefan and Zain stayed quiet. Minutes later our Silent Gps Aka Stefan said you should have turned right. I see we gave him the right name. So we're lost. Driving through the deep dark dangerous streets of Bondi. When out of nowhere a small ray of hope shun bright in the sky... literally. We saw a spotlight and DROVE TOWARDS IT!! Also helps that Stefan said Bondi is that way. Silent GPS prevails yet again. So we see that "Shore Thing" is BUMPIN! Down at Bondi. So we say "Next year, we're going" Bucket list Aka Gee Up list.. Myess, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman movie? what!? that's fake. So we find parking almost instantly and then go down to the beach. "Ice Cream anyone?" Cause thats what you do, you go bondi to buy some Ice Cream. We walked past abunch of drunk people, security guards, A big slide at Shore Thing, flashing lights and hungry jacks. No Ice cream to be found. Conspiracy i tells ya. So we hit up a convenience store to buy some refreshments. Inside we found police, drunk people, south american counter clerks all conversing. I hear this:
Police Lady - So what are you getting up to tonight?
Drunk guy - I'm getting pissed!
Police Lady - Well you have fun with that, but drink responsibly
Drunk guys friend - Yeeeeahhhhhh
Just another conversation between cops and drunks. So we got our drinks and went to pay, They had all these cool drinks like Red Mountain Dew, Dr Pepper, Something called go yo. Police still behind me so... i pulled out my wallet veeeeeerryy slooooowly. I dont know why but i feel all intense when the cops are nearby, as if something i do is going to be illegal. Paranoid much? So i did what every normal person does, to avoid suspicion... I ran out yelling I DIDNT DO IT! No.. not really. But while paying for my can of Pineapple Fanta the clerks were flirting with these fine ladies who just wanted to use the ATM. Godamnit MAN CANT PEOPLE USE THE ATM THESE DAYS!? Zain and Stefan bought Dare Iced Mocha. My wish for Chocolate Milk shots were stolen! And the Pineapple Fanta wasn't even that good.... Im suddenly craving a Dare Iced Mocha.
Anywhom, Bondi was boring so we left and said.. TO RUSH CUTTERS BAY... Little did we know that.. no we werent going to end up at Rushcutters Bay.
No no.. We thought we'd take the adventurous way because well... theres two hours left til the new year why not take a risk for once. No crossing the road when the light is flashing red is not a risk, but taking a left turn for no reason IS. So we're heading towards the coast, hopefully find a road that would take us to Rushcutters bay. Then we see it. By holy moly jeebus on a 2 legged stool.. we saw it. An upwardly Slanted and ever so steep hill.. and we wonder what is on the other side of this hill. Could it possible be the Candy Mountain, full of butter cups and jelly baby gum trees? Only one way to find out, says Zain who takes a sharp turn and then makes his way up this hill. We struggle a little bit, the car's weight wasn't on our side and a little thing called gravity was also being a bitch. But we made it and on the other side we see.... houses. But we continue our adventure through this rich suburb because we are losers and have nothing to do in the final hours of 2009. We follow the small roads, swerving in and out of the intense traffic of a quiet suburb. Then we look to our left and see lights in the distance. A space ship maybe? No, it's the city. We are at Dover Heights and we see the most magnificent view of the harbour, the city and the tower. And we say... "This Is It". Please i did not mean to copyright a certain Pop King's movie name, it's just coincidental and Zain's fault. We find ourselves a nice parking spot and look for a good spot to chill with a view. Zain charges ahead while me and Stefan and i admire an Itallian villa looking house which has an eagle statue on top. Really nice looking. Stefan and i thought, these are all rich people up here.. we won't we can't we shouldn't fit in. We earn Less than 100 a year, BEFORE TAX! So we hang back in the shadows away from all the commotion of Military Park. Then Zain comes back from wherever he disappeared off to and we asked him isnt he paranoid that we dont belong here either. To which he replied "Which is why i went down there, i saw My People" (My People = Large facial features) We found our spots but had an hour left to go til the new year dawns on us. Plus Zain and I needed to chuck a whizz. So we did the usual bad boy thing, cause we're bad boys. We committed a crime. Women stay back, theres not enough of this bad boy to go around. And yes... i once killed a man, just to watch him die..... in GTA. I wont say what crime we did but it involves a tree and us needing to go toilet. Stefan was our lookout. We succeeded.. cause we've done this before. Once again ladies, one at a time, i know im bad and its sexy.
Wow this is an esssay of an entry.
So we go back to Zain's car to listen to some tunes until its time to watch the works. We heard some love song dedications, ABBA, Noughties music, some house, and someone yelling "If your single pat yourself on the head for a midnight pash"... to which Stefan, Zain and I patted our heads. Then gave each other awkward looks... not that it was awkward... pfft we're just three guys... out on the town, chasing ladies and boobies and sex and stuff...
It was then time to leave the car so we sat under a tree on a hill somewhere. At the bottom of this small hill were a bunch of foreigners and to our left a guy making himself puke. It was really pleasant. One of the foreigners was speaking on his phone and it was annoying Zain. Zain is easily annoyed, a Chicken Burger without 29 Sesame Seeds annoys him. So he threatened to roll his basketball onto this foreign mans head. Why!? Because the man had been on the phone for over 20 minutes and thats bad. Anywho the time finally came to watch the fireworks! Which were honestly... Mediocre. Either cause it was too far, or cause the Coogee Fireworks made them boring or because we were next to a bunch of drunk ladies who had just finished puking.. i dont know but the fireworks didnt have that OOMPH factor. Plus there was no countdown.. DAMNIT WE WANT A COUNTDOWN. This year's fireworks were accompanied by a Kung Fu or Karate Logo that Yin and Yang one. Coincidentally Zain's going to start Karate lessons soon. Starting 2010 with a bang i see. Anywhom, we left the works as soon as they were done and drove around the area. Which was gridlocked, seems our secret spot wasnt so secret. It was packed so we stayed around the area, hoping to miss the traffic. We then found some footy field which looked scary from the parking spot. It was dark and we couldnt see the horizon. But as we got out of the car all fear disappeared, this once creepy isolated area seemed cosy and warm. Wierd how that is eh.... and it was kind of boring. Stupid footy field overlooking the sea, why cant you be fun and have a juggling kangaroo or a breakdancing Emu or something! So we got into the car and back onto the traffic. On the way passed some Singing spanish drunk teen girls, some more cars and a truck and bus trying to get passed each other on a single lane road. Blessing in disguise since We were hoping the singing spanish drunk teen girls would walk on by. They didnt. So from there we got kinda hungry and went to my pad to eat. I walked into my house to seee my mom and the "Aunties" conversing and laughing and having fun. It's quiet embarassing to walk into a room full of mommas friends, they look at you like a toddler who just had some sort of a growth spurt. "YAAAYYY HELLOOOO HOW ARE YOUUU LOOK AT YOUUU AWWWW HIIII"..Damnit women im 18, almost 19. I invited Stefan and Zain inside to cook some food and eat. Afterwards we called it a night. Thats how three guys spend new years, unplanned. It's what we do, we tried to make the best of it and we did with the spectacular view.
So Happy Belated New Years Peeps, Hope 2010 brings you all new experiences, fulfilment, fun, wisdom and most of all happiness.
Peace Out, One Love