Relax Relax Relax... But How?

Written by Fuzz on 5/21/2010 12:16:00 AM

FuZZ Is Listening To - Under The Sheets - Chiddy Bang

So in my usually busy week i decided i'd take a day off today, stay home, and relax.

I pictured something so relaxing, soothing and nice. Comparedto my busy week of going to and from work or uni, spending time on a bus or train, standing and basically being busy. So when i woke up today i thought "I hope its midday, i want to sleep in".

.. No, it was 8:30, an hour EARLIER than i usually wake up. And i couldnt get back to bed. Stupid Body clock. I can't sleep in, this sucks!

So i get up, turn on the computer, do the usual interwebular rounds, Facebook, IGN, Comingsoon, Totalawesomezone, Gamefaqs, Tumblr and maybe google. Sat there for a few hours, basking in the glory of this infinite amount of free time. 2 hours in... i was bored shitless. Nothing new, nothing great, just bored and with a sore butt. Relaxing really wasnt what it was cut out to be. I then showered and sat around for awhile. Eventually ending up back on the computer. I would've watched tv but my sister in law was watching stuff and it wasnt entertaining. Border security, its more of a torture show than it is entertaining. It freaks me out, and makes me paranoid of going overseas. Who knows what that creepy guy with the moustache does to your luggage once you hand it over!?

So my day of relaxing... was a day completely spent on the computer, eating alot cause i was bored (bad habits, its kind of like fat bastard.. "I eat when im unhappy, and im unhappy because i eat"... except unhappy is bored... sort of.. Wait, how do you get bored because you eat... i totally messed up that analogy).

But yeah, this was my last relax day, i feel i HAVE to do stuff now to get by, its just too boring doing nothing. I think i've grown accustomed to being busy. There was a time when i had so much free time that i had to find things to do. I guess all that free time is catching up to my body and it just wants to be more active. When at work i cant wait for the free time, when i have free time i want to find something to do. Funny how that works, we always want what we don't have. Then when we get it, we don't know what to do with it anymore. I guess the anticipation takes away all the excitement.

But maybe it was beacuse i spent most of the day on the computer and nothing else. That's probably it. I need a hobby, a book or something to keep my busy whilst at home. A Personal Project... What to do.. what to do?

Hmm...Peace Out \


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