Written by Fuzz on 5/19/2010 06:50:00 PM

FuZZ Is Listening To - Drops Of Jupiter - Train

I figured, i have a hell of a lot of little moments during the day that are funny, wierd, blah blah.. and i should be documenting them, in a diary or maybe a blog. Look what i got here.. a blog =O I KNOOW RIGHT!?

So sorry Blogger for neglecting you, forgetting you i hope you take me back and give me a large hug =)

I will try not be lazy anymore and write some funny wierd things that happen to me on my day.

SO! Why am i suddenly back, because today i realised Customer Service is really really important. Maybe its because i now have a job i notice these things, or maybe because the people who served us or lack there of were such ASSHOLES. Excuse the language. Cause you feel so much better and valued as a customer if the person serving you is nice, gets along with you, responds or even smiles at you. Something i hope to do when i serve people at my job.

So heres what happened. Today Zain, Julio and I went to the city to catch up, grab some stuff to do, "study" and eventually shop. Into Myer we go,
which by the way im disliking right now the bastards. Julio and Zain, as they usually do, are arguing amongst each other in the mens clothing section, Mens clothing secion means its the sophisticated stuff like sweaters, and scarves (Nothing says sophisticated like sweater and scarves). As they argue they punch and slap each other, we were pretty loud but not SO LOUD we'd cause a ruckus. It was just loud-ish. Having fun whatever. As they argue i catch one of the workers eyes just looking over at us blank face, semi disappointment or irritation (A powerful concoction that results in Bitch), and i think "Hmm... She's pretty hot".. A Bitch Face Employee cant be hot? You Emplycist.. Is that right?

ANYWHO We then left.


Julio has gone, Zain and I return. Looking at some clothes. I see the lady again i say "Hello there" cause i try to be nice and usually customers are always right, or you treat them with the most utmost respect with a smile and hello and a secret handshake. But
NO. This Blank Faced Bitch (BFB), Again sorry about the language, just looks at me then looks on without a smile or anything and no response. I'm like uh okay whatever. 2 seconds later.. TWO Seconds later, i wasnt even out of sight yet i hear the "BFB" say "Hello sir, how are you, how may i help you today?" We turn a corner, i discreetly and quickly look over shes smiling and being all nice to some dude.


I was about to tell Zain about it but to be nice and courteous, i thought i wont talk about this bitch behind her back while im still in her vicinity. Negative Energy is contagious i tried to be nice enough to not release anymore Negative Energy in the air, because this beeyatch had enough bitch gas to create her own star system.

So we continue our shopping there, Zain sees a sweater and picks a few out. Nearby i see some midget hobbit lady look over at us and do that disappointed "Tsk" sound,
You know the one when you push your tongue to the roof of your mouth and suck back.. i dont know what its called shut up im trying to be as descriptive as possible. And NO im not being mean, their customer service was shit and this midget hobbit lady deserves it. We grab the sweaters and she comes over and asks if we need any help. Zain goes "I'm good thanks just browsing."

BUT NO! She didnt hear it because she was busy talking over him about how you can only buy the shirts at this counter, you can only try a few and blah blah blah. Then Zain says "We just wanna grab one more sweater over there" Then she has some bitchy attitude going on and says you can only try it here and a few and blah, whatever i was too busy being angry at Myer. P.S. David Jones is the place to be now. So we go and grab the other sweater and go to try the clothes. "Do we look like thugs" Zain asks me? I seriously doubted we do. I was wearing a Jacket and hoody underneath and had my hair in a combover. Zain was wearing a t shirt and jeans. It was as if they thought we were gonna shoot up the joint. The Change room guy was fairly nice, i asked for a rubbish bin and he was helpful enough to put my rubbish away for me. Although i didn't want him to he had a limp and seemed irritated, i said i'll find one later on "It's okay sir". Afterwards we were like F*CK IT next shop. (P.S. We didnt say F*CK IT, it was just dramatic effect)

Next we went General Pants, Zain said he felt eyes lingering upon him once again and concluded it may have been his bag. I think BS, them bitches were crazy, we always got bags.
The next few shops had better customer service, but i still felt like we were being watched... Prejudiced sons of beetches.

... I'm clearly just ANGRY about bad customer service. It's now a sensitive Subject.

I still like you if you work at Myer, but if your customer service sucks i will SO talk badly about you in my blog... Yeah i know menacing

Peace Out


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